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Metal Gear Online Calls It Quits In June

One of the incentives to purchase Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots was so you could try the franchise's first attempt at online multiplayer.

It was called Metal Gear Online and quite a few hardcore fans enjoyed the experience. It was certainly a refreshing change from the standard online military-based style, which of course revolves around the first-person shooter format.

However, we hope you got your fill, because Konami has announced that MGO's servers will be shut down permanently on June 12. The Online Shop will be closed on March 21 and as of April 24, you won't be able to create and register new characters. But something else happens on April 24: Konami will make all MGO expansion packs free so if you want a last-minute rush of fun, download away. It wasn't a bad run; MGS4 and MGO launched back in 2008 so the end result is a four-year span of stealthy, sneaky multiplayer goodness.

Sure, it had its problems but then again, what online multiplayer experience doesn't? Now, though, we just wanna hear about MGS5…

Related Game(s): Metal Gear Online

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12 years ago

Wow..I played MGO from the beta and after the game released. Haven't played it in months but never crossed my mind that they'd shut down the servers…people were truly sleep on MGO.

12 years ago

Yea, MGO was a fun fun game, but I think a few reason people didnt play it were because, they didnt know about it, or because it had an online shop attached to it, or perhaps cause it was a PAIN to get going.

Either way, I'm sad to see this title go.

12 years ago

I never actually got around to trying it out (not a big fan of online mp in general.) I guess I'll have to act quick, just so I can experience it.

12 years ago

I read a news article today stating that Kojima assures a 2013-2014 release window for MGS5. Thought you guys would've been the first to know 😛

12 years ago

i never played it cba with going though the hassle of making an account but thats to bad for the fans i know some people who play it

Red 5
Red 5
12 years ago


Mmm Ben, MGO was in Metal Gear Solid 3 – Subsistence. So, MGS4 wasn't the "first attempt at Online Multiplayer".
From April 24th to June 12, I will play that amazing Multiplayer experience, with all the DLC for free. Its a shame this game is full of "ladies" who don't want to "fair play".
Red 5.

12 years ago

Lame. I just started getting back into it this week.

12 years ago

Nooo, the funny thing is that i didnt know until 5 months after i finished MGS4 that the game got the MGO, but it became one of my favorites online games ever even if i only put 75hrs into it.

12 years ago

I thought MGS3 back on the PS2 was their first attempt at online multiplayer? I heard that the servers was shutdown in 2007.

12 years ago

Yeah, MGS3: Subsitense did, it was funny when they allowed people to play as Rumble Rose characters in it.

12 years ago

Wow, that sucks. And It's 2 days off my birthday. My friends aren't going to be very pleased when they hear this news that's for sure.

12 years ago

🙁 I haven't had a workable internet for awhile, in 5 days I was wanting to return to this.

12 years ago

meh, good riddance.

love metal gear, but MGO was such an awful online system (DIE KONAMI ID System).
im just happy i never paid for DLC.

plus konami online downloaded way too slow compared to my usual PSN connection so forget trying to update Metal gear with those 2 and 3 gig patches.

12 years ago

All of your complaints have nothing to do with how fun the game is when you actually play it so no, not good riddance.

12 years ago

yea, konami should have just used the same system every other game uses through PSN.

and i never said anything about the gameplay, im sure it was great. but the online konami ID system, serious barrier of entry.

12 years ago

That we agree but they did make improvements over the years such as connecting your PSN account with your Konami ID to purchase DLC.

12 years ago

There was 2 ways you could download the patch for MGO, one was Peer, to peer. And the other was HTML <– Which this one is wayy faster and was recommended, it didn't take long to download the patch, it was fast.

12 years ago

Damn that suck, because if you ask me this is the best online competitive game of this generation on consoles. I loved it and I guess I'll squeeze out those last few months.

12 years ago

sad, but as the saying goes all good things must come to a end.
sadly bad things never do.

12 years ago

Nooooooo! I admit I've been lax on Axel Cross cuz I'd been playing other games (A friend said she was better than me since she had more trophies, so since I couldn't really get new games, I'd been getting the few trophies I had lefton other games… Da** you Bioshock 2 for your Rank 40, Ninja Gaiden cuz I'm still stuck with just Ult Nin 1 & 2 left, SSF4:AE for being such a pain in my arse, and so on, and on, and on…

MGO was a pain to download, but it was the first Online shooter that I could fully be stealthy. Countless people have fallen to my trapdoor spider tactics, grabbed and dragged into the shadows by me after setting up not so obvious bait and hiding in the dark corners, while in my second home… the box. Btw by bait, I don't mean the not-so nudey mags, and seriously, I installed a flatscreen in my box to go with the PS3 that came with it. 😛

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