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Capcom: RE6 Is The “Ultimate Horror Entertainment”

Not long after Capcom officially announced Resident Evil 6 , new details began to come out of Japan.

To conclude the Resident Evil Anniversary Premiere Party, executive producer Hiroyuki Kobayashi, producer Yoshiaki Hirabayashi and director Eiichiro Sasaki took the stage to share more information with anticipatory fans.

Hirabayashi first confirmed that RE6 has the largest staff in series history; there are around 150 people working on the project, but if you count overseas staff and "other contributing parties," the number soars to over 600. He also said they intend for the game to become "the ultimate horror entertainment." Two key concepts are to be embraced: "the fear that lies ahead" (that which makes any experience frightening), and "everything is overwhelming." Apparently, the scale, story, and atmosphere are just crazy immersive.

Furthermore, zombies aren't the only foes you will encounter, as the team showed off a pic of the "Javo" creature (shown here). Kobayashi said it is a "shocking existence that has an even greater impact than the zombies." Lastly, they confirmed that both main characters shown in the debut trailer – Leon and Chris – would be playable. There's one more primary character, too, but they didn't reveal much about him, besides this- he's "the man who's told to save the world." …no pressure there.

While some are worried that this will be more action than survival/horror, we're holding out hope for a classic, nail-biting experience.

Related Game(s): Resident Evil 6

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12 years ago

it has Leon..I'm gonna buy this.

12 years ago

Yeah this trailer has me sold. It looks like the did alot of tweaks to the characters and the gameplay.

12 years ago

Moving….. and shooting….

12 years ago

Hmm…I'm liking "the fear that lies ahead" concept. That implies the return of some of classic Resident Evil atmoshpere that was sorely missing in RE5. Throw in a REAL zombies and some classic jump scares and it seems about perfect to me when you combine it with the dark atmosphere of the trailer.

I can't wait. It feels good to be excited about Resident Evil again. This is a great oppurtunity for Capcom to redeem themselves.

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
12 years ago

I know this may come off as a bit harsh and I would like to apologize in advance to anyone who may take offense but I'll believe this when I see it.

I was under the impression that the series has long since abandoned it's survival horror roots in favor of action. Possibly yet another unfortunate consequence of the rise of instant gratification gaming. Needless to say I have been unimpressed with a lot of Capcom's behavior in recent years.

12 years ago

Did you even view the trailer? It had WWE moves in it!!!

12 years ago

lmao @ Limited.

That's what i'm saying!

It looks better than 5, but without Shinji Mikami i doubt it'll ever be great again.

This trailer just shown a good looking, incredibly cheesy (par for the course with Resi), incredibly OTT action game that'll probably be enjoyable and memorable at times, but i'm expecting nothing on 2 and 4. 4 went action, but had plenty of survival horror in there, it reinvented the genre in many regards. Since then it's been an action game.

I'll get it when it's down in price.

"Resident Evil….6" bloody awful! Had to cringe and laugh at that bit.

12 years ago

After seeing the trailer I don't know how anyone could think Capcom isn't going for even more action.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

I view it like some movie trailers. They'll show the masses every last action scene available, even when there's more dialogue than action, just to get the sheep to buy a ticket. 😉

12 years ago

Game looks like gonna be very different per character, Leon going more on the lines of RE4, Chris looks like Socom and the new buzzcut guy gameplay was somewhat like Alice of the RE movie pwning with his fists.

12 years ago

I get your point Ben but mine is that all we were shown was RE5x10 in the trailer and yet I see people rejoicing that Capcom is going back to its roots.


It's pretty sad when fans of the series are supposed to settle for just portions of supposed survival horror in a numbered RE game.

12 years ago

Funny how the spinoff revelations is supposed to be a full survival horror, I just said that because I still don't play it.

12 years ago

Capcom made the trailer all action so they could attract the cod people and doesn't want to spoil the horror. Plus they said the resident evil for the 3DS its back to its roots. Never paid attention to that game so I can't really confirm it.

PS There's a rumor that this is a prequel to RE5.

12 years ago

It takes place 10 years after the Raccoon City incident so yes it is a prequel to RE5 by one year.

12 years ago

When I think of horror games, the Resident Evil series just doesn't come to mind anymore as it did pre-RE4.

12 years ago

Isaac Clarke will be the 3rd playable character…The man who will save the world.

12 years ago

No, it'll be Pyramid Head.

12 years ago

I think the 3rd mystery person will be "Hunk" because(if I remember correctly), wasn't he defined as being mercenary somewhere in RE3????

Last edited by BikerSaint on 1/20/2012 6:53:51 PM

12 years ago

He is a mercenary but he works for Umbrella Corp.

12 years ago

Hunk has blonde hair right?

12 years ago

i find trailers deseiving (sorry i think i spelt that wrong) for games and movies you look at all the action ect and go woohoo then you get it and it may be like 2 hours of action and the rest nothing, so it's really hard to judge from a trailer until we get a beta or something.

12 years ago

I just want to see Nemesis again.

12 years ago

The "blood guy" makes me think of Carlos.

12 years ago

so its the ultimate "horror entertainment" but its trying to suck in the COD crowd.
do crapcom even listen to themselves?
so in other words its less action more horror, and because of that it will suck in the COD crowd which only like action.
makes perfect sense!
anyone got a baseball bat i can use?

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