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GTAV’s Map To Make Liberty City Look Small By Comparison?

It's always amusing when the co-founder of a studio is afraid to talk about the team's next big project. Repercussions galore!

It's like covert-ops stuff until they get the green light, apparently. Rockstar has given us the official press release and a debut trailer for Grand Theft Auto V , but they're not willing to divulge further details.

In a recent Game Informer interview (as cited by ) about Max Payne 3 , Rockstar co-founder Dan Houser was asked about GTAV. His response was as follows:

"I've got to be real careful here, or they will drag me through the office and whip me with barbwire. I will stick to exactly what's in the press release. It's Los Santos and the surrounding countryside – and a very big map."

The press release had said we'll be experiencing the "most ambitious game Rockstar has yet created," but it didn't offer specific size information for the map. We know it's a "bold new direction" for storytelling and open-world sandbox games – the statement that has us the most intrigued – and we're assuming Los Santos and the rest of the landscape will be a bigger environment than Liberty City in GTAIV. But how much bigger? What kind of crazy dimensions are we talking about here?

Oh well, we can be patient. For a little while, anyway.

Related Game(s): Grand Theft Auto V

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12 years ago

The bigger, the better!!!!!

(yeah, that's what she said, LOL)

12 years ago

I don't know about you guys, but I love BIG maps and open world gaming. It's one of the reasons why I'm looking forward to FFvsXIII so much and how massive the world is gonna be for us to explore. With this bit of news, I'm hoping that their next Midnight Club series will have an ambitious, scaled map too. You can always use more roads in a driving game!

I wonder if this might mean multiple discs or a big install for the 360 version. I figure a very big map will require a lot of data. Then again, Skyrim kinda did it, so perhaps not.

12 years ago

Every time I read about GTAV I get a stronger and stronger feeling that GTA is on it's way back to splendour.

I particularly love this part of the quote: "and the surrounding countryside"… This, to me, smells like GTA:SA.

12 years ago

i totally feel the same way about that last part. also every time i read something new my excitement level goes up a notch

12 years ago

Personally, I'm not with the "bigger is necessarily better" crowd. But if it does have an extraordinarily large map, I won't hold it against the game, either. I'm looking forward to 'Grand Theft Auto V', regardless, because Rockstar North has a great track record.

And I'm also trying to not read too much into all the speculation about what may or may not end up in the game. I let that take away some of my initial enjoyment with 'IV', but once I settled into what the developer was aiming for and how extremely well they executed it, it became one of my favorite games, at least of this generation if not overall.

12 years ago

Bigger is definitely not necessarily better, that much is true. But no worries, this is Rockstar. They sure know how to fill a map.

12 years ago

absolutely! this is R* afterall. their the masters of open world games. the haters can hate all they want theres no denying what they've accomplished in this field the last 10 years.

12 years ago

I find that most games with large maps are mostly filler (ie bethesda games) and i would much rather play a sandbox with a smaller, better designed map like inFamous.

However, R* are great at making maps. I was a little disappointed in GTA4 overall, but the map design was excellent and i have no reason to believe they'll stop being great any time soon.

12 years ago

How big was Red Dead compared to past GTA games? RDR was pretty, pretty big. But racing around in a car would make it feel smaller I suppose.

I wonder if it will be as big as Skyrim. I still sort of chuckle to myself when I'm walking around, 100+ hours in, and think, where am I on the map? This doesn't look like somewhere I've been before.

Stay Classy PSX…

12 years ago

It may sound/seem to HARDCORE but…i want MY GANG BACK. I want to be able to recruit or call some A.I friends again and drive around Los Santos 4 Deep in a S.U.V and Wish a mutha F@#%& would !!!! lmao

The memories of Grove Street Families vs Ballas

mk ultra
mk ultra
12 years ago

I could be wrong, but haven't you ran an article with that quote before? Sounds familiar.

The way he says it, it definitely sounds bigger than anything they've done before. If it's bigger than SA and looks better than IV i'll be impressed.

12 years ago

I expect RDR'ish quality graphics. And that's plenty enough if you ask me. RDR looked awesome.

12 years ago

Im happy to hear the actual game is big but now tell me theres something to actually do in it.

12 years ago

i expect no less from R*

here is an interesting post i found:

each iteration of the franchise, the map multiplies by a certain amount.
so i'll go ahead and guess its 3 times the size of part 4.


honestly I wouldn't be surprised if they managed to pull off the entire state.

Now that would be amazing

12 years ago

Funny thing is they said it was only going to be los santos only, not san fierro and las venturas.

I can't wait to see what this game will be like.

12 years ago

no doubt about it, i would not be surprised if this made GTA SA map look small!
though that said who gives a sh*t how big the map is?
i just want my GTA back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12 years ago

I just hope we get a HUGE map with buildings we can actually go into!!!
This game will be an absolute blast to play, no doubt, but to what degree? That's the question.

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