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Serious Sam 3: BFE For Consoles In The Works At Croteam

Okay console owners, get ready for some fun. Serious fun.

As reported by DSOGaming , developer Devolver Digital has announced that Croteam is working on bringing Serious Sam 3: BFE to consoles.

The information comes from a recent Devolver Tweet :

"Our friends at @Croteam are working on Serious Sam 3: BFE for consoles but no news on release dates quite yet. Thanks for your patience!"

Croteam is a small studio so it might take a while, but at least we know the game is coming (presumably to the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360). If you console fans are unaware, Serious Sam is a ridiculously over-the-top FPS that pits one dude against seemingly endless legions of baddies. It's just one of those games you play when you don't want to think and just need to blow off some steam.

Let's hope we at least get an official announcement and a release window some time soon.

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12 years ago

A true throwback to the Doom days.

Duke wasn't that because it doesn't just want to be a throwback, it wants to be new as well, despite the last effort.

However, Serious Sam is just pure 90s gunplay. No cover, all man.

I played much on the PC and it offered more fun than just about any FPS in years for me. Not saying it's better, just much more fun. Co-op was amazing too.

Speaking of Duke, all who have the game, pick up the DLC The Doctor Who Cloned Me – it is, no joke, from someone who thought the campaign was average, a BLAST. It was created in response to FAN criticism and, to many, is everything the main game should of been bar a few still lingering problems such as linearity. It gives MASSIVE hope for the next Duke that'll be developed by Trytych games.

Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 1/23/2012 11:30:18 AM

12 years ago

I own all of the Sam games and Serious Sam BFE is definitely the best of the series so far. Lots of tongue-in-cheek humor as well for those unfamiliar.

12 years ago

I've heard of SS, no clue what it is.

The Doom
The Doom
12 years ago

Are you serious?

12 years ago

best part about this game was the unkillable scorpion they infected into peoples software who pirated the game.
now thats a whole new level of evil!

12 years ago

That was just one of the DRM's that was put in. People who got past that ran into a different obstacle 🙂

12 years ago

Just an FYI for you PC gamers,

Right now, Royale Indie's doing a brand new bundle of Serious Sam games for around $2.99 for the whole lot

Check it out here:

12 years ago

Already checked it out but I own all of them. It's nice that they are going to be releasing more packs in between the big packs now. And this one is selling at a nice steady pace so far. Won't top the Super Meat Boy bundle sales from a few weeks ago though.

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