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FFXIII-2 DLC Features Sazh, New Card Games And Outfits

If you're a fan of Sazh from Final Fantasy XIII – and you have a little crush on Serah – you'll like this new batch of upcoming downloadable content.

Square Enix has revealed that the new DLC is set to launch on February 28; it features an episodic event entitled, "Sazh: Heads or Tails?" and if you finish it, you can add him to your party. It seems they want to make some of the old characters from FFXIII playable in the sequel, provided you jump through some hoops. To get Lightning, for instance, you have to beat her in the Coliseum.

The DLC will will also feature two new card games for Serendipity (Chronobind and Serendipity Poker), and add a couple new outfits, one each for Noel and Serah. Noel gets the Spacetime Guardian costume and Serah gets some Beachware…yeah, that's basically a bikini. The Sazh-based DLC will be available for $4.99 on the PlayStation Store or for 400 Microsoft Points on the Xbox Live Arcade.

I've been looking for some new outfits…anybody know if any exist in the actual game? Or am I really going to have to get DLC for new costumes and stuff? That'll be annoying.

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XIII-2

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12 years ago

$5? Not a bad price so far from the DLC S-E is releasing…then again, the very fact that they are releasing DLC evidently proves that S-E has lost the vision for a true FF title. FF to me always represented a complete experience-not the case this generation, despite me enjoying XIII and XIII-2 for what they were.

12 years ago

Indeed, just the very fact that this FF title has DLC is another reason among a mountain of others why I wont pick this up.

And it's a sad fact in itself that an RPG has DLC… I dunno, just feels wrong to me, but it really comes to no surprise to me that SE is doing this, seems to be the way they do business now, quick easy content to make quick money. The more garbage they put out, the more I miss the Square Soft days…. sigh.

12 years ago

I'm still playing through the game but i havnt found any costumes. Not that i've really looked online to see if anyone else has but id like to believe you can. DLC is nice when it adds to the story of any game…but its a way to make quick buck$. Costumes for example…really? I say lame

12 years ago

I agree with the last statement, considering I bought the Collector's Edition and didn't get said costumes…

12 years ago

Wow SE really decided to take the DLC plunge with this game, and I hate how you have to jump through those hoops to get the SH*T YOU PAID FOR.

Sahz rules though, and a near bare assed Serah is hard to argue with.

12 years ago

It sounds to me that SE has photocopied more than just a few pages out of both, the M$, & Antivision, ultra-milking manuals.

12 years ago

i think the way their doing DLC for this game is stupid for one reason…. by teh tim eyour strong enouggh to beat omega (or lightning) youve already beatten the game… sdo why would i care about new chaarcters at that point?

12 years ago

I know it's not likely true, but all this dlc stuff is making me feel like with a purchase, I'll eventually not be getting a very complete package.

I've been holding off on this game, and it's getting easier to hold off longer.

At this point, it's looking like a solid rent.

12 years ago

I wonder how lengthy that "episodic event" is.
It's probably not worth what they're charging.

I'll still get it, because the game is awesome.
Having Sazh back in my party sounds good, as well as that costume for Serah *wink*.

12 years ago

I wonder if I got the thumbs down for praising XIII-2, or for feeding this DLC extravaganza.
Let me know downvoter, I'm genuinely curious.

12 years ago

I wouldn't let it bother you. Half the time, it's just some bot clicking every link in order. And since downvote is AFTER upvote, bots will always downvote you.

12 years ago

Hmm, I don't know. Sounds unlikely.
Can unauthenticated users rate comments? There has to be some server-side code validating these things.

Didn't really bother me. Just curious really.

12 years ago

Yes I remember this, I walked into the casino and examined the card tables which are already there just to be told this will be avilable with DLC in the future… What the f***! They clearly had the game made before the international release it should be in there already.

As for The costumes, nope, there all DLC aswell, I got the 1st two with my Pre-order… never use them. I have to say though Serah's just looks wrong… Really wrong!

12 years ago

In regards to your Serah statement….


That's exactly what I was thinking… people winking… etc…. *shudder* That's gotta be illegal in most countries.

Obviously, I haven't played the sequel yet and won't for quite some time. But that would have ticked me right off to walk into the casino as you said and be told about the DLC.

That's just garbage.

Can you imagine that happening at the Golden Saucer?

12 years ago

Yeah, I saw some screen shots of Serah's outfit… I'm more into women closer to my age…

Honestly, it's nothing worth getting excited about.

12 years ago


The girl looks like a 15 year old already and the swimsuit doesn't do much to change that image. And, no I have nothing against younger looking women, my girlfriend is Korean and looks young for 30 but Serah looks downright illegal.

12 years ago

I m not a fan of dlc myself but for one , it s a great one .Maybe not if the episodic stuff take like 30 min to finish tho .

Most companies would ask 10 for the exact same thing or would have never bothered to also give new costume and the card game .

I m not gonna buy it until it get a couple of price drop so i ll be able to have even more variety once i do buy it. So i welcome these dlc .

12 years ago

Since I'm waiting a while before getting this game anyways, maybe if I wait long enough, there will be a collector's edition. :p

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