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Soul Calibur V DLC: Classic Music, Fairy Wings, Bikinis

Customization is big in Soul Calibur V , bigger than most any other fighter out there.

And that's why Namco Bandai is planning to release additional character customization content in the near future; expected DLC will include all sorts of cosmetic goodies.

The latest confirmed batch of extras is set for the game's European launch day (February 3), and we'd like to assume North America will get the same treatment. What doesn't arrive on release day will come later via DLC. According to Siliconera , that DLC will include animal heads, kimonos, breastplates, fairy wings, face paint, and even bikinis. Other extras include classic music from previous installments dating all the way back to the original Soul Blade on the PlayStation.

We still want to see if someone out there will bring Sophitia back by delving into the character customization feature in SCV. Just don't give her fairy wings and a bikini…because that isn't Sophitia.

Related Game(s): Soul Calibur V

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12 years ago

So they've prepared animal head, face paint and bikini DLC… but not Talim, Zasalamel, or Yun Seong DLC? wtf…

12 years ago


What a bunch of crap. Screw the fans by removing fan favorites and then give crumbs via DLC, or rather don't. Unmitigated garbage. Project Soul has officially jumped the shark now.

There's really no point in recreating any of the removed character's Ben, since they are not actually the characters. It's all fine and well creating tribute custom avatars in Home and other games, but this is soul Calibur, except for many players the 'soul' has been ripped from the game thanks to the omission of so many iconic characters – including, but not limited to, Sophitia.

As Neurotoxiny suggests, face paint? Bikinis? But not the missing characters. WTF were they thinking? If they think that bikini's are the answer, why not just let Ivy go topless?

Last edited by TheHighlander on 1/30/2012 10:33:18 AM

12 years ago

Who knows. Project Soul may have a long-term plan here. Introduce as many new characters as they can while keeping several others at first, then gradually release the others as DLC, a la Mortal Kombat. Given the fan outcry, I wouldn't be surprised to see Sophitia appear on the PSN sometime in the future.

12 years ago

Oh, and before Mr Aaron and anyone else tries to inform me that the character's movesets are still there or that they still exist as some kind of alternate version or whatever. Let me just head you off at the pass and say that in my opinion, and for me, those are crap excuses for crap decisions. I'm sure that Setsaka fans will be flocking to play her – except it's just her moveset with a male character, so perhaps not.

Hipster, considering how negatively I view this game now, there's a snowball's chance in hell that they can regain my fan loyalty.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 1/30/2012 10:57:42 AM

12 years ago

What's the point of bikinis if there's no Taki or Sophitia to fill them?

12 years ago

Fair enough, Highlander! Fortunately for me, this is the ONLY fighting game my wife likes playing, so this will be an immediate must buy for my household. ^_^

12 years ago

They need the Teen rating. (why not just let Ivy go topless?

12 years ago

highlander, you've already made ur point ages ago, i could care less whether you get the game or not. just move on like you say you are.

In the previous SC5 post, you mistook my words when i said 'setsuka's move set is in the game with sophie's son'. You claim i find it amazing, but actually i don't. I think its lazy on the devs part to have movesets for characters but not find the time to actually put that character on the game. This is an issue a lot of the players at 8wayrun dot com are having with Devil Jin. His moveset is on the game but not his character, or someone standard with his moveset.

On topic: namco's handling of dlc has been atrocious this generation, i expect them to keep it up unfortunately

Last edited by aaronisbla on 1/31/2012 1:31:22 AM

12 years ago

Why not move on? Hmm… let's see, perhaps because I really love Soul calibur games and am incredibly disappointed and annoyed by this installment? Seems like this is a comments section, and so I should let my opinions flow…

12 years ago

Lazy developers or not, my wife is picking it up today. A battle of swords and souls will soon find its way into my living room.

12 years ago

why not move on? because you've said repeatedly that you're not getting the game and that you would move on. simple really. And next time, try not assume i said something that i didn't.

And lets not get on 'trolling' here. i never would have responded to ur post had you not mentioned my name. If you are annoyed with my post, you brought it upon yourself when you mentioned me in a snide way

Last edited by aaronisbla on 1/31/2012 2:41:01 PM

12 years ago

Those things as DLC suck.

12 years ago

Exactly! I want character dlc!

12 years ago

Character DLC suck as well. They should be in the game to start with. Smart though if they were as most diehards will snatch up classic characters.

12 years ago

More stuff that should have been in at launch.So tired of this crap . At least wait a month so it s more plausible that it was not made before release .

12 years ago

I'm actually glad they're providing dlc. It's funny that you guys are complaining about this: if it's customs equipment, it should be in from the start; if it's a character they should be in from the start. You don't have to buy it and you're not inclined to have anything they provide.

And to those of you who complained about a character that didn't make it in, just pick up a new fighter. The series doesn't suddenly become bad once a favorite is out. I liked Seong Mina and since she's not in, I'm picking up Xiba. Some of you are just too emotionally attached to these characters, especially ones from a fighting game.

Last edited by sonic1899 on 1/30/2012 4:01:58 PM

12 years ago

I bet you can't wait. I swear SCIV is what you're playing for more than half the time you're on.

12 years ago

hear hear!

12 years ago

that last comment of mine was to Sonic 🙂

SCIV was cool, I loved it.. but it was missing direction, I have a feeling that has been rectified in this one, well.. I hope it has.

but for me Fighting games are one of those rare games that most reviewers imo do not review correctly. as I have said in a previous post and many many times on the forum.. for me its all about how tight a fighting game is, the styles.. the moves. you know like Choy Lee Fut is to Wing Chun.. its important to me that these devs get it right, and imo they do with SC and Tekken.

but I know that most of the reviews will focus on the story, which is important, but not crucial, and most importantly they will be reviewing the characters that did and didnt make it in, the lip gloss to the whore underneath.

so before I will buy I will go to other forums where they play these games for the fact that they are good fighting games, and I will listen to what they have to say.. and so far from what I have been reading, its good news. so I think I will be picking this up fairly soon.

12 years ago

one of you guys told me that I didn't care about characters being removed.

I think its wrong for you to assume things about me when you don't know what i stand for.

I have have been making petitions to bring back Hwang and Li Long back to Soul Calibur. They were brought back in Soul Calibur III:Arcade Edition along with Amy.

Amy made it into Soul Calibur IV, with Hwang and Li Long nowhere to be found.

Now, Soul Calibur V made the unnecessary decision to shuffle the cast up.

We lose
Amy (style)
Sophitia (kinda)
Kilik (style)

So now not only do i have to beg them to bring back Hwang and Li Long, but now i have to add all these unnecessary removals to my complaint list.

The leaked final row caused a damn uproar in the Soul Calibur community. PEOPLE WERE FURIOUS. The reveal that Setsuka returned as a recolored Patroklos, and Pyrrha gets another slot with Sophtia's moves despite already being a varianet of her.

Kilik and Sophtitia? They just mimic people! Three mimics in one game is totally unnecessary!

So i am not happy with Soul Calibur V, and i am NOT purchasing it today.

I will buy it used at half price and wait for them to release the removed characters as DLC.

So I am angry, just like you!

Last edited by Laguna on 1/31/2012 6:26:57 AM

12 years ago

That would be Highlander…

Last edited by aaronisbla on 1/31/2012 6:45:51 AM

12 years ago

Thanks Aaron, I can represent my own comments, I don't need your assistance.

Laguna, I said I didn't think you understood because in your previous post you appeared to be saying that so and so was here because their move set was in the game, even though it was with a different character. It appeared to me that you were essentially saying that just because a character wasn't there, people should stop complaining because the moveset is still there. It's not an assumption about you, it's a comment based on what you'd written.

Setting aside Aaron's desire to troll me, it sounds like you're about as annoyed as I am at the game. My apologies for not understanding your frustration, I just didn't at all read that frustration in your previous post.

12 years ago

dude, no one is attempting to troll you. You truly aren't worth the time, Sorry bro. You mentioned me by name above and we havent talked about this game in months. If anyone was attempting to troll, that would be you.

Laguna mentioned something that happened in the last sc5 post, and all i did was mention exactly who he was referring to. Truth can't be considered as trolling

Last edited by aaronisbla on 1/31/2012 2:37:45 PM

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