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Back To Karkand Easter Egg Hints At Battlefield 2143?

This will undoubtedly result in gamers inching through levels, scouring the area for embedded secrets that will hint at the developer's next project.

As noted by the Battlefield 3 Blog , DICE has tossed in a small piece of graffiti in the newly released Back to Karkand expansion pack. As you can see by this screenshot, it's just a number: 2143.

It could just be graffiti but as the blog states, DICE has dropped little Easter Eggs into their add-on packs before. Plus, you see "2143" in other places as well, like the license plate of a car and in a billboard advertisement. EA announced Battlefield 2142 back in 2006; what are we looking at now? Battlefield 2143 ? The game that takes place exactly 200 years after Battlefield 1943 , which released last year and sold around 1.2 million digital copies?

The only response from EA was as follows :

""We love our fans attention to detail and hunger for more Battlefield but there is no news on this front."

…you decide.

Related Game(s): Battlefield 3

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12 years ago

There's also toy dinosaurs that may hint to the possible DLC that was hinted at before.

12 years ago

oh lord do we really need ANOTHER battlefield title!?
come on DICE, shove battlefield for a while and give us mirrors edge 2!!!!!

12 years ago

No wonder I never heard of it because it was announced in 2006.

But well, a futuristic Battlefield?

12 years ago

Yes it was announced in 2006, but it was also released in 2006 and an expansion a year or two later. It was actually pretty good as well, as all games in the Battlefield series are, and I wouldn't mind visiting the future again with the new Frostbite engine.

12 years ago

i never really paid attention to this at all, i was too busy trying to find and get kills with the btr 90, got it by the way, and trying to get my last bf3 trophy to get 100% again.

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