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Capcom Labels Resident Evil 6 As “Dramatic Horror”

The survival/horror genre may be dead. Or perhaps it's just undergoing a simple name change or re-branding.

Resident Evil 6 was recently unveiled and with the debut video, it seemed clear to gamers that more action was the order of the day. Capcom then stated it only "made sense" for RE6 to have a bit more action.

Therefore, the die-hard fans are saying Resident Evil just doesn't qualify as survival/horror anymore. Capcom would agree, because according to executive producer Hiroyuki Kobayashi, RE6 is being called "dramatic horror." . He added that the game is by far the most ambitious in the series, and the end result will boast a "larger world" and a "deeper experience." It certainly sounds entertaining; we just hope the creepiness hasn't been replaced by nonstop in-your-face gore.

We can get that from God of War , after all. Survival/horror has always been a very unique genre, one that really makes your skin crawl. RE6 seems to be going for something a little different…

Related Game(s): Resident Evil 6

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12 years ago

I think if people accept that RE has abandoned its survival/horror roots (which yes is very disappointing) and go into the game with an open mind they will probably like it. I'm still confident capcom can produce a good game.

Let's just hope someday they feel like going retro, but for now might as well try to enjoy what we get.

12 years ago

I agree, if you pretend it doesn't have the Resident Evil name on it it's probably a decent game like RE5 was a decent shooter.

12 years ago

Capcom is being honest about it and thats a good thing! Reminds me of Kitase when he said XIII wasnt a jrpg before the game released.

12 years ago

Yay….they're being honest about raping what was once a great franchise…yay!!!!

12 years ago

All I know is that this "dramatic horror" has me interested.

12 years ago

So no more tank controls?

What's more dramatic than being attacked by a huge spider from behind and using tank controls to turn around and aim up to shoot it in the head? =)

12 years ago

Hope they fix the controls

12 years ago

Tank controls died with 3

12 years ago

I liked the headline for this article. Capcom has also talked about "the fear that lies ahead" concept in RE6 at their recent Capcom event so I'm hopeful,

hehe. The fear that lies ahead is it will be anything like RE5. The single biggest dissapointment of this generation for me.

Dramatic horror makes me think of The Walking Dead for some reason and that's not a bad thing at all.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 1/26/2012 11:50:53 AM

12 years ago

I don't care what they call it, it looks like RE5II.

12 years ago

do you know what i want from re?
besides wanting a release of HD versions of all the gamecube releases (wer already getting the wii games at some point) but besides that i want resident evil 4 gameplay on current gen graphics with feel of shitting yourself while playing the originals
(number one enjoyable thing was the atteche case in re4 …re5's little storage way was really dumb

come on capcom dont let me lose faith in you
the demo for revelations was awesome please release it for vita as well

12 years ago

the new game looks much more action packed, but it looks much more intense than 5. It reminded me of a serious left for dead. I think it might work.

12 years ago

Gay, I'm sure it makes sense from a financial standpoint but… no this game is not for fans of any kind of horror.

12 years ago

Ah…you're one of those people that throw the word "gay" around as a negative.

I do too!!!

12 years ago

I'm only PC when it's necessary, around my compatriots it isn't.

12 years ago

I love you

12 years ago

…sorry but some of us don't even consider this to be horror.

I mean…RE5…wasn't……..scary…at …all.
So this one…will just be…another 3rd person shooter.

I hope I'm wrong though.

12 years ago

I don't think anyone can really speak to how this game will be with the horror until we see the demo that's surely gonna be at E3.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

Hmm… I'll judge the horror of it when I play it. Drama is good though, I like that idea. The trailer screamed action to me, though, and I'm hoping that that doesn't dominate the entirety of the game.

Russell Burrows
Russell Burrows
12 years ago

So we get something like Vanquish that is a good or ok action game but has little to do with either survival or horror???

Capcom why??
Why mess with a formula??

Its like changeing a slow rock song to add some death metal and then add more death metal until its only death metal and has lost everything that it once stood for.

12 years ago

Can someone explain to me is this separate title from Operation Racoon City? I'm a little confused.

Last edited by THEVERDIN on 1/26/2012 6:23:39 PM

12 years ago

Yes this is completely seperate from Operation Racoon City. Racoon City is being made by Slant Six. RE6 is being made in house by Capcom themselves. 2 seperate games.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 1/26/2012 7:10:13 PM

12 years ago

Huh…why would that be?

The so called "haters" have been voicing their issue with a once great survival horror franchise continuing the plunge to action. As with RE5, RE6 looks to continue this trend and this article only confirms the "haters" suspicions even more.

12 years ago

Well , here's to hoping Capcom won't make 6 into a Dramatic Horror Comedy Of Errors

12 years ago

dramatic horror?
oh good, i did not know i was on my way to see a musical!
sigh, oh crapcom how i hate thee!

12 years ago

Havn´t you noticed that new nemesis is looks like Leon Kennedy. I think that Leon will be killed and turned to nemesis and this wiil explain why capcom calls it dramatic horror.

12 years ago

Not a chance of that happening.

12 years ago

After RE 4/5 I personally find the game falls into the "boring snooze fest" genre… I love the old REs, they kept me on the edge of my seat, but since #4 they have been severly disappointing as either a "survival" or "horror" game…

12 years ago

I will always love RE1 most of all, the dogs busting through the window after tip toeing around a creepy mansion, my best bud wets himself and cries about it, one wrong move and you're dead situations. It's calling for you to come back capcom… Just Do It! Hail SURVIVAL HORROR! Drama is for the meek and light hearted. I WANT to have nightmares, I WANT to be afraid to resume gameplay, and I WANT a creature to swipe off my head if I don't shoot him quick enough, and last but not least I DON'T WANT to see it coming, because that's where horror lies, in the unexpected dark space in the room. ("Drama's for old ladies and Nerds" – Revenge of the Nerds)

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