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Journey “Just Hit A Major Milestone”

It's a week for rest and relaxation, and we imagine Thatgamecompany has earned plenty of both.

The team that brought you Flower wished everyone a very happy holiday season over at the PlayStation Blog , and they even provided patient fans with a small – although significant – update on their new project, Journey :

"We just hit a major milestone on Journey, and are super excited to take a brief break – when we return it will be pedal to the medal to finish it up and get it out to you! Thanks to everyone who has been so supportive over the last THREE YEARS (our longest project yet!). Your support really does make all the difference, and I can’t say 'thank you' enough on behalf of everyone at thatgamecompany."

Wow, three years. We often forget how fast time flies; it seems like just yesterday we were reveling in the soothing quietude of Flower . We assume you're already schooled on Journey but if not, you can always check out our preview ; it has been our most anticipated PSN game for a while now. And we love that part about "pedal to the metal."

Hopefully, a finalized release date will arrive soon after the New Year.

Related Game(s): Journey

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12 years ago

Three years? Wow, really doesn't feel like its been that long. Can't wait till I get to play this!

12 years ago

Flower was an great game; till this day my daughter still plays it on a regular basis. Every time I see it, Im reminded of just how emotional and artistic that game really was.

I hope that Journey is equal in greatness.

12 years ago

How impressive! It's great to see a dev that can allow a weeks time off even though the game is not finished! Team Bondi I am looking at you! You are nothing without your team so take care of them. D1P for me!

Oh, off topic, if you haven't played it yet Dungeon Defenders is amazing fun! I have glued to my PS3 playing this fun game. I just bought the $3.99 DLC too. I am so glad I bought it. Another PSN gem IMHO!

12 years ago

Can't wait to get my hand or more likely my cursor on this baby 🙂
Btw, if anyone is looking for cheaper memory card for the upcoming Vita, New Egg dot com has the 32GB for $99 no tax and free shipping. Glad to see the price lowering even before release 🙂

12 years ago

Oh yeah! This game better have a story because, you know, games without a story sucks.

12 years ago

makes you wonder what they have been doing for it.
3 years on a AAA game is a long time, but a PSN game?
i wish $ony would release more PSN games at retail.
they have done it with a few like R&C QFB.
so many PSN masterpieces ive missed out on because i cant download them.

12 years ago

Looking forward to taking this Journey with "ThatGamesCompany"… D1P for me…



12 years ago

3 years on an PSN game? Wow, tht should put other developers who take that long to make a game and have it come out bad to shame

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