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Assassin’s Creed III Dated, Has Been In Development For 3 Years

Ubisoft is really into this annualization thing.

Although they said they might take some time off before producing Assassin's Creed III (the first to boast a new protagonist since ACII), fans won't have to wait long before diving in again.

According to Kotaku , the French publisher has confirmed that Assassin's Creed III will launch on October 30, which means it'll even be here earlier than the franchise's traditional November release window.

Ubisoft boss Yves Guillemot said it'll be "the biggest launch" in the company's history and in fact, the game has been in development for three years. That's very interesting, because it means a team has been working on it throughout both Brotherhood and Revelations . Right now, we don't know much about this new entry but we're certain that Ezio Auditore is done. So the question now is: what sort of main character would you like to see? And what setting(s) would you like to explore? Me, I always loved Italy; that's still my favorite.

But I wouldn't mind checking out other iconic eras in history. Maybe we could try England during the Knights of the Round Table. Or perhaps we could go even further back to the time of the Vikings' heyday… Who has some good ideas out there?

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12 years ago

The three years in development fact is what makes me happy. I was already looking forward to number 3, but as many have already stated, it can be hard to produce high quality work in such a short (one year) turn around. Hopefully this means we'll get a story mode and game play that is worthy of the Assassin's Creed name. As for the setting I hope it's a time and setting that will be fun to run on rooftops and kill some Templars. I read a rumor that it could be during the American Revolution. I hope this is false. I'd much rather see something more like Feudal Japan that someone else suggested once. I can see a ninja or samurai running on rooftops a lot better than Paul Revere. Anyways, I'm looking forward to some news soon and October!

12 years ago

I think it's time for a female assassin.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Not a bad idea, that.

12 years ago

maybe the woman from assassins creed embers ? you never know

12 years ago

That would be sweet.

12 years ago

Yup, the design for the female assassin in Embers is really good I think… we'll get to see assassins with kung-fu moves~ wicked!! I'm all for ancient China as the next destination~

12 years ago

Imperial Russia, start of the 20th century and the rise of the Bolsheviks… Please Ubi!

12 years ago

female assassin sounds good but desmond better not be the main character. it'll just feel weird. the past assassins creed, desmond "relived" his ancestor's lives. having him do the same as a female assassin would just seem weird for me.

just curious. since the animus came from the templar technology, it should be possible for them to create an assassins like desmond, bleeding effect, on their side. i want to see more of the "current" timeline where desmond is using everything he learned in the animus.

Last edited by johnld on 2/16/2012 1:05:29 AM

12 years ago

There has been a lot of work gone into the design of the female assassin from Embers, and establishing some story around the chinese Brotherhood.

I 100% believe that china will be at least one of the settings for ACIII.

Also, if the protagonist is the female assassin i think we will be introduced to a new modern day protagonist, i highly doubt they would use desmond as the females ancestor, not being sexist, but the whole "man being in a womens body" thing?

Don't forget that Juno mentioned that the female he was destined to meet wasn't with him yet.

Don't forget that Ubi mentioned something about it not being set in just one time period.

12 years ago

"Don't forget that Juno mentioned that the female he was destined to meet wasn't with him yet."
yea i kind'a forgot about that. you could be right. i like the sound of that

12 years ago

It would make sense, remember what Sniper wolf told Snake in MGS. Females are the worlds greatest assassin 😛

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
12 years ago

I'm so glad about the three year development time. Hope we see a significant boost in quality, as we saw in AC II. Can't wait to explore a new civilization.

12 years ago

I know this is a bit out there, but how bout a modern first person shooter/sword blend? It could be based in the near future and it could be based around a "what if" scenario, like the Templars took over the whole US or something.

Sorry, I felt like being creative today 😛

12 years ago

Yeah….I was expecting the thumbs down, it's a stupid idea now that I think of it haha.

But seeing as how each consecutive game has been going more and more recent, I think this game is gonna be nearer to the recent times. I agree with Buckeyestar that a female assassin would be totally awesome.

12 years ago

I'm guessing it's going to be in current times, and we'll be playing Desmond as the main character.
The reason why I think this is because of the whole 2012 thing.

I'd love England to be a setting.
I read about these news earlier today in some other publication, but they didn't mention the 3 years thing. That's a relief, I was scared for a second that the new numerical entry would just be a rehash of all the stuff we've been seeing in the last two entries.

Assassin's Creed is one of my favorite franchises this generation, so I'm really pumped for this.

Last edited by wolfsinner on 2/15/2012 9:50:09 PM

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
12 years ago

The England "Knights of the Round Table" sounds like a very good suggestion. I'd like to see that as well, even though I'm not a fan of the game series, maybe that setting could make me a fan though.

12 years ago

glad to hear its been in the works 3 years. ACB and ACR were fine games but to rushed and weren't a step forward for the franchise the way AC2 was in my opinion.
definitely looking forward to further info hands down my favorite franchise this gen.

12 years ago

New engine please.

12 years ago

Alright, 3 things:

1. What era will it be in? This is one of my absolute favorite game series of all time. Ever since the first game, which although was criticized heavily for it's reputation, I've been entirely engulfed in their fictional worlds and the setting is 50% of what makes this game what it is.

2. It better follow the style of the first 2 games and follow close with the historical references and deaths. The first did amazing, the second was completely awesome, then Brotherhood really lost touch with it. Revelations almost lost it completely. As long as this game follows everything it's set up, it will be awesome.

3. Do something new. The changes that 2 made changed this game for the better and just improved every single issue. Brotherhood tried to add so much and some of it was good. They made the fighting a little simplified, but it was acceptable. It made sense as Ezio improved his skill so he was better at the combat and he could dispatch his lesser trained enemies easier. But again, Revelations kinda killed this by giving you too much to fight with and made out too simple. It tried to counter this by bringing in harder enemies, but that just made it annoying because they were too common. Go back to the basics, and innovate off of that. Don't take everything in the latest game and add even more, just make more quality additions to the original formula.

Last edited by TheIllusiveMan on 2/15/2012 10:26:32 PM

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
12 years ago

I'm sure you meant to type "repetition" instead of "reputation". 😉

12 years ago

Yes I did lol. I'm using Swype on my phone. It looked right, so I continued on as if it didn't happen…

12 years ago

It's gonna have to do something big to not feel like more of the same. Sorry Ben, the series attempts some kind of realism and there were no Knights of the Round Table. Pure fiction.

12 years ago

It's gonna have to do something big to not feel like more of the same. Sorry Ben, the series attempts some kind of realism and there were no Knights of the Round Table. Pure fiction.

12 years ago

OMG stop spamming the site!

12 years ago

Sorry, damn delete button goes away and the site is slower than a donkey when nothing happens for 10 minutes after clicking, sh*t happens.

12 years ago

I'd like to see 1118. The year the Templars were first formed. Or maybe when they were destroyed, in the early 14th century I believe. Though they weren't really destroyed in this franchise. It would be interesting to see how they explain that.

12 years ago

Seeing that Splinter Cell 3 (chaos theory) completely overhauled the series with new graphics engine and huge leap in play(well, at least for Xbox), I can only hope AC3 lives up to UbiSoft Montreal's known potential.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 2/15/2012 11:07:51 PM

12 years ago

I started to feel in Brotherhood that this is more of the same and the revelation furthers that feeling and I don't know how I can be excited about this annualization process with the AC series….an inevitable result for any franchise that is too much too often leads to gradual self deterioration and destruction…

Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 2/15/2012 11:51:12 PM

12 years ago

I don't care for this series.

12 years ago

I love Assassin's Creed definitely one of the best series this gen. I guess we wont see anything until E3.

12 years ago

the fact that they say it was 3 years in the making doesnt sound good for me. they did produce 2 assassins greed game within this 3 year period. this makes me think that they were working on and off on assasins creed 3 like it was a hobby or side project. i would rather have them focus on one game completely.

12 years ago

There are multiple full teams at Ubisoft Montreal and that's not even counting Toronto or Shanghai or France. I'd bet the AC3 team is the one who finished AC2 (count 'em) 3 years ago, while (mostly) separate teams have been making the last 2 games since the release of AC.

12 years ago

Uh oh, I better get on with AC Brotherhood and Revelations quickly, then…

12 years ago

been waiting for this game for 3 freaking years!
i just hope they dont pull a revelations and remove some series features away from us!

12 years ago

I know in the past you complained about not having dual blades, but your hook blade still works like a dual blade.

What removed features are you referring to?

12 years ago

3 yr dev cycle = great news.

An egyptian setting would be cool – ubisoft could do it justice.

12 years ago

Hmm, awesome! My 3rd fav series this gen (after uncharted and forza), an egyptian setting will be very much appreciated ubi, cant wait

karneli lll
karneli lll
12 years ago

Here is an idea, STOP,just stop with the yearly rushed games and lying it was in development for 3 years.

12 years ago

I doubt it's an all-out lie. Since budget reports to stockholders would provide wages paid to folks on certain projects, some random stockholder somewhere would have called foul.

karneli lll
karneli lll
12 years ago

Dont be so naive, it is easy to label resources ambiguously,we did it all the time at my previous job. Its a wonder the business lasted as long as it did.

12 years ago

Yes, and at my organization we regularly transfer costs as well. It's a common business practice, and the law allows for millions of loop holes in the legalities of reporting. I'm not oblivious to these things.

However, stockholders have a say in how the company is run, much like a board of directors or funder in a not-for-profit. They have detailed break downs. In fact, it's illegal in that instance NOT to provide it when asked as it directly affects the budget of all stock holders.

Lastly, it is illegal to flat out lie about the length of time in development like that. It covers far too many things. The ambiguous things they might cover up is how many staff were working? Were they exclusive to the project? How many employee hours were spent per week in the first quarter of the first year? Those things might be hidden.

When development starts (regardless of capacity)? You cannot lie about that. Project start and end dates cannot be fudged legally in any system.

I am not naive. You're merely a little too "chicken little" about this.

By the way, the developers on this project are not in the Ubisoft Montreal office where all the previous AC games were made. Which indicates, quite clearly, I might add, that something has kept the AC staff in Montreal busy. This article claims they are French. And Montreal is not in France.

This supports the idea that they have, indeed, been in development apart from the main AC studio.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 2/17/2012 9:29:37 AM

12 years ago

I would really love to see it set in Victorian/industrial revolution London with the protagonist being a gentleman assassin. The setting is ripe for hiding in the shadows, the climbing of jauntily angled buildings and leaping from chimney potted rooftops.

12 years ago

How about something about the secerts of the C.I.A.? Or KGB? tryin to figure out all the cover ups the pulled over on us all these years

12 years ago

They'll still have to do something regarding the Templars, so that kind of puts in a certain time line, as the Templars aren't as common now. Unless they are going to go the route of making Tom Hanks the New Assassin and do a Davinci Code version of the game in modern times..But in AC2, Ezio had the statues of previous Assassins in the basement of his home, they have multiple stories they can pull from there, and playing as a female isn't a bad idea. They could add in stealth missions where you have to attempt to Poison someone without being seen.

I guess a lot of it will depend on how much more they are going to try and milk out of the original AC story. But with the way they've written the story so far they can go any way they want. It will have to eventually end with the modern day setting, but a lot can happen between the days of Altair and Desmond.

Last edited by CH1N00K on 2/16/2012 9:12:35 PM

12 years ago

So far, AC hasn't had any major plot holes. So Da Vinci Code would be a bad addition. lol :p

12 years ago

3 Year development makes me happy. As if it was just some kind of quick 1 or 1.5 year development, I'd know that everything would AGAIN be 'Quantity over Quality' Revelations made it blindingly obviously that they just packed so much crap in that game to keep you merely busy. Yet it never was that of quality, everything just thrown in your face, it means more playtime but it also was very unpolished to me.

Well, beyond that, wonder how an AC game would look on Next-gen consoles?

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