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Gamer Chases Continuous Playing Record With Skyrim

You think you have gaming marathons every once in a while? Bet you aren't willing to try this…

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a massive game, one that can easily suck up 100+ hours of gameplay. I remember losing three or four hours at a clip without even noticing, so it has that curious "time disappearance" capability.

And according to a report in the The Leaf Chronicle , Clarksville gamer Drew Carrico is going to use that to his advantage as he tries to break a world record. He has already been up for over 24 hours, and he intends to stay awake past 43 hours and 21 minutes, the current record for continuous playing of a video game. He won't be happy with 43 hours and 22 minutes, though; he wants to play for 80 hours.

The rules are that Carrico can eat and drink, provided it doesn't really stop him from playing, and he can take a 5-minute break every hour. If he doesn't take that break, the five minutes will build up, and he can take a longer break at a later time. Said Carrico:

"My goal is to build up to get a two- or three-hour break. That way I can take a nap and be re-energized when I am about to crash. Will power is what is keeping me going, I haven't had any energy drinks or coffee. It's mostly will power, and I have got some really good friends here helping."

Stay away from those energy drinks or any caffeinated crap, Drew. That's a good plan. The ones that don't have caffeine could help, but the ones that do would just make you want to crash and burn a few hours later…and that would totally suck when you're trying to stay awake and concentrate.

Anyway, good luck. I ain't doin' that.

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12 years ago

80 hours is crazy. if only i had no life and could dedicate my time like that.

Metal Head
Metal Head
12 years ago

If you wanna stay young and attractive don't try this. Getting huge eye bags is not cool and makes you look older. I love gaming, but i know my limits. I take my sweet time enjoying every game I buy, that I have trouble keeping up.

12 years ago

He aint doing it on a ps3 that's for sure!

Major laggage.

12 years ago

You got that damn straight. That was the first thing I thought of when I read this headline. Maybe the PS3 version would keep him awake because he would have tro reset his console multiple times. Frustration can lead to sleepless days and nights for sure. 🙂

12 years ago

Thanks Bugthesda!

12 years ago

Its not that bad, especially if you take the steps to fix it.

But I have problems with steam almost every time I play the pc version

12 years ago

Wow, I wish I would have known about this record when I was younger. I used to stay up and play for days at a time, I remember one time when I stayed up and played FF VII and the first Tony Hawk game for almost five straight days. The longest I have ever stayed up was for eight days with no sleep(though I didn't play games non-stop with that one). I slept for almost 26 hours afterwards and woke up for about two hours and went right back to bed. Three days is about my max anymore as I am getting to old to do these kinda stunts.

Many of use will think I am BSing but I am being truthful. I want to show this article to a couple of my friends that use to hang out with me during those marathons to see what they have to say.

12 years ago

8 days straight? Was that done with the assistance of chemical substances? I have drank some killer cappaciono's that had me bouncing off the walls for hours.

12 years ago

It depends on the person, the max I've stayed up for was a week without any sleep playing games, and going outside. With out any assistance of caffeine to keep me up. This was when I was younger can't do that anymore as I get sick when I do now. (wish I didn't do that when I was younger)

12 years ago

The 8 days straight was aided with just caffeine(pop). I used to stay up for 3 to 4 days at a time(almost every week), but I suffered from chronic insomnia and I was a avid user of chemical substances of all types back then which helped and hurt a lot. For me the only difficult part is when you start to get tired(yawning excessively) I have about a three hour window of it. Once I get past that window I get that second wind and am good for another twelve hours, and then rinse and repeat. The crash after staying up for those periods is almost unexplainable, it feels great on one hands and terrible on the other. And no doubt it has to be extremely unhealthy in the long run.

I do remember though that after the 8 straight days and nearly day and a half of sleeping I wasn't right for a few weeks afterwards, I believe it really took a serious toll on my mind and body. I definitely don't advise people to go and do these types of things, but you yourself will know if your mind/body can handle it.

And Clamedeus that is what happens to me now after about three days, I get really sick and will end up spending half the day in the bathroom(peeing) and eating a ton of tums, so I try not to do it that much anymore.

12 years ago


Indeed, my digestion is a bit messed up from staying up all night as well eating, I try to keep the eating as minimale as possible. I'm also trying to get into the correct sleeping schedule, mine is really bad, I'll be sleeping all day, at night i'll stay up when the sun comes up I'll also stay up longer until night time again and try to sleep early, sometimes it doesn't work… I had a perfect sleeping schedule then I fell out of line on it and now it's just horrible, I feel sick a lot now when I do stay up all night (Like I'm doing right now, even though it's already morning just not daylight yet.. it's 4 something in the morning right now.)

12 years ago

Hell, I've done a couple of 32 t0 36 hour marathons last year on GTA4.

For me, it's not trying to stay awake that kills me, it's the moment right after I've shut the game down when I actually realize how Zombiezed I've become because I don't have a slightest damned clue to what day it is.

And at almost 60, it's no fun when you crash & burn like that, I need extra nappy-time, LOL

Last edited by BikerSaint on 12/30/2011 12:02:11 PM

12 years ago

That's absurd. I mean, hats off to him if he can do it, and I love Skyrim, but good God.

I lost four straight hours to Skyrim (the longest I've played in succession) since I'm off from school for the break, but 80? Good God. Have fun with that electric bill and your head feeling like it's going to explode.

Last edited by Twistedfloyd on 12/30/2011 12:02:06 PM

12 years ago

I played skyrim for 14 hours yesterday… 😛

Warrior Poet
Warrior Poet
12 years ago

Hah. I actually beat this once. I know no one will believe me and I have no proof…but it was a Super Smash Bros Melee tournament, and I was Link. Unstoppable! I think I drank about 3 gallons of chocolate milk during that battle…I think I made 45 hours before crashing.

And I only came in third place. Bummer.

Warrior Poet
Warrior Poet
12 years ago

80 hours? I don't know if it's humanly possible.

12 years ago

6 gallons of chocolate milk disagree with your comment.

12 years ago

I think many of us could do this easily IF we had that type of free time. 80 hours is just far too long though..44 hours is doable..80 is risking health if you ask me..

12 years ago

LOL good luck to him, and I hope this guy pulls it off because it will be quite the feat to pull off.

Last edited by thj_1980 on 12/30/2011 8:31:32 PM

12 years ago

I remember doing about 24 hrs straight on FFVII when I was younger. The only breaks I took were to eat & piss. My friend was up w me the whole time watching me play & keeping me awake to keep playing. I've also done a GT4 & a GT5 24hr race w two different friends. We would take six hour gaming/napping shifts tho. Still have 1 more 24hr race 2 do but the last one overheated my last ps3 graphics chip and caused a bunch of games (including GT5) to look funny. ACII had major texture skewing off Ezio and random objects in the world, GT5 cars would sometimes have green winshields, & Batman AA wouldn't work past the 1st 5 min. I sold it 2 a friend for $100 bucks & told him about the problems b4 hand. It had a 500gb hdd halfway filled w all kinds of movies, music, & shows so he got a good deal.

Last edited by fatelementality on 12/30/2011 8:54:37 PM

Russell Burrows
Russell Burrows
12 years ago

80 hours??
Camped out for Black Friday every year and will post a link to video in a next post.

12 years ago

Eh, an MMO would have been a better choice to do it IMO

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