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Please Bring Dragon Quest Back To PlayStation

You'll just keep messing with Final Fantasy so maybe the least you can do is bring back the much-beloved Dragon Quest .

If you ask hardcore role-playing fans about their favorite games from the PS2 generation, the majority will undoubtedly put Dragon Quest VIII somewhere in their top five. Those same fans were mystified when Dragon Quest IX went to the Nintendo DS, and DQX is going to the Wii and Wii U…and it'll be a MMORPG. Well, they're messin' around with that franchise, too, but at least Nintendo fans have access to these new titles.

A new traditional Dragon Quest on the PlayStation 3 could draw a gigantic crowd of long-time followers. I know Square Enix sees Nintendo as a more viable platform for this series, just because it's more colorful and cutesy; hence, maybe it fits the Wii and DS platforms better than the more "adult" Sony and Microsoft consoles. Hey, I'm not saying I agree with the viewpoint, but I think it's worth mentioning. And it's not like DQIX did badly on the DS; I just wonder why, once again, Square Enix feels like ignoring the fans who responded wonderfully to one of their products.

A new Dragon Quest for the PS3 would really make my day. Look at Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch ; a new DQ could look exactly like that, couldn't it? I think it's a very similar art style, and keeping the traditional RPG theme would be perfect for those who have followed the Dragon Quest series for many years. Just an idea.

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12 years ago

We'll need to see how Ni no Kuni does on the PS3 over here I guess. If it does well enough (I know I'm interested in the game) maybe we'll slowly and steadily see those types of RPG's come back to Playstation.

I bought DQVIII mainly for the FFXII demo. Ended up absolutely falling in love with DQVIII. Then was very disappointed when the next DQ was over on Nintendo 😛

Last edited by Zemus101 on 12/19/2011 9:31:24 PM

12 years ago

Hell, I'd even be happy with an HD update of DQVIII for Vita and/or PS3. I'm glad they decided to make a Wii U version of DQX. I've read it looks gorgeous. I love Akira Toriyama's style. Looking forward to DQX even though it is an MMO. I read it will still have a strong story even though it's online.

12 years ago

There hasn't been really a solid japanese RPG for awhile(I want to exclude Disgea 4 because that's not my style of rpg, even though I heard it was really good). Why can't Square Enix or ANYONE for that matter go back to the roots of good japanese rpgs. Have they lost their path or history, do any of these people look back on their previous games and say "Wow, we should revert back to our roots where the games were addictive and fun to play. What were we thinking making a game like this in the new generation of audiences."

This whole thing with Square Enix trying to appeal to the western audience, they are trying way too hard imo..I just don't understand why they took a game and make it so linear. That's not what Square Enix was about and they chose that direction in FFXIII. Americans who are into the RPG's still like the roots and the whole thing with trying to get everyone's appeal of FFXIII is not the way to go.

I'm sorry, I'm just mixed in thoughts right now. There's too many damn reasons as to how I can think of why they went that route of making of a final fantasy boggles my mind..some may agree here and some may disagree.

12 years ago

Do you even know Level 5? They've been at the root of Jrpgs since they began.

Ni No Kuni is more to the root than any other this gen.

12 years ago

Ni No Kuni looks great, but the JRPG market is definitely not like it used to be. We used to get so many JRPGs there simply wasn't enough time to finish them all. We had to be selective about which ones we wanted to play. Now however we scour the market just to find one that's actually solid.

12 years ago


Some of us just scourge the market to find one that's merely acceptable…. lol

12 years ago

Yes. Exactly this.
Sadly, I don't see it happening.

12 years ago

Would be something, but unfortunately this is Square Enix we're talking about…

12 years ago

You could just go buy a ds, wii/wii u. Whatever fans/money they would obtain from going multiplat is most likely very little. Considering those fans would have just bought the system to play that game anyway. In which case I'm guessing they are "Dragon Quest" fans and not sony fans. 2 completely different things not excluding a mixture of both.

The fans are still getting the game they want and sales are strong. So I don't see how they are ignoring DQ fans in this case especially when the main franchise core gameplay is still there unlike ff. In which the turnbased ff fans have been completely neglected in the core franchise.

I think kingdom hearts is a great example. Core gameplay is still there and it is trying to please kh fans. Not its' sony fans, nintendo fans, xbox fans, and etc…

12 years ago

What you have to realize is that the majority of JRPG fans are still primarily gaming on the PS console and not everyone likes the Wii/DS because they are casual and the quality of hardware is cheap from the low tech.I tried the 3DS and it's horrible for the size of my hands and me being a fan of hi tech.Most people who buy Nintendo products don't support third party anyway.A true fan would want the game with it's core gameplay on new hi tech hardware to push it to it's next level.

12 years ago

Just because you find the 3DS uncomfortable doesn't mean it's not a quality piece of hardware. I have fairly large hands and I find it more comfortable than the PSP.

And it's not that we don't support third party games. It's more that developers have failed to take advantage of what the systems have to offer. DQIX however is a great offering on the DS which I bought, played and supported.

And a "true fan" can still enjoy games on the Wii and DS even though they aren't as technologically advanced as the PS3 or Vita. Metroid Prime, Zelda Skyward Sword, Twilight Princess, Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks are 4 of the best games I have played this gen. All done with what you call "cheap hardware".

I mean no disrespect but your post reeks of generalizations and mispresentations.

Last edited by Jawknee on 12/20/2011 10:54:05 AM

12 years ago

I mean 5 of the best games I have played this gen. =p

12 years ago

You might like the 3DS,but the tech is crappy and outdated which is my point of wanting it on more powerful hardware with a better screen.The 3DS is no step above the DS Lite and the 3D effect is shoddy.The Vita will have a bigger screen with better quality buttons and a larger screen with new hardware so I would rather any game be on the Vita or that reason.You may like the DS for Nintendo games,but even they would be better on other platforms technically.Not saying a game can not be good aesthetically,but hardware and design are also a big pt of what makes a game good.I fail to see the difference between one Zelda game and another from what you have named.You played one,you played them all and not to say that is a bad thing and notice you only named the same 30 year old franchises and personally I also prefer new franchises each generation.Some of us actually like new technology,just saying.

12 years ago

".The 3DS is no step above the DS Lite and the 3D effect is shoddy."

Are you freaking kidding me? This is asinine on so many levels. The specs are better, it displays images in 3D without glasses with minimal to no ghosting. The graphics are a lot better than the DS. The games are bigger and more ambitious. So what if it doesn't have the same specs as the Vita. That's because it's not a PS Vita but WHO CARES! The games it does have are fun. Isn't that what gaming is supposed to be about? Not fanboyism and hating one piece of hardware because it's not like the one you prefer?

Also you obviously don't know much or haven't played many Zelda games. Yes each title has similarities but Nintendo has also managed to add enough new features, elements, made design and art changed to keep the franchise fresh for the last 25 years. Zelda has endured for a quarter of a century for a reason. You are giving the impression that you just don't like Nintendo. Based on that conclusion there is no point in talking to you about this further as there no changing the mind of someone who has entrenched himself into his own biased, uninformed views.

And yea, new tech is great! No debating that but for you to say that those who like Nintendo are not "true Fans" is grossly ignorant.

Last edited by Jawknee on 12/20/2011 11:54:05 AM

12 years ago

@DarthNemesis the Wii is crap for some genres such as FPS and TPS. But it does have a few jewels here and there.

Case in point, Xenoblade. This JRPG is so damn good that it started a little revolution on the Nintendo camp here in the States. Almost to the point of becoming an 'Occupy Ninty' sort of thing. This game is finally coming to the US and I have to admit that I'm tempted over being able to play it. Since I have almost no hope of getting my JRPG fix from S-E.

However, if Hironobu Sakaguchi's 'The Last Story' (another stellar Wii JRPG) also comes to these parts, I will bite the bullet and get me a used Wii just to play these games.

And who knows, maybe then I'll get to play Dragon Quest X since I honestly don't see S-E making a real DQ game in the near future.

Last edited by Bonampak on 12/20/2011 6:01:04 PM

12 years ago

But here is the problem darth, are the majority of DQ fans interested in hi-tech stuff? The answer seems like no so far or DQ would be on sony products 24/7 no questions asked.

12 years ago

With all handhelds, I only care about high tech on titles that deserve high end cut scenes, like Crisis Core. That game on DS woulda been shite. For something of that calibre, the PSP is absolutely necessary.

Something like Dragon Quest doesn't need high end tech to be successful, but it would benefit. Still, DQIX is apparently pretty quality. DQX being an MMO may ruffle a few feathers even in Japan.

DQIX was not of the same quality as DQVIII, but it did get back to roots a little better. The early games you could hire different characters or whatever, and most DQ's, even DW7 (it changes between Dragon Warrior and Dragon Quest depending on current translation trends, but it is the same series) had class selection. DQ8 was like the first without it, or at least some degree of it.

However, Ben also makes a good point. DQVIII was very successful on PS2. It got rave reviews from everyone. (Averaged a 9.2 or 9.3 on Meta) And it sold relatively well. It simply did what it set out to do to perfection. The only people that wouldn't like it are people who aren't into that style of game.

So for me… while less technologically advanced consoles or handhelds may be acceptable for that type of game, I definitely see it as a form of underachievement. However, from a business point of view, it makes 110% sense. It will likely sell better and cost less to make as a handheld, just because of the Japanese market trends.

I think the DQX direction is a mistake, but DQIX decision making, while I personally hated their direction, it was a great business move on their point and one of SE's true successes of the generation.

12 years ago

I fully agree. I never would have imagined my PS3 collection lacking so many great RPGs. I don't get it, I along with many others were loyal with the PS1 and PS2 and RPGs flourished during both console's life cycles yet with the PS3 we're thankful for what RPGs exactly?

12 years ago

WKC, I guess… and it's fun and all. But if we're honest…. it is only fun for guys like us because it's all we've got from our favorite genre. If we're honest, we have to admit… it's not the best the PS3 -could- offer. Not by a long shot.

12 years ago

I played 'IV' on the NES forever ago, and I remember enjoying it, but it didn't stand out all that much among the RPGs of the time. But 'VII' (the move to PlayStation) really sucked me in, and it remains a personal favorite (along with 'Metal Gear Solid', it's one of the few PS1 games I still play regularly).
'VIII' really upped the ante in virtually every way (the story wasn't as good as 'VII's, in my opinion, but still wonderful), and I could hardly imagine what a PlayStation 3 version would bring. Now imagine my sorrow when the series continued it's trend of going to the best-selling platform, though I am glad I was finally able to play 'V' and 'VI', due to the DS versions. But every little thing I've heard about 'X' annoys me further, knowing the full potential this series has.

Anyway, I could complain more (MUCH more, as 'Dragon Quest' is easily one of my favorite series), but I'll leave it at that before I burst a blood vessel.

12 years ago

I would love if they brought DQXI to the PS3

12 years ago

Why do they do this? It seems they do still make traditional RPGs but they fail to recognise that maybe home console owners like to play them as well. So sick of SE, do they think all PS3, 360 owners only like shooters and open world, action, RPGs? Hello?

12 years ago

Level 5 made it.

Enix only own the franchise, not develop it, incase you didn't know.

Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 12/20/2011 5:35:57 AM

12 years ago

It requires *way* more resources/effort to make a game (properly) for the PS3 (or 360) than for the PS2 or PSP or Wii or (especially) the DS. Add in the comparatively vigorous early sales of the latter systems compared to "next-gen" consoles and it's pretty obvious why so many Japanese developers chose the less ambitious path. Sad, but true.

The really sad part is that DQIX, MH3, and a properly-executed FFXIII (see below) could have driven early sales of the PS3 (particularly in Japan) and therefore justified the decision to put those games on PS3.

By "properly-executed", I mean not just designed more in line with traditional JRPGs, but also built promptly using all of the resources of S-E to ensure that the (exclusive) PS3 version was everything it could be. Dividing those resources to build a bunch of 360 games (which eventually tanked) as well as Versus, Agito, and FFIV hindered the work on FFXIII, delaying its release and reducing its scope.

12 years ago

If a game is not on PlayStations, then I just don't play it. That's why I stopped play Dragon Quest series the minute it left for.. DS was it?

12 years ago

Well you haven't missed out on many since there has only been one game since they jumped to the DS.

By the way, DQIX is a good game even if it on the DS.

12 years ago

Sorry, this is not going to happen. The lack of an elite JRPG this gen on the PS3 has been quite disturbing. The fact that most of Japanese gaming industry is in a state of decline does not help at all either. I don't know exactly what is going on over there. We have long standing members of comapanies just walking away from projects/companies. Ueda walks away from Sony to make FACEBOOK games…what the hell is all I can really say. Japanese developers take an ETERNITY to make a game when compared to their western counterparts and their quality has dropped considerbly for some reaon.

The only Japanese franchise I can think of that has not had a huge drop off in quality is the Metal Gear Solid franchise. Resident Evil 5 would rate as one of my most dissapointing experiences of this generation. DMC4 was okay but had so much back tracking that it nearly ruined the game. GT5 had that awful premium/standard car split which makes it come off as the most uneven and unpolished of the GT games. Don't get me started on those embarrassing shadows. 5 years of development and we get LEGO effect shadows for some reason. Hell, I played Driver SF demo and Need for Speed. The shadows are just fine in those game. Oh well, I'm probably not qualified to judge GT5 but I know it is the lowest rated GT game and it is also the first GT game that I was not blown away by. GT5 damaged the franchise in my opinion. Sorry, it just did. Remove that premium/standard car split and it would have easily been a 9+ rated game.

Okay, I think I have heard that Zelda Skyward Sword is awesome so I guess that is another Japanese franchise that is doing okay. As for JRPGS…well, they just seem to be dieing breed in this type of gaming enviroment. SHOOTERS, SHOOTERS, SHOOTERS. That's the type of game that seem to get all the gaming press coverage and the huge sales. There is diversity out there in the types of games you can buy, but the press coverage for games like COD is just disturbing in some ways. That intense press coverage and the huge sales of COD distorts the gaming market in my opinion. It squeezes out games like JRPGS.

I do hope that Japanese developers take note of the sales of games like Skyrim, or LA Noire. I think the sales of those games shows that NA is just not a bunch of COD drones. The problem is I think Japanese developers covet the NA market so much that they have strayed too far from the types of games they use to make. I can think of no other reason as to why Capcom would would hire a crappy Western developer(slant six) to make RE Operation Racoon City. They want a piece of that SHOOTER market, and are willing to crap all over the Resident Evil brand in an attempt to get it.

Meanwhile, no news on RE6, or FFvs13…The Last Guardian has not even managed to make it to a trade show yet. This gen is coming to a close pretty soon. Will we even see these games on the PS3? They are running out of time. The sad truth is that even if a great JRPG was announced today I would barely trust the Japanese gaming industry to get the game out in time for this gen. If they worked any slower they would miss the entire generation of consoles they were aiming for.

12 years ago

Team ICO producer Yoshifusa Hayama left Sony and The Last Guardian to work for London-based social games developer BossaStudios about a week before Ueda. Internet chatter has confused the two departures. I don't think Ueda has revealed his future plans aside from finishing TLG.

I pretty much agree with the rest of your comment, though.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 12/20/2011 5:22:13 PM

12 years ago

Don't forget that in Japan, portable gaming is HUMONGOUS. Just gigantic. That has also affected our next-gen access to jRPG's. The market has, so far, dictated they should exist on handhelds. And they've succeeded in that realm, too.

I still stand by what I said a couple years ago… we won't see any next gen RPG's on the PS3 in any numbers until the NEXT generation has begun or is about to take off.

12 years ago

Ha, Funny that there's a DQ VIII thread today because I stop into my local thrift shop 3-4 times a week to check for any donated games.
And just today, I picked a mint black label copy of DQVIII with the bonus FF VII disc still inside, along with Avatar: The last Airbender.

I also found another six old 1999 to 2004 PS2 & PS1 sports titles my collections were missing, for $2 each.

Yes Virginia, Christmas can come early!

12 years ago

I'd love it back, but Level 5 aren't making it anymore. lX was the last one by Level 5. X is Enix, ready to mess it up, so in it's present state, i don't need it back anytime soon.

Ni No Kuni is exactly like a DQVlll to you? Further more, so many accounts from people who have completed Ni No Kuni say it was DQVlll but 10x better. They added everything in you could of imagined, improved the formula tenfold, better battle system, yes, better battle system, added a deeply detailed and moving plot etc, etc….so, not really a need to ask for it back if a better game is on the horizon and in it's current state, DQ isn't what it was and is without Level 5, is there?

Nonetheless, i'd love Level 5 to put another DQ on Playstation, but then again, with Ni No Kuni now a franchise, i'd rather have something new from Level 5 and/or a new installment to Dark Cloud.

12 years ago

Sorry but nothing can beat DQ simple yet perfect battle system.

12 years ago

I would love to see something akin to what Rogue Galaxy was actually. I don't know why but I have a hard on for that game.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

…could you possibly rein in this ultra-fanboy thing you have for Ni no Kuni? I'm all for support but you act like it's the greatest thing since sliced bread and anybody who doesn't see that is an idiot.

It bugs me even more when people do this without ever having touched the game.

12 years ago

I do not know much about No Ni Kuni. I heard it has a real time battle system and cutesy/kiddie look to it. I have also noticed that it is not exactly lighting up the sales charts over there in Japan. I think I remember an article or comment about a COD game outselling No Ni Kuni in Japan. Again, I don't know much about the game. There are a few sites out there that are true JRPG fanatics who don't live 10-15 yrs in the past. They have imported the game and attempted to break it down…it's just difficult to tell if that type of game would appeal to me.

12 years ago

I replied exactly to your mention of Ni No Kuni, Ben which made me beg my question…..

You gonna respond in a mature manner or carry on labelling me? When on earth did i give the impression that anybody who doesn't see what i'm saying is an idiot? You're hilarious. Carry on making your own site hostile due to your bizarre insecurities and you'll lose what you have. You'll never learn.

Need a reminder? After much time reading comments here, i came to learn people's nostalgia for golden age RPG and the want for it back….Ni No Kuni pops along with just about every formula from the golden age intact, literally the 1st modern classic Jrpg type on PS3, and it's getting pushed aside in favour of Enix bashing every week for example.

I'm spreading my enthusiasm and i get that respected in replies to my comments…and i do it because i wouldn't like to see a repeat of Lost Odyssey or a thinning out of these classics we so-called yearn for because we don't support them.

…..oh and the fact i love games 🙂

Or….because it's on topic….?

P.S rein your ultra fanboy thing you have for FF7/square….yeah, see how stupid that sounded?

Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 12/20/2011 6:59:45 PM

12 years ago


I like your posts, but i must remind you, Ni No Kuni has gone down a storm on people who have it. I have heard unbelievable comments about the game (plus the whole game is available to view online, it'll blow you away).
Many things factor in such sales that were actually good. Level 5 expected such sales by shipping half they did for the DS version. It costs $80 for the standard game too.

Anyway, as with anything, it's up to your own tastes, but if you want that golden age formula ala early FF, with a little something new, it's for you.

Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 12/20/2011 6:58:47 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

I'll label you any way I see fit. You bring it on yourself and you're insanely predictable. "Level-5 did it! It'll be amazing!" …yeah, didn't see that one coming. You an employee?

You've never played Ni no Kuni, and you've been trying to browbeat people into seeing it as the second coming of gaming. That's pretty much all you do, because of course you're an artistic genius and everybody should respect that.

And if you'd like to back up the "Enix bashing every week," I'd love to see it. Every week. Go for it, champ. Let's see all those headlines. …no? When you're done failing to make that point, I will bring up every last post where you lecture everyone on why Ni no Kuni is a masterpiece.

I asked you civilly to back off on the CONSTANT Ni no Kuni promotion. That's all. It wasn't hostile in the slightest. This was an article about Dragon Quest, yes? And we've covered the hell out of Ni no Kuni, and I've said MULTIPLE times how much I want it. But it's not enough for you, because you're the arbiter of what needs attention and what doesn't. Knock it OFF.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 12/21/2011 10:12:16 AM

12 years ago

Lmao. A usual defensive reply, you sound like you're talking about yourself. You're the one who's predictable with your unprofessional behaviour and insults.

I will gladly argue with you privately if you wish as i don't want you to tarnish the websites image any further.

Thanks for laballing me an artistic genius, that was out of the blue.

As you will label me to your liking, i'll talk Ni No Kuni to my liking just as much….something you do on a game site that has the option of open discussion….not sure the same applies to your logic of laballing your customers "as you see fit".


P.S. I am not promoting Ni No Kuni, i am enthusiastically discussing a game like i have many different kinds before….enthusiasm, maybe something you should add to some of your later reviews ala Dark Souls.

You'd think enthusiasm would be greatly appreciated, eh?

Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 12/21/2011 11:41:30 AM

12 years ago

I guess if I had to pick one thing Ben has over you is that Ben's actually played his favorite game.

to me…. THAT is what sounds silly….

Just sayin'.

12 years ago

Abso-f***ing-lutely Ben!

I loved DQVIII on PS2, it still ranks as one of my highest (hours of play) games of the generation. I would definitely buy a new DQ game for PS3. If it happens I sure hope they keep that awesome DBZ-esque cell shading, it made the game look and feel great.

12 years ago

I'm all in for a new DQ. It is really one of the best game series out there.

12 years ago

Dragon Quest it ok, but the originals (called Dragon Warrior) are better!

12 years ago

They're the same franchise. And DQIX was almost a direct replica of the originals. The only departure DQVIII had was the class system. Even then, it existed. You just didn't have free-reign on them.

And not being able to build your own party was not started by DQVIII. Dragon WARRIOR VII did that first.

In terms of what DQVIII accomplished, I personally feel that it is the most perfect jRPG ever created. Everything they set out to do was executed to perfection. Any qualms people had about the game are based on subjective views of style choices. (Which is understandable. jRPG's are not for everyone… nor should they strive to be.)

12 years ago

This is one of the few RPG franchises I missed out on. I would like to play some of them. I am wondering what some of use think would be the best ones to pick up? If I like the games, which by the sounds of it I will I will most likely pick up everyone I can get my hands on.

12 years ago

My first suggestion, if you have a DS, is to buy the remakes available for that handheld. That would be the easiest and most accessible way to enjoy them without giving up too much in terms of graphical quality.

DQVIII was a perfect jRPG through and through, and is a must play for any jRPG fan whether you are familiar with the series or not. If you play NO other Dragon Quest/Warrior game, this is the one you should pick.

DQVII was incredibly epic and well done. Insanely deep, strategic, and demanding. Just excellent to the core. The downside? The visuals are incredibly elementary. It was a PS1 game, and it was behind the times when it released. Other than the dated visuals, however, (and the lack of voice acting) it was another excellent jRPG.

12 years ago

Unfortunately I don't own a DS, though I probably will pick one up in the future. Thanks for the info though, since I am an older gamer the graphics are absolutely not an issue for me. I have always said and stand by my comment that gameplay is more important than graphics.

VIII it is then, also like I said if I enjoy it which by the comments I have read over the years I will, I will end up buying as many of them as I can find.

Again, thanks for the info Underdog.

12 years ago

I'm a fan of DQ my self i have play all of them from SNES true out the sire and ps took it to a hall new lvl but what i thing is they are taking the franchise back to it origin Nintendo it was first seeing in it……..but i would love to see that game back on PS3

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x