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Starhawk Beta Code Giveaway: First Come, First Served

Update: Okay, codes gone.  Thanks to all for participating. 🙂

Original Story:

The Starhawk closed beta is in full swing and not long after we got our code, we got 50 more to give away.

If you've been living under a rock, Starhawk is the spiritual successor to Warhawk ; the new title is in development at the Dylan Jobe-led Lightbox Interactive, and it even boasts a single-player campaign.

Now, as usual, our community is the most important thing in the world to us, so provided you participate a little, we'll give you a code. This time around, we're focusing on our newsletter (which goes out twice a week, by the way) and our growing Twitter feed, which is typically updated with the hottest story of the day. But it could also be a big review, feature, or interview, so it's probably a good idea to hit that "Follow" button. It isn't too hard; I hate social media stuff and I can do it.

So, sign up to get our newsletter and/or Follow us on Twitter , and then send me an e-mail-


Yes, I can check to see if the email you're using is on our newsletter list, and I just might… 😉 Come on, a few little clickies and you can be part of the beta action; we might even see you in there. Also, bear in mind that the latest PSXE Show episode should be up in PlayStation Home next week; be on the lookout for another little giveaway tied to the party we usually throw, and of course, anyone who wants to show up is welcome.

P.S. Pretty sure these codes will only work in the US, and once all 50 are gone, they're gone. So be quick about it.

Related Game(s): Starhawk

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12 years ago

Just sent my email.

12 years ago

i have the beta with uncharted 3 when does this start.

12 years ago

I'm already in. Its pretty fun. Only CTF and 2 maps for now, I think.

Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
12 years ago

sounds about right… i hope the other maps to be released with the full version are bigger… they seem really small compared to the warhawk maps..

12 years ago

sent email!! wow awesome!!

Mr Bubbles IGR
Mr Bubbles IGR
12 years ago

already received the private beta from the developer for playing warhawk to death ^_^ this game seems alot faster paced than warhawk, which i cant decide if that is a good thing or not.

Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
12 years ago

same here,

one thing i hate about the beta is that there's no variety so far… I'm hoping the final cut of the game includes different vehicles, and the hawk customization i loved from warhawk…

Other than that, it's fast paced, and i love it… Really wish these hawks handled like them hawks from the first one…

12 years ago

Just sent mine too lol woot woot hope i got in >.<

12 years ago

send email.really excited for this game :0.i hope theres a collectors edition.

12 years ago

I've been getting the newsletter and also had this site on my Twitter for quite a while now, so I'd like one please,

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

So email me. 😉

12 years ago

Oh crap, after that I totally forgot to email it to you, didn't I???

(Duhhh, to Dumb-assed me)LOL

OK, will do.

12 years ago

never mind already had a code too lol

12 years ago

hecks yeah looks like a sweet game been waitng to try it

12 years ago

hope I get in too looks pretty good

12 years ago

Just sent one : ) can't wait to try it out.

12 years ago

When will the codes be sent out? I've been following the Twitter for over a year now and I joined the Newsletter.

12 years ago

You have to send an e-mail too.

12 years ago

Oh I got my code already :]

12 years ago

been wanting to try this game out, hope i can get in it.

12 years ago

Thanks can't wait for the DL to finish so i can play. Thanks Ben and PSXextreme!!!

12 years ago

Email sent, will u be giving them out now??? Btw u should let us kno wen all codes r gone , hope i get a code

12 years ago

I've got a code but i dunno if I want to bother with it.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

I have to repeat: if you're NOT in the US, these codes won't work. They might be okay for North America but I'm not sure.

Therefore, if it's obvious by your email that you're not in this country, I won't be sending a code.

12 years ago

I gave my code to my friend in Abbotsford, British Columbia and it worked for him. I owed him a favor haha

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

That's nice but like I said, I can't say something is true unless I can confirm it officially.

12 years ago

I can confirm the codes work on the Mexican PS Store.

Anyway that store is managed by SCEA

12 years ago

Thank you for that code, Ben!

12 years ago

I've been in the beta for 2 weeks now, there's obviously a lot of features disabled but if you give it time, it is actually so much fun, really has the warhawk addictive quality to it aswell. There are obviously a few tweaks and amendments which need implementing but they are onto it and listening to the community on the forums, I highly recommend everyone trying to get in and give them some more feedback.

Also apparently for the Uncharted 3 Codes, they will be activated when the public beta goes official sometime at the start of January.

It really has got so much potential, and the build and battle features brings something fresh to the table to make every match different, can't wait for the final game!

12 years ago

just download this last night/
ive been really surprised with it, i dont normally enjoy MP games but this ones slightly different.
i just wish they had more vehicles, its so frustrating when someone flying around in the only mech and you really cant do anything to take them down.
they need to lower the amount of turrets can be laid, its so frustrating running from a group of turrets only to run into another group, to run into another group, to run into another group!
need to up the players too, dunno what the limit is if its so low because its a private beta or whatever but every match i find theres only max 6 players per team!
i wish more developers would take some help from zipper and give us 128+ player maps!
starhawk with much, MUCH larger maps, with much more vehicles, and much more players would be sweet!
battlefield in space they call it…….

12 years ago

I am already in the beta and unfortunately it has the same flaw that Warhawk had. The infantry on infatry battling is just broken. The knife is all out of whack(which I know they are fixing) and the biggest issue that made me stop playing Warhawk altogether is still present, the amount of bullets it takes to kill another infantry unit is so absurd that it to me doesn't feel like it is a shooter. I unloaded almost an entire clip into a player who was no more than fifty feet away from me and he just kept running and didn't die. And this happened multiple times which made me post about it on the beta forums. It really feels like you are shooting a paintball gun from a thousand yards and to me that is not a shooter.

The base building however is one hell of a touch though. It really makes the game kind of interesting and is making me keep my eyes on it. Hopefully when it comes out I'll rent it and have more fun with it, but as of now there are just to many better shooters out there to play than this.

EDIT: I forgot to mention the base-raping is ridiculous. If your being base-raped and one of your players doesn't have enough energy to build the(ohh man I can't think of what it is called) building that allows you to get the rocket launcher, then the game is just amazingly frustrating.

Last edited by Rogueagent01 on 12/16/2011 4:15:34 AM

12 years ago

Last edited by frozencasket on 12/16/2011 11:42:28 AM

12 years ago

I'm Loving it so far…….And i cant even customize anything and only playing one game mode on 2 different maps.

12 years ago

Hope I get into the beta. The screenshots for this game look amazing.

12 years ago

I've been in since the first day the private beta was open for Warhawk players. Rogueagent is incorrect on almost everything he says. He's right about one thing though, it doesn't feel like a typical shooter at all (who want's another CoD anyway?). He's also ill informed. There are weapons, vehicles, and maps that haven't been released, and probably won't until the full game is released next year. He doesn't seem to understand the difference between a beta and a demo.

Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
12 years ago

actually, rogue is pretty much spot on in terms of infantry hp/bullet damage… I can unload a clip at a guy, and he just keeps running at me, and melee's me from a distance of ~5 meters…

They're fixing the knifing, but they really need to do something about the bullet damage…

12 years ago

I absolutely understand that the majority of the game is locked. I also did my job by writing on the forums the issues that I have experienced and the areas that can use improvement. I know what a beta is and I know some of the things that I consider a problem will be addressed(the knife bing the big one at the moment), while others are a part of the game. I think they will beef up the power of the rifle before the game is released, but I think they will still keep it similar to Warhawk. I stopped playing Warhawk because the infantry fighting just never felt balanced to me. The rest of the game was very well balanced and I enjoyed it a lot, till I got MGS4 and then I never looked back.

Plus I am still keeping my eyes on the game as I did have a lot of fun with Warhawk. And I love some of the base building features plus I see potential. However I am one of those players that wants realistic weapons as far as damage is concerned. I hate when a developer puts say a .50 cal sniper rifle in a game and it can take two to three shots to kill someone. I want it to be more like Socom for example where if you get hit with just a couple of bullets even from a low caliber weapon, you are most likely gonna die.

12 years ago

Normally, I'd agree with Rogue 100% regarding more realistic damage, but Warhawk always felt plenty balanced to me for what it was, which was *not* a realistic shooter.

However, having a one-hit-kill knife as a constant secondary weapon is total BS, whether it's in Starhawk or COD or SOCOM. Knives should only be one-hit kills if you're backstabbing a target unaware of your presence, assassination-style.

An assault rifle does more damage than a knife slash.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 12/17/2011 3:29:08 AM

12 years ago

Fane that is one of my major gripes with any kind of shooters. If you want less realism then just don't use weapons that can be compared with real world weapons. What I mean is it could be a Disney vs. Final Fantasy shooter if there is a .50cal that is comparable to the real world counterpart then it should have that damage as well. You can always go the route of say Ratchet & Clank and create weapons that have no real world counter part making any damage argument kind of pointless except maybe versus another R&C game.

The art departments are there for a reason and I just wish the developers of shooters would use them more.

The vehicles in Warhawk I felt were really well balanced and even certain infantry weapons were balanced but the rifle being the main one was not (it felt like it was a paintball gun). And like I said I wouldn't have minded if it didn't work and look like a rifle from real life.

12 years ago

E-Mail sent.

12 years ago

It's things like this that makes me love this sight! Not only do you guys love games but you care about the people here too! Thanks for the code Ben!!

12 years ago

Thanks Ben!

I just received my beta code in my email. I will give this a go later today.

I appreciate it! 🙂

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

I'm really hoping people who participate in the beta understand something really, really important:


12 years ago


And thanks for the beta code Ben! It's redeemed.

12 years ago

just redeemed my code! Thanks so much Ben and PSXE. i swear since i stumbled into this community all you feel is welcoming warmth and intellectual debates. just like a family on a holiday night no?

12 years ago

Omg, I'm loving Starhawk! It's awesome, It's just hard to get used to. I need some time using the Hawks, I love the building aspects of it as well.

Both sides had well fortified bases and the game ended as a draw we couldn't get into the base, they got into ours but we fended them off, man it was intense!

12 years ago

Hey guys, I have 1 code that I'm not going to use, it came with my Uncharted 3 bundle. Just ask if you want it. The first one gets it 😉

Last edited by godsdream on 12/16/2011 12:44:06 PM

12 years ago

I haven't finished D/L'ing my code yet, so I'm curious, is this beta a SP mode, a MP mode, or a little of both modes?


Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
12 years ago

pure mp so far 🙂

12 years ago

Can connect to servers =(

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