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DICE Cracking Down On BF3 Cheaters

If you're one of those people who have to cheat to win, get ready for the boot. Or something equally annoying.

Developer DICE clearly has a zero tolerance policy concerning cheaters in Battlefield 3 ; they've issued resets and flat-out bans to "several hundred confirmed cheaters."

And they won't get more lenient as time goes on; in fact, they'll get even stricter. They'll also give players the chance to report offenders via their online profiles (regardless of platform), so the community is going to work together to bring down the cowardly players. Some people haven't reported much in the way of cheating in BF3, while others complain all the time. Guess it's just a matter of being in the right place at the right time…or vicey versey.

I've never understood the fascination with cheating. Not only does it sound boring, it's a certain level of selfishness (in multiplayer action) that just boggles the mind.

Related Game(s): Battlefield 3

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12 years ago

Good. I don't play BF3, but cheating and exploiting should be treated harshly.

12 years ago

My question is how do you know someone is cheating or the game is just glitching online. Either way, I do notice SMG's used as straight Sniper rifles…haha. Cheater? or Skill? Either way…ban all cheaters

12 years ago

That's exactly what I was about to ask too! How do you know if someone cheats?
And what exactly do we talk about here? In what way do they cheat? What do they do to get banned? Anyone know?

Last edited by Beamboom on 1/13/2012 3:31:28 PM

12 years ago

There is this thing called boosting where players build a droid, shoot it, repair, repeat. It gets their score to the 50 thousands if not more. I usually report that form of cheating. It will be evident in the score card.

With aim bots and the like, I am still unaware if that is actually possible to confirm that. Some people are just awesome at shooting virtual people.

12 years ago

I've never ran into a cheater yet in BF3, my friends have though saying one guy got into a wall or something and he couldn't shoot him.

I've been playing a lot of BF3 lately, enjoying it immensely. I've gotten pretty good with the Attack Helicopter and the Little Bird. I'm loving the Jets as well they are really fun to use. 😛

12 years ago

Man I wish I could get used to the Helicopters. I'm kinda decent at the planes though.

12 years ago

I'm all fine for going against cheaters, but not people who are just having fun in the game. The odd team killing will always be amusing. I often lay magazines down on my own team amtes in MGO. To me there is nothing worse than a compulsive headshot player…

12 years ago

"The odd team killing will always be amusing."

I've never understood people killing their own teams. I'm the kind of person that tries to do well in every single thing I do. It doesn't really matter in video games, sure, but I think that healthy personality trait should translate into everything around a person.

If I'm not trying my best to win, I'm not having fun. Whether or not I actually win is irrelevant. When teammates kill each other, on my team or the other, it makes me frustrated because I know how that reflects on their real life personality.

12 years ago

I don't only Team Kill… but occassionally I will chuck a grenade down an alley way after all my team has just ran down ahead of me. I just get bored of playing games seriously 100% all of the time. I always experiment with games offline and online instead of always pin pointing to the objective, just just how I play games. I'm not one of them people who just insults people and constantly disrupt games, thats just not fun for anyone.

I watch my flatmate play CoD seriously and he raves all the time and whines about his kill/death ratio being ruined. I just sit there laughing because I have never worried about an online gaming rep… I find players who shout and complain about there team being rubbish the worst sort of people to play online with… that will be the online time I TK with a vendetta or if someone mentions the word 'noob' anyone using that phrase is just so full of themselves and serves any misfortune they get online…

12 years ago


My friend gets mad at people sometimes. But not because they're bad. We don't really care if our teammates are going 1 kill to 15 deaths. He hates it when they do things that directly affect him. Like when someone runs towards their teammates when there's a predator missile, or if he's shooting at someone and a teammate runs in front of him. Or if he's trying to be stealthy, and someone without a silencer is sprinting around him firing off rounds.

Basically, he just hates it when a teammate is constantly getting him killed, or does something he specifically asks them not to. He doesn't get mad much in TDM, obviously. But for an example, his last rage on someone was in Search, where 3 games in a row, he told them "don't take the bomb to 'A', there's too many guys there" only to have them sprint it to A, then die.

I don't really get mad, but I don't blame him either. (He's competitive like me.)

I -DO- however, get really mad at cheaters. That drives me nuts. I couldn't care less about winning, but I hate it when you're forced into playing a game the way it isn't meant to be played because someone is cheating.

I've been shot in the back in hardcore, too. It doesn't bother me too much unless I'm workin' on a good kill streak. I love shooting me some reapers! nothing worse than "one more to reaper or AC130!" then "pop" teammate kills Underdog15

12 years ago

Oh man it sounds like you got a lot of fun in MP Underdog, I envy you that. Sounds like great fun indeed.

I gotta get back to playing more MP again. Online I play almost exclusively coop games on the ps3 (not pvp). That's great fun too of course, but having a good team and play MP is a very special kind of gameplay fun. You don't get that particular kind of enjoyment anywhere else.

Last edited by Beamboom on 1/13/2012 3:41:59 PM

12 years ago

I wish Activision and their devs would care the same way. Quick scoping (exploiting the auto-aim malfunction), lag switching, hiding in pieces of a map, that old MW2 constant care package glitch, the fast lvl up glitch…. all of it. They don't care. It's frustrating.

12 years ago

That's one of the reasons why I like Treyarch COD's. If only they can go back to the way COD3 was with better graphics than the MW series, non spawning camping issues, glitches and etc.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 1/13/2012 11:25:11 AM

12 years ago

I've said it numerous times,if they got rid of the stats I believe you would see a lot of this cheating stop.

12 years ago

I wish more companies would actively seek and ban cheaters. It isn't hard for the companies to know if your cheating they have server logs and you can't hide that info. Lag switchers and aim-bots are probably my biggest gripes, followed closely by enviroment glitchers. To me warn them once or twice, then wipe their stats, and if they continue perma-ban them.

Teamkilling to me isn't cheating as much as it is a player trying to be a douchebag. I have had people try to do it to me and try to get me mad and all I do is laugh and ignore them. If they persist through multiple matches then I show them how little skill they have by TKing them 20 to 30 times in a row.

Some cheaters actually make for good beta testers but when the game finally releases that is when they need to move on and let the honest players have fun.

12 years ago

they should include a theater in battlefield 3 like they did with black ops. that way if you suspect a player for cheating you can note his id then watch a replay of the game following that character. if he is cheating then he could easily be reported and the video can be evidence. if a player gets reported multiple times then DICE can review the footage to judge if they really are cheating then ban them.

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