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DUST 514: Perfect Warriors Need Awesome Dropsuits

When you're out to build the perfect warrior, you need plenty of options.

In DUST 514 , player freedom is essential, and it all begins with your character. If you want to get the lowdown on the character design styles and classes that awaits you in CCP's ambitious new project, visit the PlayStation Blog .

Infantry dropsuits are complicated yet highly functional pieces of equipment. The number and type of slots available determine the equipment and inherent skills you bring to the battlefield. The slots for each suit are:

Each dropsuit is categorized as Standard, Advanced, and Prototype, each of which will require a very different skillset when in combat. Read more to learn about the various types of suits, and what they'll give you when facing particularly harrowing situations.

Personally, I like the vibe I get from the Amarr Heavy dropsuit, which has a totally awesome description:

"The look of this Amarrian suit has changed little since it was first created, due largely to the commonly held belief that its original form is immaculate; the perfect amalgam of science and religion. Aesthetics are as important as function, because to the Amarr, aesthetics are function. Enshrined within the armor, the wearer becomes a vessel, the embodiment of God’s will and an instrument of holy wrath, unmistakable, and feared, by all who look upon him. To the Amarr, the dropsuit itself is the weapon."

Sweeet. 😉

Related Game(s): DUST 514

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12 years ago

I loved the Caldari description. Snippet: "the Caldari suit is notoriously uncomfortable and outright ungainly in some instances, yet remains in high demand due to its remarkable resilience in smart battlefields." – lol!

My armor of choice is probably the standard heavy.
"No other classification of personal armor can claim to be able to stand toe-to-toe with enemy vehicles and survive." – oh man that is badass.

Every single time I read something new about this game it's got "ambitious" written all over it.
It's like this can only end up being a major fail or major win. And boy do I hope for the latter.

12 years ago

Indeed. This has the same vibe going that MAG had. I can't wait.

12 years ago

I want one of those suits…

12 years ago

Dust 514 is a mmofpsrpg game, dropsuits = futuristic version of a healer, assassin, knight, magician, etc..

12 years ago

Awesome dropsuits, but can i have it in pink? Hehe..

12 years ago

An Amarr Heavy dropsuit in pink making a havoc. Awesome.. Hehe..

12 years ago

There's a twisted metal element in this game because of the vehicle, i hope we could also have a mario kart like race in this game. It's will be a mmofpsrpg/racing game, if they also add zombies, it's gonna be a mmofpsrpg/racing/horror game. Wow.. Hehe.. Definitely GOTY.

12 years ago

Looking forward to Dust. It is one of my most anticipated games of 2012, besides Last Guardian.

Let the space battles begin! This game will sit nicely next to Battlefield 3 and Killzone 3. A really top class original FPS collection.



12 years ago

wish they would show some live gameplay of this!
they have been revealing so much on the blog, but nothing really detailing the gameplay.
hope they have a beta sometime next year so people can get a taste of what its like.
because the way there going, were certainly not going to see it in videos!

12 years ago

wish they would show some live gameplay of this!
they have been revealing so much on the blog, but nothing really detailing the gameplay.
hope they have a beta sometime next year so people can get a taste of what its like.
because the way there going, were certainly not going to see it in videos!

12 years ago

I am looking forward to this game more then any other game I have heard of right now. The clan I am in has been prepping for this for quite a long time, and we plan on taking on/defending as many planets as possible.

For me Dust514 if it pans out the way they want it too will be the last shooter I ever buy, hands down. It is more ambitious than any other shooter out there, and if done right will teach developers how to really make a unique experience. I feel it will be my Heavy Rain of shooters.

Bring on the pre-trials already.

Veritas Vincit
Veritas Vincit
12 years ago


Nicely, said.

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