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SCV Characters Engraved In A Mountain, Now Officially Timeless

One part of you goes, "oh, come on." The other part goes, "…okay, this is sweet."

For the first time in a long time, the subject line of a press release made me do a double-take. "World's hardest videogame characters permanently engraved on a mountain." Crazy, right?

To celebrate the launch of Soul Calibur V , both Mitsurugi and Pyrrha have been engraved in granite on a mountain in Tanum, Sweden. As the release said, they'll be there "until the end of time." As for the "hardest videogame characters" part, the developers say this new installment is much more difficult than any previous entry…so they wanted a couple characters etched in stone to prove its toughness. Guess it'll be hard to beat Mitsurugi and Pyrrha.

Master Stone Engraver Göran Andersson from nearby Hunnebostrand did the work. He's actually the last remaining engraver on the Swedish west coast who does engravings in nature. His resume includes engravings for golden age movie star Ingrid Bergman and even kings of Norway and Sweden. Said Andersson:

"This is the by far most complex and detailed engraving I have ever performed. But it was very fun to do."

Furthermore, Namco Bandai turned to SavedInStone, who have engraved the same characters on their mountain close to a UNESCO World Heritage Site that's filled with Bronze Age stone carvings. The whole thing is just…surreal. And yes, I know you want pics but for some reason, our system wouldn't accept the ones we got, so check 'em out along with the press release.

Related Game(s): Soul Calibur V

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12 years ago

At first, I was a bit WTF? I was kinda expecting Rushmore….

Seeing the pictures, that's much more cooler. Not too grandiose.

12 years ago

Thats pretty awesome. Im surprised they only chose
two characters.

12 years ago

speechless. I … I .. I've got to get this game now =p

12 years ago

I'm saying *nothing*.


12 years ago

LOL. I feel sorry for you HighLander. :-(. Will you get the game if they reveal Sophitia as dlc?

The Doom
The Doom
12 years ago

"Thank you." 😀

Last edited by The Doom on 2/2/2012 2:14:56 PM

12 years ago

Doom, you're not helping.

Sterg, considering the inclusion of Elysium, the chances of Sophitia returning are zero to nil. The fact that Soul Calibur chooses to appear as a nearly naked early 20's version of another character's mother in order to try to influence them leaves me wondering about whether the character or the developer, or both, are suffering from a weird Oedipus complex. In other words, no I very much doubt I will buy the game on the basis of a possible DLC character. But I also doubt that they will do anything other than unlock an alternate costume version of Elysium with a more chaste outfit that the one I have seen Elysium wearing in various screenshots. And yes, that still makes me sad, because I really loved the Soul Calibur games up to this one.


Last edited by TheHighlander on 2/2/2012 2:33:31 PM

12 years ago

Yea I'm really dissapointed also. SC is my fav fighting game. I agree again with you that I doubt they will do anything for Sophitia or even Cassandra(which my sister loved and I had to create a character creation of Cassandra for her since she was not included but it still does not make up for it). Crossing fingers but highly doubt it. I think its cheesy how they say 1/2 the roster is new but a bunch of them are pretty much knock-offs and therefore why not just include the classics(i.e Sophitia) and add a few new moves. If they are gonna bring new characters they should be completely new not ripoffs. Technically the only truly new characters are Zwei, Viola,and Ezio

12 years ago

Thats pretty darn cool. Wasn't what i expected

12 years ago

I feel your pain HighLander… I'm missing Yun-Seong…

(I will pick the game up if they release him as DLC though… I'm so weak…)

12 years ago

It's always great to see an artisan be able to hone is craft for the world to see for all times.

It's even cooler that it's now been done for a video game.

Next up, I want to see Sackboy up on Mount Rushmore, doing what he does best jumping over our 4 Presidents, LOL

12 years ago

that's it?

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