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Crap, I Lost My New Year’s Eve Date Due To ‘Insert Game Name’

It's New Year's Eve. It's time to party. It's time to kiss someone when the ball drops. But oh no, you spent a little too much time with one particular game, and now you're stuck with nothing but…well, that game.

Essentially, we're talking about the 5 games in 2011 that could drain your free time away better than other titles. The games that kept you up late, that had you calling in sick, that made the sound of a ringing phone mind-numbingly annoying. Yes, being a PlayStation-centric site, we're limiting the list to games that are available on PlayStation platforms. So no Android or Wii-only or stuff like that. We imagine such an all-inclusive list would be quite different right? Well, make your own list then.

Anyway, here you go; the games that may as well have been chick repellent in 2011.

5. inFamous 2

I'm really not sure why, but this might have been the most addictive game of the year for me. Although I maintain that it has a few problems that drops it from the elite ranks, it was one of those titles that kept me playing for a really long time. You know the feeling; i.e., "gotta do one more mission…just one more mission." This is more of a personal selection, although I have heard similar claims from other gamers.

4. LittleBigPlanet 2

It launched early in the year but when it did, swarms of dedicated and creative gamers dove in and haven't looked back. If you look up some of the more impressive user-generated levels in LBP2, you'll be blown away with what has been made; some of these fans are die-hard designers, aren't they? And it all takes a tremendous amount of time and imagination; you can't help but be impressed. Oh, and maybe certain girls don't think grown men should be playing with…you know, dollies.

3. Dark Souls

Much like its predecessor, Demon's Souls , this game was more than capable of erasing entire weekends. Speed runs are almost common, and those who find themselves immersed in the ultra-challenging world of Dark Souls don't break free for a while . There are ardent defenders of the game and it seems like every last one of 'em must've passed up at least one social event during their obsession stages. No offense intended at all; it's what great games tend to do.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (multiplayer)

I've heard of people forgetting what the sun looks and feels like when they get involved in extended MW3 multiplayer sessions. I've heard of some unfortunate gamers suffering from malnutrition and sleep disorders due to MW3. …okay, the latter is an exaggeration but not by much. For a multitude of reasons, MW3 online remains the go-to choice for a great many, and that community is loaded with those who forget time exists when they're hunting for their next kill.

1. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

There can only be one game that made you forget reality for so long. It just keeps going and going and going … The outside world? Meh, only the pizza guy has to walk through it to make his deliveries at your door. And come New Year's Eve, there are plenty of virtual females in Skyrim and none of them require copious amounts of alcohol to become more cooperative. Worse yet, it only just released in November; maybe not long enough for the hardcore RPG lovers to get their fill.

The bottom line is that Skyrim is expansive and enveloping and you might never escape. Ball? What ball? So what if it dropped? Look at the loot this dude just "dropped!"

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12 years ago

It was the complete opposite for me. Gaming has taken a backseat over a few personal stuff going on, but it's mostly for a good reason. I turned 30 last December 15 and a few weeks before that I started seeing someone, went on a week's vacation to a popular beach with that person, and we have been in constant communication since then. I can't even believe that I have yet to earn a single trophy this entire month! *gasps*

But anyway, it has been a very good year for us gamers. We had a lot of excellent games to play and it looks like things are bound to continue this coming year. Whatever you've done this year, be it gaming-related or not, I hope it contributed to a fruitful year for you. Have a happy new year to all the good folks her at PSXE.


12 years ago

Ha, I won't be playing games until the little one ors to sleep. It's her birthday on New Years Eve. Crazy.

12 years ago

I've played a lot of different games this year. I'm not certain what I spent the most time with. I know Infamous 2 is way up there. I did platinum it afterall.
I'm really loving Dragon Age:O(the non-hidious looking one). oh wait, that's right I went cocoa for Assassin Creed puffs this year, having played the first 3 and now I'm working on Revelations right now.
I want to spend a lot of time with many games, but usually it doesn't exceed much more than an hour, maybe two, on most nights.

12 years ago

I would remove LBP2 from that list and replace it with Mass Effect 2. There is easily 30hrs of gameplay found in the definitive PS3 version. Great game with a rich universe. I just bought The Arrival DLC for $6.99. I do have Infamous 2 and like it but it was such an easy game to beat. No challenge. I have spent many hours just messing around with the game so I do understand its appeal.

Skyrim is great when it works. Lag is still an issue which can be annoying so I've taken a break from the game until patch 1.4 arrives. I have tried evrery tip that has been suggested and have even went to the trouble of swapping out my HD because I thought it might be causing freezing problems. It did not work. I would consider freezing issues even worse than the lag. I have noticed it freezes more when you have a large party with you. I've had multiple freezes when attempting to retrieve the King's crown after I joined the stormcloak rebellion. I don't know of a way to stop it. One time after it froze mid save it said my PS3 was not turned off properly and my HD may be corrupted. Thank you Bethesda. I'd still recommend the game but PS3 owners need to be warned and they have been.

As for games I am looking forward to in 2012. Mass Effest 3 is a day1 purchase, and so is FF13-2. Gta5 as well.

Happy New Years to evrerybody at PSXE including all its members. This site has the best community on the web. This site is full of people who post in a smart way. There are countless members who I'd like to extend my gratitude to for making this such a rich community starting with Beamboom, Ignitus, bigrailer, Karaso, World, Jawk, ludakris, maxpontiac, bigbossforver, clamadeus, foxhounder, Ultima, svenmd, bikersaint, alienage, highlander, bebestorm, underdog, dancemachine55, bebestorm, soulcontroller, sunspider, qubex, blankline, ben, and finally temjin. Some members who are my PSN friends have even went to trouble of sending me a happy holidays message via PSN even though we have not played a lot of games together. That's an indication of the thoughtfulness of the members here. Thank you. 🙂

12 years ago

Belated happy birthday Excelsior. We are friends on PSN but we've never played any game together, yet. But I would've left a message if I knew. Or if I was online at all. LOL

12 years ago

Um, It's not my birthday but thank you anyways. 🙂

12 years ago

Definalety GTA5 will have it's big time share.

12 years ago


I wish that you were my neighbor so you could play Skyrim at my place. 😉 I've yet to run into any freezing issues, and still no backwards flying dragons! Oh but something funny did happen, I saved my game in a random spot while I was on my horse, when I got out of the menu, another horse; my horse, was lying on the ground, dead. I was curious so I got off the horse, and searched the randomly appearing dead one. But it was empty… Didn't even get to loot it!

I probably would take off LBP2 and add ME2 also, although it wasn't until I started recruiting, that it got really addicting. At that point I'm sure I lost an hour or two.

Happy New Years! Back to Skyrim!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 12/31/2011 1:02:13 AM

12 years ago

My god, I can't believe I completely misread that. LOL Happy Holidays anyway!

12 years ago


Ha! Where are located? Just kidding. I do in fact believe you. That would be consitent with what seems to have been reported out there. Some have had way more problems than others. As to why that is the case I have no idea. I did download the latest patch. I have never seen a backwards flying dragon either. Hopefully, Bethesda can sort this out. They are reaching out to PS3 owners and asking for their particular save files in attempt to track down the problems. It will be fixed in a future update.

It's still a great game that I have received many hours of relatively clean gameplay from…I only wish it were a little more stable in certain areas. Having said that it is way more stable than Fallout 3 ever was. Now, that's a game I had a nasty time with. Definitely the most unstable game I have played on the PS3.

12 years ago

Don't try New Vegas then. I couldn't get a couple hours into it. I really want to, but it's frustrating.

12 years ago

You have yourself a very Happy New Year Excelsior! Hope 2012 bring everyone lots of good surprises!

12 years ago

I finally have Skyrim, so my life is over.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

So you did get the package then?

12 years ago

Yup, it arrived yesterday. I sent you an e-mail about an hour ago.

12 years ago

A Skyrim package in my mailbox would do well by me, Ben 😉

Last edited by Temjin001 on 12/31/2011 12:45:43 AM

12 years ago

This year wasn't great for me, didn't get to play all the games that I wanted but there is still time. Right now, I just miss being next to my GF, f*****' sucks.

12 years ago

I'd have to agree with this list for the most part. I don't exactly remember when ME2 released for PS3 but I'm sure it was this year, and well that would probably be on my list.

Happy New Year to everyone and be safe!

12 years ago

Happy new year to all!

As far as the thread goes, well no woman in my life ATM so no worries about when I can or can't play.

But I did find my longtime companion(10 years), a beautiful gold & iridescent turquoise Jack Dempsey that I raised from a wee little fish-fry, into a 11 & 1/2" aquarium powerhouse, floating dead at the top on my tank Christmas afternoon.

You may not believe this, but he'd stay at the end of the tank closest to my TV & constantly watch the screen as I played some of my video games. Now with that said, he could care less about any other shows or movies(no, not even Nemo), and at those times he'd just do his own little thing, hiding behind a statue just waiting to ambush and eat anything I put into the tank.

But once I put certain games in, he'd come to the end of the tank & just watch till I shut the game off.
From what I've observed, his favorites seemed to be GTA4, inFamous, & Rage.


Last edited by BikerSaint on 12/31/2011 2:30:31 AM

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
12 years ago

I like your poetry.

Gamer Girl Gemo
Gamer Girl Gemo
12 years ago

Chick repellent? Psh! These games are total magnets for me 😉

All joking aside, I totally agree with that list! I own all of them except for LBP2… I tried to get it for myself for Christmas, but I couldn't find it on a single store shelf! They were sold out no matter where I went. I thought about getting it online, but I've never done any online shopping. Ah, well. Maybe i'll end up getting it some day.

Last edited by Gamer Girl Gemo on 12/31/2011 8:52:41 AM

12 years ago

i wish i could say the same about infamous 2!
i was soooooooooooooooooooo excited for that game, i was literally counting down the days!
then i got to do to the launch party and meet the devs, and that just piqued my excitement even more!
its funny, playing the game there with them i absolutely loved it!
but the retail game, not so much.
the powers felt FAR too watered down!
oh SP, what have you done to my favourite new IP!?
just downloaded festival of blood, hopefully it brings back some redemption………

12 years ago

I see Star Wars: The Old Republic being a very dangerous game against New Year social events, being an MMO and all. I know it isn't a PS3 exclusive but…

12 years ago

the points about Dark Souls resonate all to well – I'm actually not even done my first playthrough (All I have left is Gwyn too!).

I also agree with Infamous 2 that game is incredibly addicting even all if I do is play ugc where I'm beating up swarms of swamp monsters with my amp :p

Also, Amen to Skyrim.

Warrior Poet
Warrior Poet
12 years ago

What? Choosing video games over a date? That's silly…get a date who likes video games!

Either way, heh. I play lots of games and I'm pretty sure none of them were chick repellent. I mean, bringing an SNES to parties with Super Mario World is pretty much the largest chick magnet I can think of. All the "many" men play Call of Duty and all the girls are stuck with me and Mario 😉

12 years ago

Happy New Year Everyone!!!
Hope 2012 rocks on you personal, gaming and professional lives. All the best to the best community of any gaming site out there, and to PSX staff, stay classy as always and keep on bringing the awesome game sauce! 🙂

12 years ago

Cheers folks.
I don't want to jinx it, since most of my free time is usually gaming, but I just got back from Sherlock 2 and 3d tintin with the hottest girl in my game dev section, granted there are only 3.

12 years ago

I just waited for the kids to crash and I played a bit of UC3 before midnight then had a great night with friends and hubby just wish my daughter knew how to sleep in lol.

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