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Binary Domain Delayed A Couple Weeks

Well, just call it less competition for Twisted Metal .

Sega has announced that Binary Domain has been delayed a couple weeks; it will now release on February 28.

You can see the new date in that gameplay trailer through the link. We're not sure about a European launch date just yet, but we assume it'll be around March 1. Set in Tokyo in the year 2080, humans are facing down a legion of robots that threaten our very existence. The intriguing part about this adventure lies in the story: as we seek to keep the peace, we wonder if we're not becoming more like the robots with every passing day… And considering that Toshihiro Nagoshi, of Yakuza fame, is involved, we have to assume the plot will be plenty involving and decidedly well written.

Of course, when all is said and done, we're going to need top-notch gameplay, too. Don't let us down on this one, Sega!

Related Game(s): Binary Domain

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12 years ago

This game is going to show all TPS how to make an awesome story with awesome gameplay and awesome boss battles.
Yakuza Team Epicness!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

At least it's only a short delay. I'm really looking forward to this one. Apparently the Euro date is now the 24th, which means that we get it early :).

Strangely, this means that the Vita must wait. Yes, BD over the Vita.

12 years ago

I think it's a smart move not to go head to head with TM.

I'm really looking forward to checking out more of BD, along with Inversion too, so please take these 2 added weeks to polish the game up real nice……."Wax on….wax off'!

12 years ago

I have a feeling this is going to be good. Japan has proven itself apt at making games about robots on Tokyo 😉

12 years ago

Look like it will be better then i expected and will definitely buy it once it go down in price .

Look too repetitive for me to buy at full price .I really hope they will do something about you re teammates AI , he was more in you re way then helpful

12 years ago

Binary what now? Never heard of it.

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