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Personal Information Not Stolen During Square Enix Hack

It's good to have a silver lining.

Square Enix revealed last week that they had discovered a breach in their Members service, and they were looking into whether or not personal information was at risk.

As it turns out, the publisher has confirmed that any personal data wasn't compromised during the intrusion. The official statement said:

"As a result of our continuing investigation, we have now confirmed that the database in which we store personal information was NOT accessed during the recent server intrusion. Therefore, your personal information was NOT compromised by an unknown third party."

Square Enix had said that the hacker(s) didn't gain access to login information, and the incident had been reported to the Japanese government. As for the Members service, the company plans to reopen it by the end of the year, which isn't far off, of course. These days, it feels like just about anything you put into a computer is at risk, but it's nice to know that in this particular case, gamers can feel relatively safe.

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12 years ago

Good to know. Though in my case I haven't updated my Square account since opening it when FFIX came out. Anything that could have been stolen would have been useless to the thief.

12 years ago

They better send me something more than postcards this year.

12 years ago

What, you got postcards from SE????

I didn't, all I got was their security warning form email…those bast*rds!

12 years ago

This does not sound like a big deal at all. I guess Sony will always enjoy the special status of biggest hack in gaming history with the added benefit of loosing information on every single account they had. They got their a$$ stung big time.

12 years ago

so how long till these companies start taking security seriously and start heavily encrypting things and having appropriate tracking software?
this is only going to get worse if companies dont start standing up to it.

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