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When Platinum Took Over Rising, Stealth Was The First To Go

By now, you probably know the whole saga:

Kojima Productions works on a game called "Metal Gear Solid: Rising," which supposedly features a blend of fast action and stealth elements. It disappears for a while (a long while) and when it resurfaces, it's in development at Platinum Games ( Bayonetta , Vanquish ), the team Kojima personally selected to complete work on the project. Oh, and it has a new name, too- Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance .

The "Solid" is probably gone to remind long-time MGS fans that this is not a legitimate entry in the legendary franchise. It's a spin-off; that has been made clear. Something else has been made plain, too; just check out Andriasang . After telling us Revengeance will actually be playable at E3 this year, Platinum CEO Tetsuya Minami revealed the following-

"The stealth component is the first thing Platinum tossed out from the game when taking over the project."

Now, bear in mind that Kojima agreed to this, as his staff agreed that the high-octane action elements and stealth just didn't mix well. Therefore, you had two choices: let Kojima Productions finish it with both the action and the stealth, or give it to Platinum, who would remove the stealth entirely. Which would you have preferred, given the chance to choose?

Related Game(s): Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

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12 years ago

And that my friends…

…is the shot heard round the world.

12 years ago

Indeed. :/

Platinum are not known for their subtlety.

12 years ago

Yes, and apparently, the round fired out of the barrel has hit a few people.

12 years ago

Woo hoo! can't wait. Platinum Games knows action games better than most. It's their speciality. Stealth would just slow down the pacing and white knuckled over the top vibe of Revengeance. Let the awnry MGS fans feel like they've been kicked in the nuts, because, clearly, this isn't an MGS, and there'll be more MGS to come, so they can just zip it.

12 years ago

Sorry, I disagree completely with you. Yet again we are seeing a game being stripped of the thing that separates it from other games in the action genre. All we are left with is yet another action game.

12 years ago

mmmh hmmm and it tastes like chicken =p
No worries, my concerned gamer friend. You'll get your stealth back soon enough and all will be well.

12 years ago

Have to agree with temjim here actually. The thing is, we'll be playing a different character here. A character clearly designed for action. Raiden wasn't sneaking around in GotP. I'm sure when the real Metal Gear game comes out, the SOLID part of the series if you will, I'm sure stealth will make a return.

12 years ago

I agree with Temjin as well and Xombito excellent point in MGS4 when Raiden fought the Gekkos and Vamp that wasn't stealth but pure action.

12 years ago

The thing is, why can't there be a mix of both? Arkham City has action and stealth blended seamlessly into it, so why can't MGR have that? It seems weird to me that it was so impossible to pull off when Rocksteady has already been a shining beacon of light.

12 years ago

That is amazing!! The balls it took to remove stealth from a MG game. I for one am fine with this because all I care about is Metal Gear Solid. If this was a MGS title it would be epic fail. But since it is all by itself with its own identity then that is fine. I hope the game is good because I highly respect Platinum.

12 years ago

Thanks for reminding me to pick up Vanquish.

12 years ago

Do it, it's a good game.

12 years ago

Very good game! Love every minute of it. It's a bit short as it reminds me of a sprint! Full adrenaline shooter!

12 years ago

That game was wicked shallow, I had to sell it pretty quick

12 years ago

Honestly, I disliked Vanquish with all my heart.

Last edited by MadKatBebop on 1/18/2012 9:03:52 PM

12 years ago

This is why I'd rather have Platinum Games work on Bayonetta 2 instead.

12 years ago

I'm excited nevertheless, I really want epic slicing action with Raiden.

Off topic: REALLY enjoying the HD collection, I think I'm lucky these titles are new adventures to me.

12 years ago

I concur with my talking self portrait. Bring the action hero Raiden fun on! Slice 'n dice. booyah!

12 years ago

It is mysterious indeed that both of us uploaded Heihachi avatars around the same time… Ha…!


12 years ago

I was under the impression Kojima production were going to cancel it. That was the option if Platinum didn't take it on board. I would have preferred that…

12 years ago

I don't think removing the stealth side of the game is wise. Just imagine the game with stealth like a real ninja then action comes and he's fast as lightning. I'd love to see real blood in it too with some stealth kills and fatalities. Ahh dream gamers dream.

12 years ago

Well considering that this isn't a "Sold" game but is still in the Metal Gear Universe I don't mind that they took out the stealth. I think Vanquish is an awesome loud and over the top game with alot of flair. A game with Raiden could benefit from being just as loud and over the top.

Red 5
Red 5
12 years ago


No, thanks. If you say "Metal Gear", that's a Metal Gear Universe. That's why we have Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake as the Beginning of the "Solid" franchise. I want the same Raiden as we know, not the "Sonic the Hedgehog" Super Powers. AND, if they decide to "change" the Story… **** them.
Red 5.

12 years ago


That's the logic that everyone can't seem to grasp. It's still Metal Gear.

12 years ago

Here here red

12 years ago

He had all these 'powers' in MGS4..

12 years ago

..You've forgotten about Metal Gear: Ghost Babel, Snake's Revenge, and the Acid series didn't you? Having Metal Gear only defines that you'll see some familiar characters but with a change.

12 years ago

I'd definitely rather have them take out the stealth rather than keep it and try to mix it as it isn't their expertise. The further away this game distances itself from MGS the better.

12 years ago

wow this game just keeps becoming less & less appealing to me.

mike rlz
mike rlz
12 years ago

I wish we were still in the same division…. cant wait to see you in the Big House 😉

12 years ago

haha oh yeah! thats gonna be a good time. glad leafs are finally in the outdoor game! its gonna be sweet i love beating the wing last weeks win was just a warm up bring it on!! >:)

12 years ago

That just dropped Rising off my buy as soon as possible list to the bargain bin list….

12 years ago

soo in otherwords wed have a great action game with a crappy/no plot? Im sorry but I actually liked the story/dialogue in the MGS games…. bayonneta and vanquish were fun ACTION games but not so fun in the plot/character development spot.

its gonna be weird playing a game that has metal gear in the title thats all action an no substance.. i mean i dont mind the lack of stealth at all but seeing as platinum is involved is stealth was the first to go Im 100% sure anything close to a halfway decent plot was/will be the second thing to do.

12 years ago

Story is still being handled by Kojima Productions tho

12 years ago

I was interested in this when Kojima was producing it. Now I barely care about the game, Ill be spending my free time on other more promising titles.

12 years ago

I never thought a Cyber monstrosity like Raiden would fit a stealth gameplay,just imagine Dante or Kratos going stealth LOL.

Platinum did the right thing.

Last edited by Oxvial on 1/18/2012 12:53:30 PM

12 years ago

Lol Dante in stealth mode…

12 years ago

Seeing as how Raiden was kind of a crybaby in MGS 2, it'll be nice to see him get gangster on a bunch of foes. I have full faith in Platinum because honestly, both Bayonetta and Vanquish were totally bad ass. Yeah bayonetta had a weak story, but the fighting system was one of the deepest i've come across. You really had to play it a second time to see how deep it really gets. Vanquish on the other hand was just awesome from beginning to end. Again, the story wasn't great but the gameplay was so awesome. When you look at these two games, there is one thing missing… Story! Now they have Kojima by their side to help with that aspect. I don't know about you but i'm totally expecting a super bad-ass game!!! Can't wait for this!!!

12 years ago

as much as I like Platinum games I'll have to go with " let Kojima Productions finish it with both the action and the stealth" I just liked it more when Kojima was doing more.

I was never mad about it being more action-oriented as I don't really consider myself a "hardcore MGS" fan I only played MGS4 so the change of course from all stealth to more action never bothered me but having the too elements in the game would give players MORE OPTIONS on how they wanted to play the game.

On top of that when the 1st trailer came out even tho it was more action it still for some reason retained that MGS feel/mood or whatever you want to call it now it doesn't.

Anyway besides that the gameplay looks kick-ass so yeah I'm still gonna buy it, if I'm willing to give the new DmC a go then I would be a hypocrite not to give this a chance to.

12 years ago

Except that really was never an option, they were going to cancel it. So your true options are action or nothing.

12 years ago

Sorry, but my interest in this game has just plummetted upon hearing about that.

The reason I loved MGS games in the first place is BECAUSE of the stealth AND the story behind MGS. I know this isn't meant to be MGS, it is now technically MGR (Metal Gear Rising… a new spinoff series?) but it just looks like Bayonetta with Metal Gear skinned over the top.

I'm sure it'll be a good game, but the lack of stealth just makes it another action hack n slash game like Bayonetta or Devil May Cry… or Ninja Gaiden for that matter.

I just get this horrible feeling that MGR:R won't do as well because of the switch because the gameplay is no longer unique or different to the competition. Gameplay is now the same as the competition, and the stealth was what was always associated with the name Metal Gear.

My interest in this game is almost completely gone because of this radical change. If review scores are glowing and it keeps the fantastic orchestral Metal Gear Solid music (instead of using that campy terrible Japanese pop music which I'm not a big fan of, personal preference) THEN I might be tempted to check MGR:R out.

12 years ago

They should have found a way to marry the action and stealth, Kojima and Co are geniuses they just needed to keep trying to find the perfect blend. This game is a slap in the face to fans.

12 years ago

I respectfully disagree. It's a new IP. I think they are trying to target a different audience. I mean super crazy action with stealth seems like an oxymoron to me. Just my opinion though… This game is aimed at a different type of gamer or so it seems. In any case, i just don't see how it can be a slap in the face when it's been said from the start that it's a different game and honestly i can't believe people are saying that they'd rather see the game be cancelled than to be put in the hands of a totally capable studio. It just boggles my mind. Oh well, i still think this is going to be a great game. To each his own i guess…

12 years ago

It's a NEW IP?
They are trying to target a NEW audience?
The game is aimed at a different gamer?
It's in the hands of a NEW studio?

Then they need to give it a NEW name. End all the confusion.

12 years ago

They changed the name.

Last edited by Oxvial on 1/18/2012 9:14:45 PM

12 years ago

They could have completely took Metal Gear out of the name completely. It clearly isn't for Metal Gear fans,

12 years ago

Dude they presented this project as a Metal Gear a long time ago, they sure spent money and time so cancel/change the game to the point to not even call it a Metal Gear at this point is a bad business decision.

Also it has ''Cyber'' Raiden as protagonist, the thought of this ending like a classy Metal Gear was never on my mind.

Last edited by Oxvial on 1/19/2012 1:04:31 AM

12 years ago

how can you take metal gear out of the name when it stars a metal gear character?
the way they had it originally looked really awesome, ive always wanted to see the series from another pair of eyes and that gave the perfect setting.

12 years ago

Dude, Raiden already got his game on MGS2 when he wasn't much of a cyber aberration so watching the series from another eyes actually happened a long time ago.

The funny thing is that turned to be one of the most hated MGS, and now that Raiden comes back looks like people already hate it again xD

Last edited by Oxvial on 1/19/2012 8:40:07 AM

12 years ago

MSG is a stealth series, but they took the stealth aspect and changed it to Hack and Slash, LOL what do you expect raiden to do, not do any of his cool hack and slash moves???

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