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GotY 2012: Showdown Between GTAV And The Last Of Us?

Yeah, yeah, we know. Premature. But we certainly enjoy looking down the road and speculating on the biggest titles on the horizon.

I have to admit, when I saw the official announcement for Grand Theft Auto V , I thought Rockstar may have Game of the Year 2012 all sewn up. I mean, just check the history of that franchise (specifically, the review scores) and the fact that 2012 – in the view of some – seems a little light, blockbuster-wise. One could definitely say a game like Bioshock Infinite has a chance of stealing all the critical thunder, and that's perfectly valid. But come on…we're talking about GTAV here. Super mega huge.

And then Naughty Dog goes and drops the bomb that is The Last Of Us , and man…that's a game-changer, isn't it? There won't be a new Uncharted in 2012 (at least, I'm pretty sure there won't be), but Naughty Dog will have a dog in the Game of the Year race; you can count on that. Therefore, maybe it really is safe to assume that the ultimate prize next year will come down to GTAV vs. TLOU. Personally, I keep holding out hope that The Last Guardian will show up and blow us all away, but after Ueda's departure from Sony , I have my reservations.

Sure, there are plenty of big games on the horizon; there always are. We can't discount Mass Effect 3 , right? But based on what we see now, we have to say the two front-runners have already been established…no, we aren't awarding any prizes just yet. 🙂

Related Game(s): Grand Theft Auto V, The Last Of Us

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12 years ago

Can't forget about Bioshock Infinite. The character development in that just from the trailers looks great. Hopefully we actually have a reason to protext (whats her name) and not get annoyed and want to toss her over a bridge. I'm starting to care more about character development in games than anything. Enslaved was a great game, maybe not the "game" part, but the characters were great.

12 years ago

Quote, "a great game, maybe not the "game" part, but the characters were great" – dude, go see a movie. 😀

12 years ago

lol, c'mon guys if you like a game except for the game it's not a bad idea to watch a good movie instead. It's a good advice, plenty of interesting characters to be found in the wonderful world of movies. And then play games for the gameplay later on. 🙂

12 years ago

yah, it depends on the kind of movies though.

12 years ago

Hmm tough one! We'll have to wait and see

but I've always like adventure games more than sandbox

12 years ago

there will be an uncharted game in 2012, only it will be on ps vita 🙂

12 years ago

Looking forward to both these games. If Hitman: Absolution and Thief 4 release in 2012 it will be a great year for gaming in my book.

12 years ago

I've forgotten about Thief 4! What's the latest on that title?

12 years ago

Three words: Bring It On

12 years ago

I'm sure there will be other candidates besides just those.

12 years ago

Too many great games that we know of and don't know about for 2012 are coming for it to be down to just these two.

12 years ago

Ya looks like its going to be a great year

Here are just the ps3 exclusives i've heard about

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time

Twisted Metal


The Last Guardian

(PSXEXTREME know about an unannounced exclusive)

DUST 514

The Last of Us

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

We do not know about any unannounced PS3 exclusive.

12 years ago

Ohh sorry must have misread something
Back when the supposed reveal for Sony's answer for super smash brothers was talked about, I thought you said you did

Oh well

12 years ago

He were referring to Twisted Metal.

12 years ago

Na. I found the post and here is what it said.
Rumor: Big New PS3 Game To Be Revealed Today
"We knew about Twisted Metal for about a year and a half, and we also know about one other game that hasn't been mentioned. However, this probably isn't it; the game we're aware of is still a ways off."

Maybe they thought they knew and were wrong or something.

No big deal

12 years ago

Ooops I stand corrected. What was that about, Ben? 🙂

12 years ago

Yea from what I've seen "the last of us" seems to be the most impressive. But theirs to many besides those 2 that need to be mentioned and Bioshock Infinite is one of them. There's a few more ME3 one of the others. Next years a ways off, I think well see many conversations about this and as each game releases something will change.

12 years ago

To me so far it's Last of Us and Bioshock, and that's it.

12 years ago

I am going to stick my neck out and say it will probably be GTA V for GOTY12. "The Last Of Us" will do well, and I am sure will raise the technical bar again, however GTA V will be massive. I think we can all agree on that. GTA V will be hard to beat.

I will definitely be picking up TLOU, Dust514 and GTA V as day one purchases… 🙂

Looking forward to it…



12 years ago

I personally don't agree with what you said about GTAV, so not all of us agree.

12 years ago

From your comment, I feel like "Game of the Year" these days just means "biggest open world game that is part of a long running franchise."

I mean, Skyrim did NOT deserve to win GotY at the VGAs. It's a broken game. It shouldn't have even been nominated. I mean, anyone can make a game that has a lot of content. GotY should go to the game that pushed the industry the furthest in that year. And to tell you the truth, I don't even know if there was a game that did that this year. I'm pretty sure every game nominated this year was a sequel. What does that say about the industry? As for Bioshock and GTA, they are also both sequels (I know Bioshock fans will fight me on that one, but it is still more or less a sequel.) I'm just hoping ND really can produce this "genre-beding experience" because it if does, it is the only TRUE contender for GotY 2012 that has been announced so far.

12 years ago

These are two contenders, yes, but I do not think they are alone at all.

The Last Of us are guaranteed not to disappoint from an objective point of view but I'm afraid it will be too railed for me. GTA on the other hand may be in a league of their own. The old fanboy in me resurrected instantly when I saw that trailer.

But in addition to the already mentioned Mass Effect and Infinite (who I suspect will rage highest of all on my personal goty for 2012 – yes, even higher than gta), we got the Lara Croft reboot and Far Cry 3 too!
Not to mention the wild cards DUST514 and Syndicate, who both looks *very* promising.

As a matter of fact it looks like 2012 is going to be even *more* awsome than 2011 has been! All we need now is a couple more RPGs for 2012.

Last edited by Beamboom on 12/14/2011 1:45:52 AM

12 years ago

no, sorry AC3 has already claimed GOTY 2012!
just watching the final trailer of revelations made me sure of that!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

Hmm… Nah, way too much contention to make any sort of call. GTA V still has the legacy of GTA IV, which though a stunning game was less than it could have been. The Last of Us looks stunning though. You mentioned Infinite and The Last Guardian, both of which are still very much in the running, and let us not forget the off-chance of Tomb Raider shocking the hell out of everyone. Or Dishonored, which is sounding rather stellar at this point in time. I think next year is going to go off in a big way.

12 years ago

Hmmmm…so based off a prerendered trailer…Last of Us looks better than GTA IV. I don't know. I like both developers, but Rockstar has always given me the best of the best. I loved Uncharted 1 and 2, but U3 was a little lacking mainly due to how good UC2 was. Either way, my vote is going to Mass Effect 3 so far.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

Not just the trailer, but ND's assertion that they want to push the storytelling of video games, not to mention the pedigree of ND. That, has me very excited, while GTA IV, although a very good game in its own right, simply never held me in thrall, and I can't shake the feeling that GTA V will leave me with the same slight feeling of disappointment. RDR was great, but in retrospect, it could have been better. That is the way that I feel about UC3 as well, but UC2 hit it out of the ballpark, and The Last of Us, based on what I know of it thus far, is the more interesting product to me.

12 years ago

Right now…GTA IVs story seems cliche, while Last of Us seems emotionally promising. But GTA lokks like it will provide varied gameplay, but nothing entirely unique while LoU will feature standard third person mechanics and by then…predictable set pieces. So…I'mma go on a limb and say neither will be game of the year. Right now…imo…Mass Effect 3 is my potential GOTY. Mass Effect 2 is still the best game I ever played and I think ME3 will continue that legacy.

12 years ago

In GTAs defense it should be said they've always played around with cliches and made fun of stereotypes. It's kinda what GTA is all about.

Other than that I totally, 100% agree with all you say here. I cross my fingers and toes that ME3 is not "another DA2"…

Last edited by Beamboom on 12/14/2011 11:19:43 AM

12 years ago

I thought GTA5 was confirmed for 2012? And there is no reason to think The Last of Us won't be marketed as Sony's big holiday title for 2012….it's been in development since 2009 apparently

12 years ago

GTAV will be released in 2012. Rockstar has never started the hype train two years before release.

12 years ago

Rockstar stated last year that it would be out next year.

Last edited by Geobaldi on 12/14/2011 7:17:27 PM

12 years ago

Well I'm getting all games mentioned in this article. Yah, great lineup, so hard to choose right now.

12 years ago

I think GOTY will come down to Infinite, The Last of Us, ME3 and GTA V and possibly The Last Guardian if they can somehow get it finished.

12 years ago

It's tough but we'll see i am for sure looking forward to the last of us and infinite and crossing my fingers on the lsat guardian.

12 years ago

not that its my game but diablo 3 is a game that is expected to fall in 2012… thats a shoe in for the GOTY award, but yeah sure the last of us and GTA V can blow it away

12 years ago

Bioshock infinite and twisted metal, and possibly half life 3 are all more likely than gta

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