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PSXE Poll Update: Twisted Metal Isn’t For Everyone

Twisted Metal is a great game. But it doesn't have quite the widespread appeal it once had.

At least, not according to our recent poll. When we asked who would be picking up the long-awaited reboot on Valentine's Day, the majority said the game simply wasn't their cup of tea, and would be passing on it.

That probably isn't great news for Eat Sleep Play and David Jaffe but hey, it's not a huge poll and the game has met with solid critical acclaim. Therefore, we're really hoping they hit their sales goals; Jaffe was on record saying the title needed to sell over 1 million just so the studio could break even. 2 million+ would be desirable. Good luck! This week, the question couldn't be more obvious: who's getting the PlayStation Vita? If you're not planning to pick it up now, do you intend a future purchase? Or is it just not piquing your interest?

Remember, our early hands-on impressions might help convince you if you're on the fence. 😉

Related Game(s): Twisted Metal

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12 years ago

Ha a minor set back, will be picking up vita some time in march or april. As for TM, yea it def isnt for everyone…controls take a bit getting use to as well as gameplay. some would say it isnt modernized. That being said…I love it. It's getting a patch some time on tuesday says jaffe…and sony is supposedly still working on skin creator issues. Hope it's true as that is very appealing to me

12 years ago

Anyone who enjoyed the other games will and should enjoy the new one.

12 years ago

I'll be picking TM at some point, and I'll be picking up my Vita this Wednesday.

12 years ago

As I said here before, loving TM. FUN! FUN! FUN! But I'm a veteran to the series. So I guess that's accurate to what some people been sayin. Finacial issues are holding me back from getting a Vita. I do have a big profit sharing check coming, if its big enough I might get me one then. But otherwise not in the first half of the year. Also, again because of finances, I have to really think whether or not I should have one. I hate bills *sigh*.

12 years ago

The Skin creator in online now! You can go to and make custom skins for your cars!

12 years ago

Awesome. I'm still playing the campaign. Been busy this week so haven't had much time to devote to games. I'll be hopping on the multiplayer later this week though if you want to hit me up for some online matches.

12 years ago

I've never been a huge fan of TM, so I'll have to be satisfied scraping this road kill up off the asphalt later, on some bombie…I mean balmy…day.

And even if I was a giant TM fan, sorry but my Vita & some of it's games would still have to come first.

12 years ago

awwwww come on people wheres your comradery!?
longest running franchise in playstations history, and one of the VERY few games still exclusive to the family since its creation!
and THIS is how you welcome it!?
for shame!

as for the vita, ohhhhhh dear thats not going to be a big seller is it?
i wont be getting it, simply because well, i already have one as a birthday gift.
but if i dident i still would not be getting it, no f*cking way in hell am i paying 100 bucks more then a ps3, HDMI cable, 4 games, playTV, 2 controllers and a bluray remote!
just for a crappy portable gaming unit.
i never thought id see the day a portable is more expensive then a ps3.
but 100 bucks more!?
even with the ps3 coming with 100s of worth in accessories?
this just in, its snowing in hell, ossama is having dinner with the UN, and hitler is at church with a rabbi apologizing for the holocaust!

12 years ago

Why are you even mentioning the Vita in your post? Considering your are getting one for your birthday nullifies your quantification for not getting one!



12 years ago

not getting, got.
just saying how ridiculously overpriced it is over here!
especially considering we get jack sh*t with it!
no bundles, no first months 3G access, no free memory stick, no games, no early access…….
yet we pay so much more.

Last edited by ___________ on 2/20/2012 7:37:15 AM

12 years ago

I think maybe Mr Anonymous Cowherd needs to take a break from the keyboard, it appears that his mind has been affected by the noise of the keys…

12 years ago

The Vita looks like a great piece of hardware, but I just have no use for a handheld. When I'm out of the house, I'm busy doing things. When I'm at home, I've got a PS3.

12 years ago

Agreed! Hopefully Sony's upcoming phones eventually incorporate the vita functionality into a phone. Not willing to carry around 2 devices + i'm cheap ass don't wanna spend lots of money.

Last edited by Mr_Sterg on 2/20/2012 1:04:34 PM

12 years ago

I know Jack, me too. I do want to buy a Vita at some point, but if I do buy one early enough I will not really see any value coming out of it.

12 years ago

Has anyone heard of someone winning one from the Taco Bell giveaway? There's supposedly one given away every 15 minutes and I haven't heard a peep about someone actually getting one.

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