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The Last Of Us Gameplay Screens: We’re All Tingly Inside

So far, we've only seen that incredible debut trailer and the only screenshots have been taken from that video.

But as a sneak peek of their upcoming issue, Game Informer has tossed up four in-game pics of Naughty Dog's The Last Of Us .

There are a few notes next to those screenshots; for instance, under the screenshot of a baddie snapping a plank over Joel's back, we learn that weapons will break after repeated use. It's also interesting to note that the backdrop is actually the city of Pittsburgh…well, a post-apocalyptic Pittsburgh, but still. Lastly, if anybody is worried about the Joel/Ellie tandem, Naughty Dog stressed that the game isn't "one long escort mission."

During a brief demo, Game Informer says Ellie was always able to keep up, and never got in the way. That's great news because babysitting sucks. Yeah, I said it. It sucks. However, done correctly, a partner mechanic can be great; I thought a perfect example of how a duo should work was found in Resident Evil 5 . You can hate on that game all you want but Sheva was a fantastic partner. Never had to worry about her.

Related Game(s): The Last Of Us

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12 years ago

Everything except the truck looks amazing. Which only makes the truck stick out even more. Come on, ND, you can make a better texture than that.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

One thing I'm fairly certain of: these are very early pics, and the final result won't look exactly like that. 🙂

12 years ago

Oh definitely. The character models are outstanding, as is just about everything else. If it werent for the terrible truck texture i'd have thought they were pre-rendered bullshots.

12 years ago

Lol. I love how i get a thumbs down for pointing out an obvious shortcoming in the one screenshot.

I'm not going to pretend its perfect just because its ND. People are funny.

12 years ago

Maybe they just disagreed with you. That's always a possibility. When I highlight the thumbs down, the word "disagree" pops up. Maybe they thought the truck was good?

Personally, I don't see the truck in that picture up top that you're talking about, so I just assumed it was a different pick and didn't agree nor disagree.

12 years ago

I gave you thumbs down because out of all the good things these screens have, you focus on one negative issue.

12 years ago

Its pretty damn obvious, it would hard not to comment on it.

It would be like having a 458 Italia with a scratched and mispainted hood. The rest of the car is awesome so we'll just forget/ignore the one terrible part.

12 years ago

I still want to know what picture you're talking about.

And no, it wouldn't really be the same unless the texture you're referring to was an 8-bit NES version of a truck.

12 years ago

No negativity here, why do that anyways? The one with the yellow bridge is amazing.

12 years ago

That's the shot I ended up examining too. Wonder if that area is explorable? And if so, can we enter that factory with the broken windows? I bet there is good stuff and bad guys to be found inside.

12 years ago

I don't know how excited I am about this one. Sure, it's Naughty Dog, and they've certainly proven themselves over the years. I'm sure it will be a great game. I'm just… a little tired of the post-apocalyptic setting.

12 years ago

There hasn't been *that* many post-apocalyptic games lately has there? Fallout is the only ones I recall right now?

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/3/2012 8:55:15 AM

12 years ago

Enslaved is another.

12 years ago


12 years ago

Oh, and Mario & Zelda's Adventures in Apocalypse Land.

…haven't checked to be sure but it probably exists by now =p

12 years ago


Plus any "zombie apocalypse" game, like Dead Island, I suppose.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 2/3/2012 7:08:45 PM

12 years ago

Aha, Rage, of course.

And yeah Fane I was thinking of Dead Island too, but ended up concluding that's not really post-apocalyptic. I do understand why you mention it though. It's on the same ballpark at least.

12 years ago

Looks like a treat. I suspect, though, I shouldn't be getting my hopes up for a more methodical genre by way of design. I think I'm seeing a straight forward action game with expertly produced accompanying cinematic cutscenes from the pics.
But that's okay, Naughty Dog has a cinematic-action game formula that works real well, so I'll be happy with that and I shouldn't be expecting different =)

Last edited by Temjin001 on 2/2/2012 11:04:59 PM

12 years ago

Sweet .. set in the winningest city. I did so many promotional products for so many buildings and landmarks for Pittsburgh that it will be fun playing through this game, seeing something familiar, and saying, "Hey .. wait a minute!"

Super stoked.

12 years ago

Total agree on what ben said. sheva was a good partner!
I wonder if this game can have co op? 😛 it'd be awesome if there was.kinda like the local co op found in uncharted 3!

Last edited by bentl78 on 2/3/2012 1:31:22 AM

12 years ago

Plus Sheva is a hottie(at least to me she is)

12 years ago

Sheva was a hottie indeed. Omg what a beauty. Did you get that extra outfit for her from the DLC too? OMG…

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/4/2012 7:58:46 AM

12 years ago

Sorry Ben but Sheva's AI was completely incompetent. The game is made by naughty dog so yes it will be awesome.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Untrue. Sheva was fine. She may not have killed enough stuff, but at least I never had to worry about her.

12 years ago

Simply mind blowing… The Cell and RSX are bowing out with great pride!



12 years ago

no, you did have to worry about sheva, simply because she kept using the most valuable things at the most inappropriate times!
i had to take all the healing items off her because she would heal me and waste them when i had only 1% of my health removed!
or using a shotgun on a zombie thats almost dead!

back to the game, so cant wait till this releases!
i just hope its allot less linear and restrictive then uncharted.

Last edited by ___________ on 2/3/2012 3:08:13 AM

12 years ago

Cant wait !!!!!!
This is my most hyped game since super mario 64 (lol ya i know). All i got to say is when can i pre-order this bad boy. *drools on keyboard*

12 years ago

… But you haven't even seen any gameplay videos yet?

I love your enthusiasm though. 🙂

12 years ago

lol ik Beamboom but hey its naughty dog i cant help being excited for a game by them. by the way congratulations on ur new baby im sure i'll make a great gamer dad sorry im way late in doing so but uk lol. if u ever get back on ur Ps3 feel free to accept my friend request i would like to game with u if u get the chance.

12 years ago

Cool, Rapture! I'm offline these days, I've moved to a new flat and the new internet connection is not up yet. I'll accept your friends request as soon as I get it!

And thanks! 🙂

12 years ago

Ugh. I know just yesterday I said I wouldn't let the hype get the best of me, but WOW!

Those screen shots look amazing. I wonder if this is a cross-country trip they're on, or just an East-coast thing? Either way I hope they're not in one city for too long. It'd be awesome to see what they could do with cities like NYC or Boston (sorry I have an east-coast bias).

12 years ago

Or Toronto or Vancouver!!!

Oooh, Quebec City would be awesome. The old east part of Quebec City could have SO much detail!


Personally, I think Halifax would have potential for incredible diversity you could never get bored of (no section of a city looks similarly to another.) I might just be biased though since that's where I was born. ;p

Last edited by Underdog15 on 2/3/2012 9:54:40 AM

12 years ago

Haha…sorry I left out our friends from the North with my comment!

12 years ago

It's all about Prince George. There's bound to be some baddies in the Canadian city with the highest per capita crime rate. But then again, I may be biased too because it's my home 😉

12 years ago

lol no worries. Video games always forget about Canada. Especially war games. Something like a MW3 setting would 100% have Canadian military involved. They aren't big like Russia, USA, or Britain, but Canada has one of the mightiest armies in the world. We certainly manufacture a huge portion of the USA's military vehicles, too. Certainly stronger than an African militia. ;p USA forgets how much ass Canada kicked in both world wars. (My great grandfather was in WW1, grandfather and his friends and relatives were in WW2. And Vimmy Ridge was epic!) The Dutch STILL love us for what we did in WW2. They commemorate us every year, still.

Basically, the only hope Canada get's props is if a game is made by a Canadian company or if the company has a studio in Canada. For example: UC2's audio recording was done at Naughty Dog's studio in Vancouver. As a result, there's that bit in chapter 4 about the women in Montreal. lol

Ah well, we're used to it. As Britain's most powerful military commonwealth ally, you'd think we'd get a lil' more love. ;p

lol yeah for sure. You'd think Windsor would have a big crime rate per capita, but it's super tiny. It's right across the river from Detroit, too. Only a bridge separates them. Yet Windsor is pretty uneventful. lol

12 years ago

Pretty excited about this. As soon as I heard the witty banter between the two main characters I knew Naughty Dog was doing their typical fantastic job on it. Probably be a pre-order for me.

12 years ago

As annoying as Sheva is, I completely agree. She isn't useless. She's able to take care of herself (and at times me).

Now, Yorda from Ico though, SHE is useless! I understand that's the point but ugh. I'm doing a puzzle and she's constantly kidnapped (made the speed run unbearable). Her AI gave me problems too as she'd usually climb half-way up a later and then start climbing back down. Ugh.

As long as Ellie can take care of herself instead of being a leech on my character, I'm open to the idea. Can't wait.

Last edited by DrRockso87 on 2/3/2012 10:02:56 AM

12 years ago

Agreed. Yorda is alright as long as you aren't trying to get that speed run trophy. Otherwise…. well…

omfg x200

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Another great partner- Elika in Prince of Persia.

12 years ago

Yorda…who proved that even a helpless companion can work if done right.

I'd also nominate Scree from Primal, though you have some control over him.

edit: I hadn't read DrRock's comment when I first posted. I agree with Underdog, though I can imagine a speed run might prove frustrating.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 2/3/2012 7:20:10 PM

12 years ago

That one I agree with completely… Elika saved me SO many times in that game, and I never had to worry about her. I'm really excited for The Last of Us, it looks quite amazing. Here's hoping it comes out this year and not early next year.

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
12 years ago

Hey Ben,

Have you seen Yahtzee's Zero Punctuation video of Resident Evil 5? Because he pretty much takes the opposite of your position with regard to Sheva.

12 years ago

I'm really hopeful for this game! 😀

12 years ago

I can't wait for this game, guess I'm picking up gameinformer 🙂

12 years ago

Those don't look like gameplay screenshots to me.

12 years ago

There's only three screenshots. they double posted one, lol. And in RE5, Sheva got me killed countless times….

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