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Composer Jeff Broadbent Creates Music Score For I Am Alive

A game such as I Am Alive requires a fantastic atmosphere that contributes to immersion, as the player must believe he is in a life and death situation.

And as most gamers are aware, a great soundtrack is critical. Ubisoft has announced that composer Jeff Broadbent has created the music score for the studio's upcoming survival-based title, which is scheduled to hit the Xbox Live Arcade on March 7 and the PlayStation Network in "Spring 2012."

I Am Alive follows the story of a man looking for his wife and daughter after a cataclysmic event leaves the world in shambles. Society and civilization are crippled and the general pervading sense of "every man for himself" is palpable. The music really needs to shine to emphasize and enhance the experience, right? Said Broadbent:

"Creating the score for I Am Alive was an exciting undertaking. The unique nature of the game allowed for a very creative and experimental approach to scoring. After first hearing of Ubisoft's concept and direction for this title, I knew it was a project that would allow for creative freedom and exploration."

He goes on to say that "a sense of environmental desolation was essential in crafting the aural landscapes" of the game, which means the music you will hear will be often "ethereal" in tone. We have often said that music is one of the most under-appreciated aspects of a video game, as it doesn't get as many headlines as graphics, and doesn't grab many lines in a review. But when it comes to I Am Alive , we think everyone is going to notice the soundtrack…

Related Game(s): I Am Alive

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12 years ago

Gamers dont realise how much of the atmosphere comes from the soundtrack. I cant wait to hear how he interprets the feel of the game!

12 years ago

i REALLY want to like this game!
no i REALLY want to love this game!
hopefully it gives developers the confidence and courage to strive away from the norm and do something different.
but ubisofts quietness on it, it constantly being delayed and being totally remade over studio to studio to studio im not exactly holding my breath.
please oh please dont let this be another one of those awesome idea poorly implemented games!

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