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Fighting Fans, Gather Round: Who Wants MK vs. SF?

Okay, so we're already getting Street Fighter X Tekken and Tekken X Street Fighter . But the possibilities are endless, right?

Crossover fighting games are nothing new, and let's not forget that Mortal Kombat has tested those experimental waters as well; you may recall Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe. And while last year's MK reboot met with a bit more success, developer NetherRealm has been looking for ways to branch out and expand the series. They're also planning to attempt new IPs if recent rumors are any indication.

But for a moment, just try to imagine "Mortal Kombat vs. Street Fighter" (or vicey versey). The gaming world got to talking after MK guru Ed Boon posted up the following Twitter update :

"@sethkillian Yes, great catching up with you too. Looking forward to our first MKvsSF meeting. 1st order of business: MKvsSF or SFvsMK. ;)"

Obviously, that's not an official confirmation and based on the tone and context, Boon is most likely kidding around. But it doesn't seem out of the realm of possibility, does it? And what do the fighting fans think? Is this something they'd like to see? Or would they rather the iconic MK characters take on a different established roster?

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12 years ago

SFvsMK makes more sense than SFxTekken. They both are/started out 2d and both have mostly projectile based move sets.

Ryu/Ken/Dan vs Sub-Zero/Scorpion/Reptile

Last edited by cLoudou on 2/12/2012 10:12:30 PM

12 years ago

I'd buy it.

12 years ago

I remember fighting that battle verbally "No way man, Mortal Kombat is the better game" I have no clue how you could make those two fit in reality.

12 years ago

Im Not Feeling It Either Homie

12 years ago

I'll probably get the Mk version if they actually do it. The SF version probably won't have fatalities.

12 years ago

neither will have fatalities if capcom has anything to do with it

its just like what happened with mk vs dc, WB didn't want their iconic superheroes killing people

12 years ago

ummm the MK characters had fatalities in mkvsdc the dc characters dint

12 years ago

yes they were watered down not as violent fatalities

weak fatality =/= real fatality

12 years ago

concept seems cool, but it will probably fall short of awesome as did mk vs dc

mortal kombat isn't the same without the violence

12 years ago

id much rather MK deception 2, or even better that fire and ice game that got canned.
i mean come on who does not want to play a shaolin monks styled game but staring sub zero and scorpion!?

Last edited by ___________ on 2/13/2012 12:54:59 AM

12 years ago

I've been waiting for this to happen 16 years now…Two of my best fighting franchise to go head to head.

12 years ago

Firstly I'm sure capcom would want to do away with fatalities if the project were even an option, which blows and SF characters aren't even heroes, they're just tournament fighters.

Either way I'm not into crossovers, and I was never very into SF, but they're golden days of rivalry would probably help them hype it up easier than other crossovers.

12 years ago


12 years ago

No thanks. I just don't see the two mixing well. Sure they're both great fighters but they're both so different. You couldn't put them together without sacrificing key elements of each.

But who knows. I thought (and still think) MK vs DC was a terrible idea, but it did alright. I still have no interest, but there seems to be a market for crossovers like this.

12 years ago

god no im tired of seeing sf vs something id prefer either a better mk v dc or mk v slasher films i mean they already tested freddy

12 years ago

Ive been wanting a MKvsSF since SF2… I mean theyve been rivals all that time (back in SF2 days mortal kombat was its main fighting game competition… though i figured it would never happen due to different companies.. but with SFvsTekken (which in the pass Tekken's ad campaigns used to take shots at the SF series) the hope of seeing an SFvsMK sounds doable now… the question is.. will it actually be done…. also dying to see a Marvel vs DC game too.

12 years ago

It sounds cool on paper and lots of people probably dreamed up good fights in their heads, but in actual implementation I am all but certain it would fall short of expectations.

I doubt that there would be the blood and gore that is a staple in the MK universe. MK has always been more about brutal hits and specials and always seemed like a much faster paced fighter whereas SF seemed more about reversal and combos and was much slower paced in my opinion. Yeah, I know that SF has specials and big hits but the two fighting styles seem pretty far removed to me.

I don't know, maybe it could work, I just don't see it meshing well though.

12 years ago

MKs combat system is a joke, but admittedly I haven't played it since MK3.

Plus, gore pornography grosses me out. It's… unnatural. 🙁


12 years ago

Maybe a killer instinct/Mk crossover would be better.

12 years ago

I much rather have a new Killer Instinct but i would gladly take a MK vs KI instead .KI would really fit into the new MK combo system ( the combo work basically the same after all ) .

Man , just saw you re comment . I love you Havoc :p

12 years ago

hi everyone , it sounds good but i dont see it happening . i dont see how it will work. i'd buy it , if not capcom the makers . they are known for ruining these kinda games. MVC anyone ?

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