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Dark Souls Follow-Up May Not Happen

Although both Demon's Souls and Dark Souls enjoyed critical success and strong sales, developer From Software may not get a chance to create a third title.

According to what Dark Souls creative director Hidetaka Miyazaki told EDGE , despite all the positives that came out of the first two games, a third isn't an inevitability. Said Miyazaki:

"We don’t even know if we’ll have another chance. We have the confidence that we can improve from our mistakes this time and create an even better Dark world, but we don’t know if the users will forgive us for the mistakes, so I cannot give an exact answer."

He talks about the frame-rate issues that hindered Dark Souls , and admits there were some "technical difficulties" in making the game. He adds that due to the sheer size of the adventure, it was difficult to get everything to flow smoothly. However, Miyazaki "doesn't mind the growing pains" and given the opportunity, he'd like to make things right…you know, in a third entry. He didn't say that, but we know it's what he's thinking.

Dark Souls wasn't exactly a sequel to Demon's Souls , but will we ever see another "Souls" game from…uh…From Software? …I hate it when studios have weird names that screw with articles.

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12 years ago

To Me, Dark Souls was a beautiful done Spiritual Successor to Demon's Souls. The spirit of the gameplay remained intact, the atmosphere was also relative, though slightly muted in comparisons to the extremes of Demon's Souls, and the difficulty based in memorization and death penalty remained well suited to the changed designs within the worlds presented. Yes, there were some technical issues with frame drops and occasional pop-in, but not more than what I felt playing Demon's Souls; and for the ambitious growth achieved in the world perspective of Dark Souls, it seemed very acceptable.

I might be biased: Demon's Souls is one the most memorable experiences in my lifelong experience of gaming (Started with smurfs on Colecovision at about age 4, heh) and that Dark Souls was able to induce similar emotions and responses even being a second stab at the concept, is endearing to me. Dark Souls is wonderful asterisk to the current generations King's Field franchise, and if that can be improved upon technically without losing the style and emotion of the Souls series, it should be done. But only if…

12 years ago

very well said, two thumbs up!!!

12 years ago

So true!

12 years ago

Wha? there was barely problems, may some balance issues at ppv but I don't do that much.Also they fixed the important stuff imo with a patch that was released a long time ago.

Game pretty much great there aren't real problems like that ''other'' rpg.I would love to see the next Soul games going to Vita and let rest the franchise until the next consoles arrive.

Last edited by Oxvial on 1/31/2012 10:02:00 PM

12 years ago

Wow, talk about being your biggest critic! I have personally had an overall pleasant experience with Dark Souls, but I have yet to play through even 50% of the first playthrough.

I'll just keep moseying through the game and hopefully I don't have any of the aforementioned framerate issues or anything else.

12 years ago

You had it recently? there was an area that got those problems but that were fixed a long time ago via patch.

12 years ago

The only place you'll encounter framerate issues is going to be Blight Town. They really are not that bad, especially with the patches.

12 years ago

I love Demon's Souls, only got to play Dark Souls a bit because it's my brothers copy I've been wanting to put in some quality time with it, and the time I had with it… man it was a serious ass kicking… (me getting mine kicked :/)

12 years ago

Demons Souls was my first Rpg game, prob not the best game to start in a new genre for me but damn i loved it, i loved the dificulty if i died knowing i was close to a new area or a boss i would just want to play more, but i think Dark souls is better imo even tho frame rate can be an issue, i say bring on another souls game

12 years ago

Demon's Souls along with Dark Souls (in that order) are so far the greatest and most addictive RPGs on PS3, if they can be called a typical RPG at all….

A third game without technical flaw will be more than a blessing.

Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 2/1/2012 1:33:56 AM

12 years ago


12 years ago

Sad news indeed! I hope they reconsider!

12 years ago

I'm not too upset about this but I hope they make another one next gen. I think its good to take a break for certain franchises every once in a while. I wish Sony would've added another notch to their belt & published Dark.

Dark souls improved on Demon Souls in every possible way. The difficultly got more balanced, better variety in the levels & the addition of the covenants was a nice touch. Farming is more balanced as well except for when your trying to acquire a rare drop. I've been trying to snag a titaine slab from a Darkwraith for a week now urggh! Lol

Oh yea, & there's more Story in Dark than Demon but they they need to push a little further

Last edited by SoulController on 2/1/2012 8:36:16 AM

12 years ago

I agree. Adding more story would be key to future souls games.

12 years ago

umm couldnt framerate issues be fixed with a patch?

12 years ago

Well , if it is so we get a new King Field , i m all for it .

Otherwise i ll be really sad about no more game like it .They are probably among the top 5 game on ps3 for me and that is even tho i did nt finish either ( have about 60/80 hours of playtime on each one ) .

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