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Nolan North On What Goes Into Making A Video Game

Nolan North, the voice of soon-to-be iconic Uncharted protagonist Nathan Drake, has been part of three highly progressive, critically acclaimed games this generation.

And in his new book, the Uncharted: Drake's Journal, he explores the behind-the-scenes details from the recent entry, Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception . This was the subject of a new interview with The Hollywood Reporter , where North said his goal with the journal was to "highlight what we do and how we do it." But the best part was the following Q&A portion:

THR: What do you think Hollywood might learn about how games are made from this book?

North: There was a time when all the actors were saying, 'We should get residuals on videogames.' I just kept going, 'You don’t have any idea what goes into making a game, do you?'"

Man, I've been wanting to say that to the Hollywood bigwigs for years. As for the general question concerning how Naughty Dog approaches each project, North made it plain that even the studio bosses work just as hard as everyone else:

"The co-presidents, Evan Wells and Christophe Balestra, work just as hard as their employees do. There’s no real management structure. Their big quote is, 'Go make it awesome.' They just trust in their employees. That collaboration, that self-motivated attention to detail, is what it is. That spills over onto the mo-cap stage, so now every actor’s thinking, “I’ve got to step up my game. They’re working hard, and I’ve got to keep making it the best it can be.” It ends up being this brilliant game."

North is great. We hope to talk to him early in the new year, which should allow us to start 2012 with a bang. 😉

Related Game(s): Uncharted 3

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12 years ago

You know what. It would be nice if Hollywood and the gaming industry could work together better. What I'm saying is I think games could use some A level Hollywood talent when it comes to writing and storytelling. There is just some awful writing in many videogames. Even some of the best examples of writing in videogames would be considered B movie material at best. I really notice that when I replay a lot of games. I recall Naughty Dog talking about how games have a long way to go in terms of storytelling. I agree. Both industries could probably learn a lot form each other.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 12/31/2011 11:08:30 AM

12 years ago

I actually predict that the more the Hollywood "bigwigs" invest their megabucks into 'our' gaming industry, the more generic, lacklustre and formulaic the videogaming industry will eventually become. In this world, money talks. Technology and budgets will surely improve. The smaller developers will find it harder to survive. The big money will turn the videogaming industry into something like the current highly commercialised and mostly shallow movie and even music industries.
(I'm just happy that I can look back at my gaming hobby and I can honestly say that I've fully enjoyed the ride thus far!)

12 years ago

That is a good point. We have already seen a lot less risk taking in the gaming industry. I only wish some top level witers would contribute to videogames in a serious way. In no way do I want Hollywood in charge of videogames, though. I would like to single out Bioware. I saw flashes of good writing and storytelling in ME2.

12 years ago

An interview with Nolan North you say?

Am I reading that correctly?

12 years ago

Cool. Are you taking questions for Mr.North, Ben?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

I don't know yet.

12 years ago

On a side note, Happy New Year to all.

12 years ago

id love to get this, but like almost every other $ony product its US only.
no way in hell im paying same the product does in shipment!

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