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Capcom: RE6 Is Still Horror, Just A New Type Of Horror

There's still a lot of debate over what Resident Evil 6 actually is .

After the debut trailer, hardcore fans called it straight-up action with zero survival/horror. But Capcom claims that isn't true and labeled the game "dramatic horror." Now, in a recent IGN interview , RE6 producer Yoshiaki Hirabayashi said Capcom is attempting to please all fans of the series by focusing on both horror and gameplay elements. Essentially, the game will "provide a multitude of different horror experiences for everyone." Said Hirabayashi:

"We don’t feel there is a mismatch between the horror element and the scale of the story. As you were referring to, horror is that 'one moment of absolute terror' where the player feels vulnerable. However we don’t feel that true horror is confined to just what is on the screen. The story, scale, environment, and even relationships between the characters all play a part in creating a true horror experience."

So, are the purists willing to give him the benefit of the doubt? It's certainly possible to make a creepy, frightening game within a more action-oriented format. Of course, it won't feel like the old Resident Evil titles but then again, how could it? We gotta move on, right? …or wrong?

Related Game(s): Resident Evil 6

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12 years ago

He's just throwing around words to justify the lack of actual survival horror in the RE series for close to a decade now. Mark my words, RE6 will have more in common with RE5 than any other RE game and that's a bad thing.

12 years ago

I belive that Leon will die and that he is that nemesis alike monster. Death of Leon will be dramatical and bring into gamers hearts a horror that Capcom will not end in killing only one of the popular game charcter (they will kill more characters, like Rowling killed many charcters in HP 7th book).

Last edited by Xzer0 on 2/7/2012 9:58:40 AM

12 years ago

Nope. I actually think the COD quote applied to RE6. Now, it did come from a pretty obscure source….somebody in Capcom's European marketing division. No offense to Europe but I highly doubt this guy has any real clue about what the actual developers in Japan are thinking. He was speaking from the perspective of a marketing person….not the developers themselves. They(the actual developers) did mention "the fear that lies ahead" concept. That's what hardcore Resident Evil fans want to hear. That COD quote the very next day after the trailer was just awful and generated considerable backlash. Nobody wants to hear COD mentioned in the same sentence as Resident Evil.

12 years ago

So true that thing about Marketing Crowd.

We had a videogame conference with people from all consoles and companies last autumn.

The people from Warner actually told us (about LoTr war in the north) Yeah so we also have this new game coming LORD OF THE RING $$. Then we asked: What type of game is it? MarketingMan: Err its medieval! And it's about LOTR ITS GONA BE HUGE. Then we ask: Err what so it's going to be action? Or a shooter? Then LOL MarketingWoman takes the lead: YEAH its going to be a shooter! You will shoot stuff!! It will be awesome!

*Thats when all sales associates facepalmed themselves*

Bottom line, all marketing reps only care about the money part. They mostly (since there might be some exeptions) don't know crap about the product other than IT SELLS or NOT XD

So yeah I believe you Excelsior1. He was probably talking crap to get marketing going lol

12 years ago

Why is the RE6 demo exclusive for the 360 for 2 freaking months? Capcom said it was a "business decision." I'm assuming MS paid for it but it strikes me as odd. Timed exclusive demo? Weird. I really wanted to play the demo to see if there is any horror in RE6. I guess I'll have to be patient but I still think it's a crappy move by Capcom. I think the demo comes out for the 360 in July. PS3 users will have to wait until September because MS is apparently flashing its cash in the demo scene now. It's bad enough they control most DLC with their timed exclusive deals. I really dislike them as a company.

As for hardcore gamer's response to the trailer. It was mixed. Some said it had too much action while others claimed they saw some survival horror in Leon's sections of the game. The reponse after the first trailer seemed to be mostly positive at least for the first day. There were some that complained but they were in the minority for the most part at first.

Capcom has sent mixed signals regarding the RE6. Some European Capcom employee said the dream would be to capture some of COD's market, and it makes sense to have more action.

BUT at the RE anniversary event Capcom talked about "the fear that lies ahead" concept. This was the actual developers speaking not some marketing tool from Capcom Europe so I am trying to remain hopeful.

I think the game will have a lot of action but Leon's sections will be survival horror.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 2/7/2012 11:01:19 AM

12 years ago

Doesn't really matter unless you're planning on picking up Dragons's Dogma on 360. But I agree. It's a pretty stupid and shyster move on Crapcoms part.

12 years ago

You've got to be kidding. Action orientated, timed demo, endless justifications. Capcom can go jump.

Resident Evil will forever be of the past it looks like.

12 years ago

Doesn't matter. Crapcoms not going to get anymore of my money. Ever. I don't like buying used, but they have been so reprehensible this gen when it comes to PS3 owners, I won't be buying any of their games new in the future.

Crapcom = borrow or buy used.

12 years ago

I'm not buying his words yet, I'll wait and see if he's correct or not.

12 years ago

So how many months after release can we expect the Gold Edition?

12 years ago

They'll announce it on Friday.

Red 5
Red 5
12 years ago


Yeah, Man. You are absolutely right. I hate how Crapcom is doing this. I'm still waiting for the TRUE Marvel vs Capcom 3 Game. It's a shame but I wonder if this is going to happen with this game. Resident Evil 6 is almost for sure the last PS3 Game from this Company. I doubt they will have so much time to Split this game.
Red 5.

12 years ago

Well hey…I'll take anything that's considered HORROR…as long as it's not similar to RE5 "HORROR"…which isn't any damn HORROR at all.

12 years ago

I've read that paragraph from Hirabayashi twice and still can't make heads or tails out of it.

Last edited by JackC8 on 2/7/2012 1:47:31 PM

12 years ago

Indeed. He's not making any sense. I wonder if he was drinking when he made that statement.

12 years ago

When I think of horror games, I think of games that actually have horror and atmosphere in them that make you feel uneasy and jump like Silent hill, Fatal Frame, Dead Space, and the ultimate survival/horror, in my opinion, Amnesia. The RE series used to have it's shock moments, but they have since gone in a different direction and I don't see them coming back anytime soon unfortunately.

12 years ago

So what's Capcom going to be planning up their transparent sleeves for R7????

Like giving us a syringe of adrenaline to with R7, so at we'll least feel some small spark of jumpiness while playing the game????

12 years ago

I don't think we should speculate too much until we get more details. From what we've seen it looks more action oriented, but I think they were just trying to come out with a bang when they released that trailer to try to get some attention.

I sure do hope that there are elements of horror, but it's not going to make or break my decision to buy the game as it'll still be a solid high quality action game. I will just have to get my horror fix elsewhere.

12 years ago

If Dead Space 2 could pull it off, there is hope RE6 can pull it off too.

12 years ago

"RE6 is still horror, just a new type of horror."

So, action adventure horror?

Get ****ed.

12 years ago

No, we don't have to move on at all. Resident Evil has been a dormant series to me for awhile, even longer than Final Fantasy.

Red 5
Red 5
12 years ago


I can't do anything but see the "Giraffe and the woman" in RE6 Logo.
I think one of the main "errors" in actual RE Games is the amount of ammo you can collect. I mean, it's ridiculous. Plus, you can buy First Aid Spray and weapons.. lot of weapons (NO Crapcom, this is not The Matrix). I like to play the games "Like a Man" and not "Like a Girl". It's kind of a "Off topic" but, the concept that Naughty Dog is planning with "The Last of Us" is just AMAZING! If only Crapcom..
Red 5.

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