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Ninja Theory Receives Death Threats Over DMC Reboot

Oh come on. Really? Look, it's one thing to be passionate about a hobby; it's quite another when you start acting like a lunatic .

As most gamers know, the Devil May Cry reboot – basically just entitled "DMC" – is headed our way in 2012, and the protagonist, Dante, has undergone a definite cosmetic overhaul. Many fans have expressed their dislike of that overhaul but it seems some die-hards have taken it to a new level… A frightening level, to be exact.

According to what Ninja Theory boss Tameem Antoniades told OXM UK , the studio has actually received death threats. Yes, death threats. Said Antoniades:

"[Enslaved writer] Alex Garland warned me about it because he experienced a similar thing with 28 Days Later where people were upset that it didn't feature real zombies. So I was half prepared for it, although I have to say that it has been pretty eye opening to see some of the creative ways in which people have chosen to vent their hatred. We didn't expect death threats in comic book form or anti-DmC death metal songs!"

Anti-DMC death metal songs? …okay. Antoniades hopes the rage will die down as the team releases more gameplay footage, which they've done already to some extent . We at PSXE are definitely hopeful; the footage we've seen is promising and definitely feels a lot like past entries in the franchise. Added Antoniades:

"There is of course an expectation from the fans, which is something that has always been firmly in the minds of both ourselves and Capcom. The Devil May Cry franchise is well established and much loved, so we want to keep the essence of what makes the series unique."

He went on to talk about the progression of Dante as a character, and he finished by saying they take the combat in DMC "very seriously." And by the way, do we have to remind the haters that Capcom had a lot to say about Dante's new look? The publisher is definitely involved in this project, so if you must assign blame, assign it correctly and equally.

And nix the overreaction. Get a life instead.

Related Game(s): DMC

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12 years ago

I think Ninja Theory could become a better dev with the experience learned from tackling DMC. I say this because NT are masters over cinematics and they prove more than competent in visual design. I think it's the meaty depth of play where oppurtunity is for them. Enslaved's combat wasn't particularly special, pretty basic actually, and Heavenly Sword was good but lagged behind the elite titles sharing the same genre. Perhaps working on something as gameplay centric as DmC Ninja Theory will learn some things and come out a more well rounded dev going forward.

I'm sort of tired now of the DmC backlash. I've accepted it. I liked the look and vibe of the originals just fine, but I suspect in the end, if this new DmC ends up flopping, Capcom will placate fans with a "true to it's roots" presentation. I would hope so anyway.. this is Capcom.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 1/4/2012 9:30:54 PM

12 years ago

Oh, just great, let's give the mainstream sheep another reason to give video gamers a black eye.

Geez, the mindset of some psychopaths….
(Saint walks away shaking his head)

Last edited by BikerSaint on 1/4/2012 9:34:17 PM

12 years ago

What? We told them to keep it on the down low.

12 years ago

*facepalm* wow…people these days…

12 years ago

Wow, just wow….
well if anyone should be recieving threats for his, it should be CAPCOM. (lol)

12 years ago

I understand about being passionate about particular games, but to go and threaten peoples lives over a change you do not like is really crossing the line and is really ridiculous.

12 years ago

Well they ARE messing with a loved videogame character. Were they expecting a bunch of high-fives?

12 years ago

death threats and high fives aren't polarly balanced expressions.
More like pledges. Pledges of love and admiration… until death.


12 years ago

I personally don't like his new look, but I have to counter that to say… I am going to spend so much time flying through enemies and in mid-air to even notice. 😀

12 years ago

Once again actions of few knuckleheads will be viewed as actions of everyone in the gaming community. I like classic Dante too but I'm willingly to give this Devil May Cry a chance and if this games turns out better than good no one is going to remember what the fuss was about.

Last edited by JDC80 on 1/4/2012 11:52:21 PM

12 years ago

yeah I have to agree with you…I'm sure one of the major news outlets will get wind of this and start branding gamers in a bad light.

12 years ago

a chopped finger, burned car or something like that i could understand, but death treats?
ok, thats taking it just a little too far.
they lost me when yesterday they tweeted the combat would be very like bayonetta.
as if DMC4 was not bad enough a abomination!
thats it, crapcom is dead!
every popular series they have dragged through the dirt!
RE, lost planet, bionic commando, megaman, devil may cry, every famous beloved crapcom series they have shat on, dragged it through the dirt, and whored out!
ive had enough!

12 years ago

They sure were joking or the videos they show were very old because the combat is nothing like Bayonetta, funny how you don't know much about a game you really hate.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

What the Dickens? That's just silly. You have to wonder how people are so frickin' obsessed with something to go so far as to issue death threats to someone that is making changes to it. I mean, you have to be REALLY mentally unbalanced to do something like that.

12 years ago

LOL. that is just funny. who would threat someone over something like this.

12 years ago

NT disgusted me with their design of the new Dante, these people disgusts me even more.

12 years ago

First I was like ''oh damn those losers'' but after reading it was in form of comic book and Death Metal songs I find it very hilarious wish they release them as bonus material to unlock on the game.

12 years ago

Some people take games to seriously lol, but really i hate Dante new look, its crap but the footage shown so far is promising, so i have to give the game a chance.

12 years ago


funniest article ive read in a while.

thats makes me wanna piss off those guys, LOL

12 years ago

More like false threats, they ain't going to do crap =/. Don't pay them any attention and ignore those fools.

12 years ago

I'm still gonna play it… still, why can't NT simply listen to the fans? Not hard to just change the color of the hair, right? Unless they got a plot that leads to him having silver hair…lol…

I saw the gameplay and it looks awesome. Perhaps Dante is like a Super-sayan and has to power-up to get his Silver hair?

Still…, that is no reason to threaten someone else's life! It's just a game… well, for those who still have their sanity that is lol

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