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Will There Be A Reckoning Sequel? “Oh Yeah,” Says Schilling

If you're enjoying Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning , you'll be happy to hear that a follow-up effort is likely.

In an interview on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, 38 Studios founder and ex-Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling confirmed that a sequel to his new game is probably gonna happen .

The exchange was simple: Fallon said, "I bet there's gonna be a sequel," to which Schilling replied, "Oh yeah." He added that this studio "was built to be something that stays around and becomes huge." Also, don't forget that 38 Studios is cranking on an MMO; we don't know much about it right now, but it's code-named "Project Copernicus." Schilling has always been into MMOs so it's no surprise to hear this piece of information…yeah, a professional athlete into hardcore gaming. 'Tis true.

Hopefully, Reckoning will do well on the sales charts. It's meeting with moderate critical acclaim and the good news is, those who love it really love it. That's the kind of support a studio can use going down the road.

Related Game(s): Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

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12 years ago

i LOVE it 😉

12 years ago

I love it too. Pure love. This game is about to become "my personal Dark Souls" when it comes to fan love. It's almost a relief to hear a sequel is for granted. 🙂

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/15/2012 1:05:00 AM

12 years ago

why is it that awesome games like heavenly sword and enslaved get left in the dark, and crap like this gets sequel after sequel after sequel?
sigh, theres no justice in this industry!

12 years ago

Crap? Geez.

12 years ago

You know, I come on here every day to read intelligent articles and read interesting comments. Every time I see one of your comments, its nothing but whining. Dude, get a life.

12 years ago

maybe craps a little harsh, but on the list of games that deserve sequels this is certainly towards the bottom!

12 years ago

Opinions are like A$$holes everyone has got one. The game rules!

12 years ago

My…. uh… "opinion" smells like "ocean spray".

12 years ago

I can give my 2 cents as well.

I like the game. With much doubt however. I say this because of mediocre production values (at best), the picking of locks is terible (leave that shit to Bethesda),
the sneaking mechanic is too slow (see Bethesda comment above),
running is too slow given the huge terrain you're given and f course to top it all of you're driven this hype of "the most responsive combat in RPG-EVER!!!!"

Ok. For those who are familiar with the (not so teleporting) Blink ability that replaces your Roll/Dodge move with a teleport (of sorts).

You have to "recover" to your original stance before you can attack again. Responsive? Mmk.

The dialog is…let's just leave it at that.

But then you are swept off your feet with all the cool exploration and finding secret treasures and fighting which sometimes can be so, oh so satisfying.

I'm torn. Torn because mediocrity is not why I bought a PS3. It is not why I smiled while listening to those PR mother lovers saying how insane the Blue Ray is and I certainly didn't buy it to be complaining about a game which at times feels like they just went:
"Yo, are you as tired of developing this game as I am? Yup. Pretty much. Wanna drop it?"

I mean call unreasonable but, when the spiders burrow their way out of ground. There is 1 SECOND gdelay between image and sound. Shit isn't synched, man!

I'm not one of the employees who have pour sweat over this game. So I don't know is my critique (aint worth a shilling) is reasonable. But I'm tired of the, dross that we're given only to be met with a statement which sounds like:


12 years ago

I can give my 2 cents as well.

I like the game. With much doubt however. I say this because of mediocre production values (at best), the picking of locks is terible (leave that shit to Bethesda),
the sneaking mechanic is too slow (see Bethesda comment above),
running is too slow given the huge terrain you're given and f course to top it all of you're driven this hype of "the most responsive combat in RPG-EVER!!!!"

Ok. For those who are familiar with the (not so teleporting) Blink ability that replaces your Roll/Dodge move with a teleport (of sorts).

You have to "recover" to your original stance before you can attack again. Responsive? Mmk.

The dialog is…let's just leave it at that.

But then you are swept off your feet with all the cool exploration and finding secret treasures and fighting which sometimes can be so, oh so satisfying.

I'm torn. Torn because mediocrity is not why I bought a PS3. It is not why I smiled while listening to those PR mother lovers saying how insane the Blue Ray is and I certainly didn't buy it to be complaining about a game which at times feels like they just went:
"Yo, are you as tired of developing this game as I am? Yup. Pretty much. Wanna drop it?"

I mean call unreasonable but, when the spiders burrow their way out of ground. There is 1 SECOND delay between image and sound. Shit isn't synched, man!

I'm not one of the employees who have poured sweat over this game. So I don't know is my critique (aint worth a shilling) is reasonable. But I'm tired of the, dross that we're given only to be met with a statement which sounds like:


Last edited by Ludakriss on 2/15/2012 6:15:44 AM

12 years ago

A sequel? Well sure! Pitch 'er right down the middle, buddy!

12 years ago

Well if I could send a telepathic message to Mr Schilling it would be;

Make the character rendering and customization an order of magnitude better and you have a sale here. Oh, and it would be *nice* to have an option to tone the blood down…

12 years ago

I'm gonna check this thing out, the demo was tolerable and everyone says it gets better. Gotta wait on a significant price drop tho.

12 years ago

So happy to read this! I am 17 hours in and it's way better than I thought it was at 10 hours in!

12 years ago

35 hours in , only done half of the first zone ( doing everything ) and loving it . 200 hours to do everything was certainly not an understatement .

Still can t believe some would dare say it s crap or that the production value is mediocre at best .

Might as well be blind and say the color blue is a mediocre color .That s how much clueless you guys are to what either means based on you re comments.

12 years ago

after ME and skyrim i need more from my RPGs

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