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The Lure Of The New Console Is Losing Its…Allure

Maybe it's age. Maybe it's a shifting industry. Maybe it's my belief that the PlayStation 3 could last me until 2020 and I'd probably be fine with that.

I'm not sure what it is, but the days of becoming excited – I mean, excited to the point of giddy – for new systems may be gone for good. With all this talk of next-generation consoles, one would assume I'd be somewhat intrigued but the truth is, I'm fine with what I have. Furthermore, I believe a lot of gamers feel the same way.

Oddly enough, I was more than ready for the PS3. I was totally pumped for that thing, and I was pretty psyched for the Xbox 360, too. I don't really remember why now, but I was itching to move past the PS2 and Xbox, both of which sat on my entertainment center shelf for a good five years. No offense to Nintendo fans, but I left that company where it belongs back in the '85 – '95 period. Oh, don't take offense; I'll always love Ninty until the day I die; that company is the reason I do what I do today. The NES, GameBoy and SNES will always have a special place in my heart and will never be forgotten.

But anyway, getting back to the subject at hand- there's just something about the next generation that doesn't appeal to me. Maybe it's the belief that physical media may be left by the wayside (not immediately, but certainly in the future), or the sneaking suspicion that the industry's direction doesn't jive with my personal preferences. I've never been into multiplayer, I can't stand this virtual social explosion in general, and motion sensing and 3D may as well not exist, for all I care. Not that I've enjoyed various experiences with all those features at one time or another; it's just that I'm kinda set in my ways.

At the same time, I always love to see progression and advancement in this industry. I guess it's just that now, after so many technological leaps, I'm looking for something more creative and artistic, and I'm just not sure we need fancy new hardware for that. Maybe that's the reason I'm ambivalent. Maybe that's why when I see stories concerning the PS4 or Xbox 720, I just sort of frown and go, "…well, I don't have that feeling from the old days."

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12 years ago

Ben, this is a difficult one. I know how you feel, and I am sure many in this community may feel similarly… what is there to look forward to?

The big question is, do high-definition visuals solely determine whether or not a "next generation" is really that, a true "next generation"?

Why do I say this? I say this because we agree that primarily it is about the games one plays; the deep story driven game play elements that make so many games memorable today, the intense music and atmosphere that this current generation of game developers have brought to life. One can't deny, that the current crop of Sony exclusives have done really well in using the PS3 platform to full use; it is not like we are actually missing anything. One just needs good games to drive the platform and keep it relevant.

So what about the "next generation"? Well if we discount the fact that "next generation" does not necessarily mean a better game, if we agree that next generation means a doubling or tripling of power purely for visual and physic advancements then it does beg the question, that maybe yes, new "generation" of hardware is needed to up the fidelity of video games – it doesn't mean though that better games would follow.

Next generation hardware would allow gamers to experience games in a new and different way with higher visual fidelity – enhance the overall experience. One of the benchmarks that is always mentioned is native 1080p gaming at 60fps; and, more recently, 1080p gaming at 60fps in 3D stereoscopic. I guess we all yearn for that true "HD" experience now, however it does not mean we need new hardware and it does not mean we will get better games.

So i would say, for gamers who want the higher visual fidelity with real-time tessellation, the opportunity to use 3D head mounted head tracking equipment, 1080p visuals for both eyes (3D) and uncompressed HD textured models and environments – a new generation of hardware is most definitely required… and I honestly think Sony will not disappoint in this area!

The question must still be answered though, does new hardware necessarily define the "next generation" in gaming?



Last edited by Qubex on 1/12/2012 9:57:35 PM

12 years ago

The problem with 3D is that not "everybody" will experience the cutting edge or they have some related health issues. That's one of the good reasons of the 3D being optional.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 1/13/2012 11:35:52 AM

12 years ago

best article describing my feeling.

"Maybe it's age. Maybe it's a shifting industry. Maybe it's my belief that the PlayStation 3 could last me until 2020 and I'd probably be fine with that….." 1000% agree.

like i also said earlier, until the blu-ray phased out and Ultra HD TV comes into consumer market, I do not see a reason for me to get PS4, because every generation console upgrade, that also means significant media and visual upgrade — ps1, ps2, ps3 = CD to DVD to Blu Ray. so PS4 better get something new or I am not getting it.

Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 1/12/2012 9:54:51 PM

12 years ago

I think we'll see a PS4 which will bring us to 1080p60 visuals with every game, it will bring the updated version of BluRay – which is more than enough for any consumer video currently on the drawing board. I also think it could bring sufficient CPU/GPU to handle real time ray tracing, it might not, but that would offer a truly next generation leap in visual quality.

12 years ago

I have to disagree. Once the new consoles are officially flaunted upon the mainstream, people will change their minds. There are a few shortcomings on the PS3 that just boggle my mind. It's mostly graphical (believe it or not) and they play such a small role in my expectations for gaming, but I can be a bit of a tech snob.

Besides, maybe a super console will make S-E consider incorperating legit towns into their RPGs! I kid… I think I saw a town in the XIII-2 demo's gaming previews they incorperated at the end.

Regardless, the PS3 is just the beginning of this generation. FPS began the itch for graphical enhancements, this generation raised the bar in realism and I believe there isn't a single developer capable of utilizing any of this generation's consoles to truly leave us breathless.

Do I believe in any of the above? Meh. Not really. I do believe it IS the trend, but I would much rather have PSone graphics and better RPGs and stories than better graphics.

… And Nintendo is dead in my heart as well. They need to bring back the NES name and create another SNES-type system. I'm not 10 years old and don't care for bobble heads for virtual bowling or whatever. Dud. Dead. Lame. I will always measure up what Nintendo tries to sell me to their glory years and can't help but feel like they're in for one hell of a losing battle.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

For the record, this was just a personal opinion. I wasn't commenting on what other people feel. 🙂

12 years ago

don't take offence Ben but you are not dreaming high enough man. I don't want to come off as a PC elitist because trust me I am playstation fan pure blood, but i constantly compared ps3 games to my PC games and there is room for improvement. This year Uncharted, infamous and killzone are the games that I think really pushed even further the graphical progress of the ps3 and because of it these games are beautiful but at the same time they are testament to the limitations the machine has. They have increased lighting and polygon count, but man games can go way way further and not necessarily in graphics. AI, true real world physics, huge world maps, and motion sensing are just some of the few things that i can think of right now, but there are tons.

Image a game like skyrim that when you play in first person view you fight like you would in skyrim, but you can also seamlessly zoom out the camera and control your army of 30,000 soldiers. Your army in divided by platoons and directed by your captains who you communicate with voice recognition. all of this with the graphics of Avatar.

Imagine super AR 3d glass that work together with Haptic sensor gloves covered with LEDs. When you use these glasses with your gloves you see a sword, a rifle, or a bow on your own hands. You aim with your virtual weapon that tracks position of the target in real space; hence real world aiming.

all of these requires insane computing power that only machines specially designed to these kinda of things will be able to do.

sorry Ben I wanted to help you dream again man. I am nearing my 30's and I am more excited about gaming now than when I was in my teens because now I really believe that there is nothing that we can't come close to when we combine are imagination and technology. Its cheesy i know but i really believe it. I am a futuristic, even when I have perfection in my hands I can't stop thinking how it can be better, but not because I think is bad.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
12 years ago

Man, did you come from 2050… Or something? How close am I?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

I appreciate the effort. 🙂

But I'm sorry, I've sort of moved beyond technical refinement and a few extra pixels. All of what you describe does sound wicked cool…but perhaps it's for younger people. I really want advances in story, dialogue, character development, and general immersion. Not so much from a technical standpoint, though.

The future to me is about more than technology. It HAS to be…or I'm gonna be depressed until I die. 😉 Again, though, I appreciate the effort.

12 years ago

Cool post, Marckon! And so true. We don't really know what the future will hold. A few years ahead most of us will probably look back at today and say, "yeah 'twas fun with that cute little ps3 for sure, but we're glad the games aren't like *that* anymore. But now, NOW it can't get any better, can it? There's still plenty power left in THIS baby!" 😀

12 years ago


Processing power will allow better AI, animation, and physics, which are absolutely necessary for greater immersion. Advances like branching story and dialogue paths also require more advanced technology (BD storage space, RAM, etc.). Even better graphics allow for more immersive experiences, since there are fewer reminders that it's a game.

In short, I think there's reason to be excited for the next generation. I know I am.


12 years ago

I can't say I agree. The best way I can explain it is like this. I've had a car for 5 years now and drive said car every day for about 3 hours a day. After five years of use my car is still good but they new cars driving around you look better, perform better, and best of all they aren't five years old. Yes I'm talking about a car but this easily applies to the PS3. I'm anxious to see the next gen, so be it Sony or The Box I'm jumping aboard.

I'm anxious to see what the future if gaming will be. A lot of things have changed in five years, the PS3 may or may not be ready to hand over the reins to a new console, but I think it's time. Given a choice between my five year old PS3, and a brand new PS4…….give me that PS4.

12 years ago

I think a good question is have devs really utilized EVERYTHING that the PS3 is capable of. We all know that Sony was ahead of the game tech-wise when the PS3 was released. I personally think we're not there yet but I suppose only top-class developers that are familiar with the PS3 architeture can truly answer this.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Oh see, the car thing is different. 🙂

12 years ago

Lol Ben!



12 years ago

since you used cars….. whats a 69 camaro SS to the 2012 camaro SS?

12 years ago

It's great grand-pappy?

12 years ago

Hum… It's hard to get psyched over something that doesn't exist at this point.

Wait until they actually announce a next gen system, and THEN you'll see the hype growing.

12 years ago

Exactly. Right now all we can do is speculate. But until we see the actually see the new machine, hear about the hardware, and see what it features and what it can do, it's hard to get excited. Especially when we have such a great machine with truly great games sitting next to our TV right now.

12 years ago

Its because when ps3 was announced you could get next gen graphics, but only with a $2000+ pc. And the jump from ps2 to next gen grphic wise was astronomical. Now if they were to announce ps4 for next year, there wouldnt be much of a difference graphic wise, judging from the latest tech demos. I mean sure graphics can be better but not much, right now the best looking game available is bf3. The difference between pc and ps3 is not to far off, and if the only thing that a new system can promis us is that little bit than they should wait for the next big.leap in tech

12 years ago

Agreed. I think they can tweak the consoles with better operating systems or added features, but the games would pretty much remain the same quality they are now.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
12 years ago

Like some others said, wait till Sony announces their next console. People will shed blood while awaiting cold nights outside Wal-Mart while fighting each other who are trying to get in first, just to buy Sonys new machine. Then and ONLY then will you get that unique feeling of yours you get on certain occasions.

There is no doubt in my mind that Sony will not release a new console because they will. I just don't believe that they will release a new on this year or the next, simply because a new handheld of theirs is about to be released to the public. I don't believe Sony willcrelease two new machines in under 2 years. Maybe after the PS Vita has had a healthy life of two years.

It's possible Sony might announce a new console at E3, but is it likely? Their PS Vita will be out 10 months and people think they will announce a new console? It's just not likely. Hearing a new console Sony will release in the near future will re-direct peoples minds in to what they are thinking of purchasing, meaning people will want Sonys new console instead and save money for it.

Only time will tell. I myself am tired of this generation and want a new one soon. I want to be playing a GTA where no matter where I'm in the city, the other side of the city is completely active and alive. Better AI, graphics, etc… Sony is more than capable of achieving such a thing! Im definetely up for the next gen, maybe some people aren't but I am. They can play their last gen consoles, I have no problem but don't ruin it for everyone just because you ain't reazzdy.

Last edited by Killa Tequilla on 1/12/2012 11:18:12 PM

12 years ago

Hmmm, When they're both released for sale, maybe Sony should do a PS4 bundle deal with their new 55" "Crystal OLED" TV's that they just unveiled at CES…..

Sony Shows Off 55-Inch Crystal LED HDTV
By Ian Paul, PCWorld
Jan 10, 2012 6:01 AM

Sony recently announced a new display technology called Crystal LED that promises a picture with higher contrast, richer colors, better response time and a wider viewing angle than existing LCD and plasma high-definition televisions. The electronics maker is showing off the new technology at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas with a prototype 55-inch HDTV. Sony has not announced pricing or availability.

Sony's Crystal LED HDTV uses six million pixels (two million for each of the RGB colors) to display a 1080p high-definition image.

Unlike standard LCD televisions that use LEDs as backlighting, the Crystal LED display has six million tiny LED lights (equivalent to the number of pixels) affixed onto the front of the display.

The company claims Crystal LED displays have 3.5 times higher picture contrast, 1.4 times richer colors, and a 10 times faster response time compared to Sony's current LCD models.

Sony's prototype Crystal LED also has a 180-degree viewing angle and the panel consumes less than 70 watts of power, according to the company.

Sony claims its prototype is the first 55-inch Full HD self-emitting display that uses LEDs as the light source. LEDs are able to produce their own light, while LCDs require a backlight to produce a visible image.

Display technology is shaping up to be a primary new feature for the next-generation of HDTVs. Samsung is also showing a 55-inch display that uses so-called "Super OLED" technology at CES, while LG has debuted a 55-inch OLED. The difference between Super OLED and OLED, according to Samsung, is that Super OLED sets don't use a color filter resulting in pictures with deeper contrasts and finer detail.

12 years ago

I remember when the small OLED was talked about and (I think 10")they said the price for the was $3000 or something like that. Funny if you play MGS4 and look at the screen for the Mk. II it says OLED on it.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
12 years ago

I just bought a new TV not too long ago. Already I want crystal LED 🙂

12 years ago

There is an official Sony store in the city where i live and about three years ago I went in to check some TV's because i was in the market for one. There was a 10 or 11 inch OLED surrounded by big LCDs and plasmas, but that OLED shined next to all of those TV's. The pictures and the color is so beautiful that made the other tv's look like wallpaper in comparison. Mind you this about 10 yards away… a 10 inch screen beats the crap out of 40's and 50's inch tv's. The OlED is the prime reason I am getting a vita, so I can watch netflix on the beautiful screen :D.

12 years ago

I'm not really hyped up over the next gen of consoles either. Could be because I play more PC games now as I did in the past, but usually I own one or two of the newest consoles available as well and give them regular playing time. Just isn't happening as much anymore as it was back in the PS2, and earlier, days.

12 years ago

Yeah I'm not too psyched either, its really just a nuisance that forces me to spend more money. I think it's just that I'm old, I hate birthdays and other milestones too. Hard to get excited but maybe when the graphics are showcased I will be more thrilled.

In the past it was always about "What can Final Fantasy do with THIS generation of consoles?" And that question has quickly become irrelevant.

12 years ago

xDD Dude! This was exactly the thought and swiftly followed by dreaming of "can you imagine Final Fantasy with this beast, of technology?!".

Sadly I found out xDDD

12 years ago

I don't know how I feel entirely. I do want new technology because I believe firmly that greater technology begets greater experiences. It's been that way for as long as I can remember. While I think there's more the devs can do with the hardware we have now, it's apparant that's it's coming from optimizations and tinkering with game engine improvements over any generational leaps in design due to power on order of 20x, or more. For some time now we've read about how the PS3 has been "maxed," as in initializing all SPU's for tasks, but over the last couple years we've seen optimization of that power is where the rest of it's potential is found. I look at 2011 of gaming, and whether it be multi-plats or exclusives, 360 and PS3 alike have shown great strides in design afluency. Games never looked better than 2011. It's nice. It makes me wonder how many more years can be as significant on the current hardware.

But one thing I don't like, and it's for certain, is all of the rumor crap flying around. Especially the doom and gloom of the consoles, or even traditional handhelds. The notion of Cloud gaming replacing traditional hardware chipset design etc etc. Then there's the whole Apple thing. I like Apple products. I do. But I don't think I want their universe of product offerings colliding with the gamer market. It just doesn't look appealing to me as of yet.
Anyway, I'm sick of the bullcrap and rumors. I want to see the cards laid out on the table. Nintendo has played most of their hand. I like what they're showing more than the standard Wii, but now I want to see MS play their's.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 1/13/2012 12:19:06 AM

12 years ago

I don't want a PS4 right now. Devs have a better understanding of the hardware now which means less money spent on research and more on creativity. It wasn't until late in the PS2's life cycle that all the great games came out, Shadow of the Colossus, God of War 2…they mastered the hardware and really pushed it.

Other than that Ben, I believe the reason we all don't want a new console is because we're older now. Back then 5 years felt like a long time but as we get older, a single year takes up less percentage of our life to the point that it now feels that time flies…hence, PS4 already! That's what I think anyways.

12 years ago

I just can t see the next generataion to be much different then what we have now . The only thing i can see can really better is how they implement 3d and motion sensing in games . The trouble with that is that i don t care about neither of those things .

If they can impress me with the AI and character animation then i ll be interested in the next generation .

Something like when you shoot/hit someone he can react in 100 different ways depending on where you hit him ( something that would resemble re4-5 or dead space but with way more possible outcomes ).

Anyway , like gungrave said , the ps3 still got life in it and i m not rdy for the ps4 just yet .

Last edited by berserk on 1/13/2012 5:22:51 AM

12 years ago

I'll be ready for the next gen of consoles when all the greats for this gen are released and done.

In a better (imo) world we could all have 6 or so months of no AAA titles and then the release of a new console. That way I can feel complete and content with our current tech and ready for something new.

When we are all still waiting for some big hitters to come out and all we here about is the PS4 and 720 those upcoming PS3 and 360 games really lose there touch.

12 years ago

It's funny, only just recently have we seen the difference between PC and console games, mostly due to Battlefield 3, but most games look and play the same on both console and PC, just PC being a slightly higher res or slightly faster framerate.

Honestly, I'm happy with my PS3, but I can defintely see some things that both 360 and PS3 could do to make each other better.

First, MS could take a note out of Sony's book and integrate Blu-ray and a bigger and better processor with more SPU's for developers to toy around with. But MS are being stubborn, which I guarentee will eventually be their downfall.

Secondly, Sony could take a note from MS. Party chat and shared CPU and GPU RAM usage. That's really about it. Those are really the only 2 things that the 360 did better than the PS3… wait, triggers, yep…. triggers work better for shooters than the L2 and R2 triggers, but for everything else, PS3 controller rocks.

As for next gen, I'm kind of intrigued and interested in seeing what they show, but I feel like, in terms of graphical presentation, we're about to hit it's peak and I'm not as excited to see the next big leap in graphics.

We've got 1080p HD resolutions, can't really go higher without going bigger, like an $80,000 108" TV with double the res of 1080p (can't be bothered doing the maths now)

Uncharted 3 looks incredible already, and Battlefield 3 still looks great on consoles, even if the PC version looks far far better.

Here's what I want out of the PS4…

– Backwards compatibility with PS3
– 4x or 8x Blu-ray disc reading speed for faster loading times
– quad layered blu-ray discs for 100GB of insane gaming
– 8 core processor with 16 SPU's (although keeping the current 8 SPU's would still be more than enough for next gen while keeping prices down)
– 1 GB of CPU RAM and 1GB of GPU RAM, maybe an extra 512 MB of dedicated system RAM for running multi-tasking actions like party chat, music, video streaming and gaming at the same time.
– Keep the PS3 and Move controllers, but have a new 3D dual-lens camera like Kinect for 3D pictures and video capture, and even Kinect-like motion games. Dance Central and fitness games are far better on Kinect than Move or the Wii-remote.

– Integrate PS Vita and SOny tablet touch screen capabilities to mimic the Wii U controller or another PS3 controller for gaming. The hardware is there, I just hope Sony can find a way to use it in unique and stunning ways.

The PS3 was so far ahead of its time, it really only needs a few minor upgrades, and VOILA!!! PS4!!!

12 years ago

2 PowerXcel8i, new nVidia GPU, 4GB or RAM, 1GB of video RAM, upgraded BluRay, 802n/gigabit ethernet.

That's all that is needed – IMHO.

BTW, Sony doesn't need to mimic WiiU since the PSP already does remote play, and Sony demonstrated the PSP as a remote gaming device working with a PS3 game – for example acting as a rear view mirror in demos and dev builds of games like F12009(can't remember the year) and GT5. So, WiiU is doing a nice job of copying that functionality… 😉

12 years ago

Seems like everyone is a journalist here!

12 years ago

Trust me, bro. When in the begining of the article you said "I'm pretty sure other gamers feel the same way" you were right.

All this space on Blue-Ray and we still need to Install Data and the whole disc isn't even filled…usually, EVER!

All that was hyped in the specs of PS3 and let the imagination of a kid commence – "Oh, wow. We're here. The next gen in technical capability. I can't wait for EVEN MORE vast fields to run around in RPGs and get those monster's loot."

Yeah, well done. No traditional RPGs until what, 5-6 years down the line of PS3's lifetime? Thanks next gen. I'll pass.

12 years ago

The installs are to speed up load times and assist other aspects, like streaming, not storage constraints. Blu-Ray, even single layer discs, aren't even being fully used for the vast majority of games and most games that use two layers and a lot of space are doing so because of per-rendered cut scenes and multiple audio options.

50GB would be waaaay more than enough space next generation too.

12 years ago

All I know is that for the first time in my life, a new console will wait for a few months.

My PS3 does everthing I need to do. It will take something revolutionary to get me to early adopt this time around.

12 years ago

My thoughts exactly Pontiac!



12 years ago

I would love to see the next PS utilize quad layer blu-ray discs, so this gen experience devs can make a game world bigger, longer story's.

12 years ago

I'm still getting the "wow" factor from a lot of the games I'm buying for PS3. I don't believe it's anywhere near its peak yet, so there really isn't any need to push on to another piece of $400 hardware for my living room.

Graphics have always been the driving force in the past. You'd say things like "how cool would it be to be able to see their eyes move?" or "wouldn't it be awesome if games looked just like a movie?". Games are getting so close to photorealism now that I think we're all pretty satisfied. As processing power grows and we can do more within the game's engine a new console will come along to do innovative things for us. As for now, I'm pretty damned happy with the PS3.

Sidenote: The 360 has peaked. M$ will make something new soon, but Sony won't need to push hardware to keep up.

12 years ago

The reason

for me atleast

that I'm not as excited is because current consoles can do it all in games.

Games are now way more complex, there isn't much more to do other than some better graphics.

ps2 games had a lot too them, but just not in the same way as in ps3 games.

12 years ago

To echo MaxPontiac, as long as the current PS3 does everything I need, I have no reason beyond technical curiosity to look for a new system. PS3 is already HD, BluRay, online, streams, downloads, does 3D and motion sensing, voice control, etc.

Unless someone can correct me, there are no upcoming shifts in living room technology that will take the market beyond 1080p (especially as broadcasters are only now reaching that standard). So we're looking at a device that will do everything the PS3 does, but in 1080p60. Sounds like evolution, not revolution.

But, as jaded as we have all become it's difficult to get as excited over an evolutionary upgrade as we would over a revolutionary one. PS3 brought online gaming as standard, HD visuals, BluRay, PSN, Home and all the online services we have now. PS3 compared to PS2 is a massive upgrade in every way. You really can't say that about what a PS4 would be.

12 years ago

What's 1080p60? HD at 60fps?

12 years ago

1080 resolution progressive scan at 60 full frames a second. It's beautiful to look at and silky smooth.

12 years ago

There is room for sets to go past 1080p. I don't think the industry is anywhere near commercializing it though. Bluray has only now become the standard aswell as 1080p sets.

I think your right Highlander with 1080p60. Aswell as full image effects running too with that image being processed.

For a big new price tag for a system, to be honest I can't just get excited for that. There needs to be more substance behind gaming now for me like with Ben. I would however just like a system completely backwards compatible and regionfree for dvd and bluray. That would be enough of a step forward for me. Giving us a truly open device for our media across the board.

12 years ago

i know where you coming from ben. we seen great releases this gen & with the ps3 its still some room for more masterpieces. we can see with PS3 X360 & WII & also PS2 these are the introduction of being immersed in a virtual world.

when i picked up on gaming i loved the fact the object in my hand allowed interaction. now its a gradual shift we going from controlling to being the controller & i dont want that at all.

i upgraded my PS3, put the YLOD 60g out & bought a 320g slim in that came with move & sports champion. i used the move several times & enjoyed but it dont make me say this is amazing. i watched kinect in person & i said to myself naw…. im kool, did this already on eyetoe. maybe im not seeing games yet that utilize these devices strongly & i feel like if im doing all this moving just go outside.

Warrior Poet
Warrior Poet
12 years ago

This is the very first generation where the aural and visual fidelity of the games match the fidelity of the gameplay. I don't think there's a need for a new console because we've finally reached a photorealistic game and have no idea what to do with ourselves.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x