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RE6 Details: Demo, Different Zombies, Multiplayer Info

Ever since the official announcement, fans have been searching high and low for more juicy details.

And the best place to check for updates on Resident Evil 6 has been the franchise's official Twitter feed . They've been dishing on all things RE6 over the weekend.

Here are a few highlights- a demo is definitely on the way and details on the playable sample should arrive in the next couple months. Secondly, the site of the new outbreak in the game is called Tall Oaks and it's overrun with 70,000 zombies…well damn, that's a lot of zombies. Those zombies are "a bit different to what you may be used to" and not similar to the zombies in past RE installments. Oh, and here's one snippet relevant to a great many fan conversations:

"There will certainly be a survival horror element to the game, mixed in with classic Resident Evil moments."

We can, however, expect "a number of new elements" concerning the gameplay and last but not least, has the news that RE6 will boast 2-player offline co-op and online co-op for up to 6 players. Competitive online multiplayer will support up to 8 players. Is all this enough to keep you excited for the newest Resident Evil ?

Related Game(s): Resident Evil 6

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12 years ago

It looks to me that the Leon scenario will cater to OG fans, while the Chris scenario will continue with where 5 took us.

12 years ago

I disagree

12 years ago

surprised not to see announcement of twisted metal demo on here

12 years ago

2 Player offline co-op certainly interests me. Really enjoyed that in RE5. The addition of that made it easy to introduce my girlfriend to the series. I'm excited about this game. Looking forward to more information on it.

12 years ago

i dont get why ps3 cant do 6players offline i mean since you can connect 7 controllers to a ps3

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
12 years ago

It can, but the screens would be too small…

12 years ago

As much as I enjoy multiplayer gaming (FPS/RTS) it's ruing the single player experience. Gone are the days of immerse single player experiences dominating the gaming market.

Never thought I'd see a RE game with such a variety of MP features nor did I ever think it would be needed/wanted.

12 years ago

At least it's split-screen.
Nowadays it's online multiplayer that's dominating the market ala Call of Duty.

12 years ago

I agree , what i liked is that you had to rely on yourself to survive .Having someone else with you just make it less interesting .

I really hope that having a partner with you won t be forced . If it is , it better be a pretty good AI unlike in re5 or at least in only certain part .

12 years ago

ah, arent "classic RE moments" the same as survival horror moments?
i dunno about anyone else, but survival horror is exactly why i loved the original REs!
just further proof crapcom never actually listens to what they say!

12 years ago

I'm still trying to concentrate on "the fear that lies ahead" concept that Capcom talked about in Resident Evil anniverssary event. Capcom needs to be careful with this demo. If it's too centered on action they will risk alienating the Resident Evil fanbase that is desperately wanting the series to return to its survival horror roots.

12 years ago

so, more like the zombies (if you can call them zombies) in RE5?
still not excited, i'll wait for the final product before i get my hopes up.

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