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Schafer Pitched Psychonauts 2, Pubs Haven’t “Taken The Bait”

It's not like he didn't try.

Psychonauts is widely considered to be one of the best games of the previous generation, and certainly one of the most imaginative and creative titles in history. But like most of Tim Schafer's brilliant yet under-appreciated titles, it didn't sell particularly well and hence, no sequel arrived.

But Schafer and his studio, Double Fine, tried. They pitched Psychonauts 2 several times, in fact. Speaking to Digital Spy , the game visionary said he receives "daily requests" for a sequel and he would "love to do Psychonauts 2 ." But sadly, no publisher has said yes to the proposal yet. Said Schafer:

"So it is hard because fans often don't know how the business works, with the difference between a developer and a publisher, it's hard to explain that. I'd love to do that game, but I'd have to convince someone to just give me a few million dollars, that's all."

Schafer doesn't usually do sequels, and he says it's because they would have to "take the place" of an original idea. Sequels in the past would have prevented new and eventually beloved IPs, so you can't have everything, you know? Even so, a sequel to Psychonauts would be amazing. I'm not even a platformer fan and I loved the hell out of the first game.

Someone give this guy a few million!

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12 years ago

It's sad that probably the most brilliant mind in the industry is resorted to working on party and children games nowadays (no offense to his work; I'm sure it's great but I doubt the man that brought us Grim Fandango, Full Throttle, Day of the Tentacle, and Psychonauts really wants to work on that).

I hope he at least finds the time to develop a Psychonauts HD remastering. I already purchased the game on Steam while it was under Majesco so I'd definitely pay money for an HD port to PSN to support Double-Fine.

Never know, it could capture enough interest so a developer may greenlight a Psychonauts 2.

12 years ago

Maybe all us fans could start making a donate pile for the game! Haha. I'd love to see a sequel, and I always try to support DoubleFine where I can. I hope someday someone gives him the money to do it.

12 years ago

I think Schafer would do well to go on one of those funds-raising websites where ordinary people like you & me can donate towards the funding of publishing the game himself, and also be able to do it on his own terms instead of some suit's telling him what to do or how to do it.

Just like the same way the makers of "Indie Movie"(which just won at the Sundance Film Festival) also got their funding to complete their film too.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 2/3/2012 1:42:03 PM

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
12 years ago

How much are we talking about here?

12 years ago

wish he would do a brutal legend 2, that was one of the funniest most unique games weve gotten this gen!

12 years ago

I loved Brutal Legend but the chances of it getting a sequel are dismal at best.
It was one of my very few D1 buys but the outcry of the mainstream kiddies still takes precendence sadly.

12 years ago

Markus Persson, the Minecraft creator, has offered to fund the project. It's up to Tim now if he wants to go for it.

12 years ago

Beat me to it, Geo.

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