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I Am Alive Scared Into Digital Realm By The Last Of Us?

As most of you know, I Am Alive was originally supposed to be a full Blu-Ray production, but development didn't go exactly as planned and the game underwent some changes. Hence, it'll be a downloadable title on the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Marketplace.

But why? What were the reasons behind the shift? Well, one of them might actually have something to do with the competition; specifically, Naughty Dog's newest project, The Last Of Us . Apparently, a Ubisoft insider told PSM3 magazine that Naughty Dog really spooked the Ubisoft team:

"A Ubisoft insider suggests upcoming survive-’em-up I Am Alive was driven to PSN by fear of competing with PlayStation 3 survival adventure The Last of Us. Few can touch Naughty Dog’s production values and competing with them on shelves would be a bad move."

It's an interesting explanation but we're not sure if the timelines are adding up. It might be likely that Ubisoft saw The Last Of Us before Naughty Dog unveiled it at the Spike TV Video Game Awards last year, and then got all freaked out. The two game styles are kinda similar. But was I Am Alive really that far off that it wouldn't release until around the same time as The Last Of Us …?

I mean, if you wanted to release The Last Of Us in late February (a date that appears to be possible, based on a European source ), you won't be anywhere near Naughty Dog's game. Even if you released it a few months later, still nowhere near… So we're a little confused on this one.

Related Game(s): I Am Alive

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12 years ago

WOW, just maybe if Ubi was more confident of honing the craft of their own game, they wouldn't have to worry about how, and what, another developer is doing, irregardless of who it is.

And the fact that it was ND that they were competing with is should've been more enough extra incentive for Ubi to step up their game & really show what they're capable of.

IMO, here was Ubi's chance to really shine, but instead they've chosen to make a class-AAA chicken-sh!t move.

12 years ago

That was a chicken shit move. I hate market speculation. never accurate and always ends up hurting the consumers.

Deep down I still believe microsoft had something to do with it going digital.

12 years ago

This has nothing to do with the subject, but I was just wondering why some people say 'irregardless'? It's sort of a made up word, and a double negative, used in places where it should just be 'regardless'.

Sorry for that, just one of those little things that bug me. Not meant to be hostile in any way.

BTW, can't wait to see how 'The Last of Us' turns out.

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
12 years ago

Well it's certainly true that Ubisoft can't really compete with Naughty Dog in terms of capabilities. Not only does ND have some serious financial backing from Sony but it's also without a doubt one of the best console developers in the industry if not THE best. And of course it's mastery of PS3 development is virtually unparalleled and likely well beyond Ubisoft's abilities. So whatever the case may actually be Ubisoft does have plenty of reason to be wary of directly clashing with Naughty Dog.

Last edited by Looking Glass on 1/21/2012 11:49:16 AM

12 years ago

Timing does seem off. And if Ubisoft new about Naughty Dog making the game, then others must have known about the game. It makes you wonder how did this game (Last of Us) stay under wraps for so long, and even more so, how did it not leak that it was Naughty Dog? This game and the developer was a big surprise for Sony to give us, you'd think *somebody* would have loved to leak it ahead of time to spoil it for Sony. We've known I am Alive was going to be digital download for months. It just doesn't make sense. Seems this story of Ubi reacting to Last of US is being made up after the fact by this source for sensationalism.

Anyways, it is annoying that Ubisoft was going to give us a full retail $59.99 game, and now we get around a $19.99 game (I'm completely guessing at the price). Are we getting a stripped down version of what they were originally going to do? Ubi would probably say no, we are getting the full game. Which tells you what a rip off games can be. Many would have paid full price for a game that Ubi is content charging much less at release. I will give Ubi credit in that their games prices drop like a rock quickly. Rayman Origins can be found for $19.99 right now.

Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 1/21/2012 12:52:15 PM

12 years ago

I believe this information is false.

12 years ago

Hehe yeah it has "urban legend" written all over it.

12 years ago

I was really pumped when I saw the trailer for I am Alive but in seeing the gameplay it looks like a huge letdown. The Last of Us on the otherhand….

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
12 years ago

An interesting point. We may very well have another Dead Island on our hands.

Awesome trailer but not so awesome game.

On the other hand we already know that Naughty Dog can be trusted with both cinematic AND gameplay.

Last edited by Looking Glass on 1/21/2012 2:38:57 PM

12 years ago

Perhaps it was always going to be a small, nothing to worry about downloadable title all along. This is the only way Ubi can even try to get us the least bit interested.

12 years ago

The Last of Us might come in February?

12 years ago

Think that's a typo. Probably meant:

"I mean, if you wanted to release I Am Alive in late February (a date that appears to be possible, based on a European source), you won't be anywhere near Naughty Dog's game. Even if you released it a few months later, still nowhere near… So we're a little confused on this one."

12 years ago

This is illogical on so many levels. If this was a poker game I'd call that bluff easily.

Last edited by Beamboom on 1/21/2012 4:09:25 PM

12 years ago

I also think this is bogus info. If any developer is that scared of another then their future is bleak in this industry. I am a fan of Ubisoft and don't see them taking this route. However, at the same time anything that I see from Naughty Dog gives me chills and I can't wait to see more from The Last of Us!

12 years ago

In my opinion games only compete if they're released within about 3 weeks of eachother. That's assuming they'd both be worthwhile titles ofcourse. If this is true Ubisoft should just focus on their job – creating the best game they possibly can. If it was to garner great reviews and was released within atleast 2 months of the Last of Us, prior or after, it would have done just FINE.

Ofcourse they're not turning back now.

12 years ago

how do you compete against ND if you're releasing a DD game and a multi plat game at that?

12 years ago

I think PSM3 has embarrassed itself quoting this "source." No chance in hell Ubisoft is scared of ND.

12 years ago

That is an interesting piece of news Ben. I think Ubisoft has been wise in fearing "The Last Of Us"… it will be the last horror survival game they ever make…

All heal to the Naughty Dog…



12 years ago

they shudda relaesed on bluray but at a discounted price right off the bat not no 60 dollar game but maybe 30-40 like hd collection games or some sports games have adopted that price range on release

naughty do tho… you know it will be worth the 50-60 bucks if its anything like uncharted

12 years ago

this is the most ridiculous thing i have ever heard!

12 years ago

Um, there is an article on this very website titled I am alive struggles for life in the digital realm dated 1/31 2011 that states that Ubisoft did not have much faith in the project and had downgraded it to the digital realm. That's well before we knew anything about the Last of Us so this appears to be a bogus story. Plus, Ubisoft doing this to run away from away from a Sony exclusive makes about zero sense. That would be ignoring over half the HD gaming market because of a Sony exclusive…I don't buy that for a second.

12 years ago

That's complete bollocks, if they released it first they don't have much to worry about

12 years ago

Just to let everyone know, Ubisoft announced 'I Am Alive' will be released on Xbox Live (timed exclusive) March 7th for only 1,200 points/$15!! I know this isn't exactly relevant to the article but no news has been reported yet.

But yeah. I agree with everyone else. This is a load of crap.

Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
12 years ago

I've got info on my ps3 (like game shared accounts) that I can't get rid of, but my hdd is at 7000mb/80gig so i'm pretty much screwed if I want to download this game.. i just have way too much dlc on this HDD 🙁 which sucks because it looks really good..

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