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Square Enix Members Sites Hacked

Just when you think it's safe to go back in the water…

Various sources are reporting that Square Enix has temporarily shut down their North American and Japanese Members sites due to a possible digital intrusion.

According to a note from the publisher , they "have reason to believe that unknown parties may have gained unauthorized access to a particular Square Enix server related to the free Square Enix Members service." Yes, shades of the infamous PlayStation Network attack, the Deus Ex invasion, BioWare's issues, etc. Square Enix added:

"We are assessing the full extent of this potential breach to determine what data, if any, was compromised and will provide more details as soon as possible. While some personal information may have been accessed, we can confirm that there is no possibility of any credit card information leak from this incident, since the server in question stores no credit card information."

Square Enix Members is for fans who can register to earn rewards, and it's a pretty nifty program. …but it's no fun when your personal information is at risk. We'll let you know if Square Enix issues a follow-up report concerning the possibility of the hackers stealing personal info.

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12 years ago

They should not make categorical statements about CC data when they do not know the full scope of the atttack.

12 years ago

The members site is also used to manage your FFXIV account status. They are related, and it could be possible for various back doors to be accessed, I'm sure.

12 years ago

Ugh, these cyber criminals are seriously getting old.

12 years ago


12 years ago


It's these kinds of events that make it more, not less likely, that a much more heavily policed, and restricted 'safernet' will exist alongside the current internet. Such a network might even replace the Internet if governments get involved. I don't want to see that happen, but this kind of criminal stupidity makes it more likely that our net will be monitored and policed far more actively in future.

12 years ago

The SE Members site is one of the worst sites I've ever been on. The menu system is confusing as well as all the content that's supposedly supposed to be provided. I guess the free stuff once a year keeps me coming back.

I did not hack this site.

12 years ago

good thing your saying it wasnt you cuz my first thought was that it was you. good thing you pointed that out 😉

12 years ago

"Supposedly supposed to be provided" would be my Emo band name.

12 years ago

I agree, I can't find my way around that thing.

12 years ago

I would comment on this but I have been utterly disoriented by the numerous Xperia Plays on either side of the screen.

12 years ago

I wish the justice departments around the world would take harsher action against hackers. As of now it's like animal cruelty in the states, you get maybe 6 months to a couple years in jail a lttile bit of probation and a fine. It is appauling to say the least, I am not asking them to throw them in prison for life but the penalties need to be increased to inspire fear into some of these hackers. Many of them see it as fun or a challenge knowing that the penalties are essentially a joke and this needs to stop.

It is funny that a few of use said the site is confusing. When I went to sign up for it I couldn't make heads or tails of what was going on and just gave up, lucky me.

12 years ago

Internet police, anyone?

12 years ago

oh for crying out loud!
either hackers are getting better, or companies are just to f*cking tight a$$ed to put some proper security in place!
im going with the latter…….
how much you want to bet if there was a law passed saying every time a company got hacked and leaked peoples personal info, that company had to pay each person x amount of dollars these things would magically stop happening?

12 years ago

That would be a game changer and a good one. Only problem is those same companies would then raise the prices of our games and consoles up probably %100 and say that it is necessary to cover the cost of security, lol.

12 years ago

Go europe.

12 years ago

TODAY, SE finally sent out a security notice letter to me, says basically the same as posted in this thread, & then it want us to link to their regular forum site for further updated details.

WTF, No don't just give a link to your site, also DO make sure that you also send us all updated info, and do it ASAP too.

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