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Will Uncharted 4 Be On The PS4?

Now that we've seen The Last Of Us , we think this question is well worth asking.

There are several points to consider: firstly, Sony has said they don't want to be second to market again this generation. So if we go along with rumors that the new Xbox will launch at the end of 2012 (or not much after), we'd like to assume the PlayStation 4 wouldn't be far behind. Secondly, take a look at some of the current trends in the industry among very successful developers and publishers:

Annualization has become a definite part of the industry; Call of Duty and Assassin's Creed are a couple examples, and we'll probably see more of it in the future. The bottom line is that a publisher would love to have one massive blockbuster every year. This requires expansion beyond the accepted, or that one gigantic recurring IP your company has always counted on; Take-Two Interactive should be noticed. It used to be only Grand Theft Auto but by turning Red Dead into a gargantuan series with Redemption , they've got a double-barreled attack for the future.

As for Naughty Dog, there's little to no chance that Uncharted will be left behind. Sony just can't afford to let that happen. There's this new IP, The Last Of Us , which may launch at the end of next year, which may mean Uncharted 4 will release the following year. One hugely successful, critically acclaimed title per year, right? It would work out nicely. And if we're approaching the new generation and Uncharted 4 is slated to launch in late 2013, wouldn't that make it a title for the fancy new PlayStation? Perhaps even a PS4 launch title?

This is all speculation, of course. The Last Of Us might be further off than we think, or maybe with two separate teams currently working at Naughty Dog, the studio could produce both their new IP and the fourth Uncharted within a relatively short span of time. Still, let's not forget those rumors about "at least one internal Sony studio" working on PS4 concepts…what better studio to attempt this than Naughty Dog? And what better series to bolster the launch of the PS4?

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12 years ago

I hope so, we've had 3 uncharted games on the PS3 and I feel that's enough. Wait for the PS4 (which isn't very far away) and push that hardware to offer us something we've never experienced before.

12 years ago

I am with you in principle LV, but I feel, after seeing the "in-game" trailer of "The Last Of Us", that the PS3 has heaps to still give.

Why are we wishing it away. In some ways if the 360 did not exist I think the PS3 would have been around more prominently for much longer.

It feels it is getting its legs sliced off for the sake of the PS4 having to be first to market before the M$ barbarity which is around the corner…



12 years ago

Yep. I really do blame Microsoft for really destroying the video game industry. They've messed with so many things, and have promoted so many bad practices, like buying out exclusive DLC. And now it looks like they're going to force a new generation of consoles on us that no one is asking for. The PS3 has easily another 2-3 years left in it, and there isn't even a new technology available right now that warrants a new console generation. The PS3 has shown that it can continue to push the boundaries with graphics, and I'm not aware of any cost effective technology that can produce something better that is worth making a whole noes console generation for. We shouldn't even make a new generation until a legitimate new technology will have it make sense. With both the 360 and PS3 supporting 1080p, 3D and motion controls, I see NO valid reason for a new generation to be anywhere near approaching.

12 years ago


12 years ago

I hope so because Uncharted 3 was just too soon after Uncharted 2. In my opinion games should feel different in a familiar way, and should be enough of a leap from the prior one to keep the wow factor. Uncharted 3 was okay, but it just felt too familiar too soon. I'm sure just more and not great improvements is fine for a lot of people, just not me. And with a Vita Uncharted coming through in the next 6 months, it's just too much Uncharted for me.

12 years ago

i hope it is.

dont get me wrong, uncharted is the best game series of this generation in my opinion. (and among the best videogames ever made as well: Mario3, zelda etc.)

but i read it was planned as a trilogy and it wrapped up nicely.

now they should move on to something else, give drake a break and bring him back a lil later. i dont want that franchise to get tired out.
wait for the next PS4 and whatever new features and horsepower that will bring, then lets see what drake can do.

as for The Last of US,
yea, im loving what im seeing of this game so far, so time to get some money put aside.

12 years ago

I could live with it being a PS4 launch title or even a title that's released a year or two into's its cycle.

12 years ago

Yes, idea here is that 2 years into its cycle ND would have had enough time to experiment with the hardware. If rumours are true and ND are in-fact helping Sony to design/spec-out the PS4 GPU, they would produce something spectacular as a launch title too. They would already know the hardware inside and out 🙂



12 years ago

Uncharted 4 will be system seller for ps4.

12 years ago

+1 to this article 🙂

12 years ago

It will be on both the PS3 and PS4.

12 years ago

It's been confirmed already that there is two separate teams. Game director of Last of Us confirmed he's been working on it for 2 years already. I assume the other team was the UC3 team so the question is what that team will be working on next

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Pretty sure I mentioned the two teams in the article.

12 years ago

I"m not trying to be mean in any way but just take it as constructive criticism. Articles like this are just way too far fetched, imo jumping the gun a little bit. I've seen articles that you've created are similar to this. What do you think the PS4 will be like? What do you think Killzone 4 will be coming out? Is ZOE 3 being made? These kind of articles are just way too far fetched for me and to be honest, it's a waste of time reading one.

Now it's perfectly a good thing to post an article about official details and rumors but not the whole 'what if" so to speak articles. Again, take it as constructive criticism(sp?)

12 years ago

It's just articles like these are kind of blown out of proportion and thinking about the next new game by a developer.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

You're not getting it. Take a look at editorials around the web; ours are the LEAST far-fetched of all of them. Trust me on that.

The idea is to talk about things. If all you want to do is read news articles, feel free. But a video game website is about a community and discussion within that community. It promotes conversation among like-minded people. …it's how every magazine on the face of the earth works, which is all websites are: interactive magazines.

I also fail to see how the question of Uncharted 4 being on the PS4 is even remotely far-fetched.

12 years ago

uncharted 4 for the ps4 when were already passed halfway the ps3s 10 year lifespan and rumors about the next gen systems coming out as early as 2012….. i guess that does sound far fetched.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
12 years ago

Ben I like how you plan ahead of time before you post an article on what the community might post. A lotof times when someone againts your articles post something, i agree withthem, but then you explain and i agree with you.

12 years ago

If it did, I don't mind.

Warrior Poet
Warrior Poet
12 years ago

Dunno. I think a new Uncharted should wait until Naughty Dog knows the new hardware inside and out, AND they have fresh ideas for a new one.

This PS4 is coming up fast, but I still have more PS1 games than PS3 games. Feels like these last 5 years have been really quick as far as gaming goes..and this coming from a 16 year old kid. Heh.

12 years ago

Well Sony already has internal studios developing for the PS4..They'll know the ins and outs for sure

Metal Head
Metal Head
12 years ago

Why not release Uncharted 4 on PS3 and PS4 at the same time?. I bought a PS3 since it launched and although my 60 gb die and trade it in for a slim, I am not ready for PS4.

12 years ago

Don't think that's possible..too many resources to be used to create the same game on two different platforms..

12 years ago

releasing uncharted 4 on ps3 and ps4 would be counter productive. uncharted franchise is now a system seller game, if they also release it on ps3 then people wont bother getting a ps4.

12 years ago

That speculation is all fine and dandy, but if Sony really knows what's best for itself, they'll make a PS4 that runs third party games like a dream. Annualizing ND games will not in itself be the reason to own the next expensive console. Sony has to release the platform to beat not the one that gets the bad ports.

12 years ago

I can see the validity in the point you make. Hopefully this will tie in with the fact that Sony won't allow themselves to be late coming into the next gaming generation again.

12 years ago

all consoles right now can run third party games flawlessly. its about how much resources the third party developer wants to put into the development process. vanquish played amazing on my ps3 while enslaved had a bunch of glitches.

12 years ago

+1 john

12 years ago

Crash 1, 2, 3
Jak 1, 2, 3
Now Uncharted 1, 2, 3
They've wrapped up every series in each generation as a trilogy (NOT including the Racing ones) and in my opinion i really hope they move on, and who knows, may be their next trilogy could be better?

12 years ago

Also they've proved how much better uncharted is compared to Tomb Raider, seriously I haven't played a decant tomb raider game since the ps1 ones

12 years ago

i hate to admit this, but if i was the ceo of sony, that is what i would do.
release ps4 with a killer franchise in uncharted and maybe joined by god of war 4, killzone 4 and little big planet 3.
or atleast, that is what i would aim for if i was howard stringer of kaz hirai.

side note: dont think it will be named ps4 since 4 is considered to be death.

Last edited by playSTATION on 12/13/2011 12:35:22 AM

12 years ago

doesnt matter what they decide to call it, everyone will still refer to it as ps4. besides noone is going to correlate the number 4 for death when it comes to ps4. its just what it is. first playstation was ps1, second was ps2, third was ps3. its pretty much given that the next playstation will be ps4.

12 years ago

Stop focusing on what will be,but be content with is… The PS3 has plenty of life in it and don't epect anything before 2014-2016. If there is going to be an Uncharted 4, it will be in 2013 PS3.

12 years ago

Might want look around a bit man..NextGen consoles are right around the corner the next PS will be here before 2014

12 years ago

PS4 is almost assuredly in development. It will release when MS releases the next XBOX. You can count on that. It's not about whether or not the PS3 still has legs. It's about being relevant in the industry. If MS is gonna push the next gen, the competition (Sony) has no choice but to release the next Playstation. Sony regularly establishes themselves as having the best technology of whatever they do. They won't wait a year like they did with the PS3.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

Yeah… mid life cycle. I have nothing against Uncharted, but I think that Naughty Dog really went OTT with UC3. It didn't feel as satisfying as 2 and I wouldn't mind having them take a break, creating a new IP for the PS4 launch, maybe then doing some sort of follow-up or spin-off to The Last of Us, expanding that new IP, then creating UC4. I dunno. I want to miss UC, as I usually do. How else can you really appreciate that you have it unless you are forced to go without?

12 years ago

(this message doesn't exist… sort of)
can you check your vg email and take a look at the spreadsheet 😉

*message self destructs*

12 years ago

hard to say really.
theres 2 separate studios, so if the studio that was working on uncharted 3 does not go over to the last of us, and not on uncharted 4, then what?
id say most likely yea uncharted 4 for ps4, especially if the rumours of next gen systems being out late 2013 are true.
which i doubt, why the hell would ubisoft and THQ spend 4+ years making rainbow 6 patriots and devils third for consoles which are going to be replaced the year they come out?
especially rainbow 6, they spent years retooling the AC engine to work with a shooter.
you would not go spend all that time and money to produce one game, then go produce a new engine for a new system.
and devils third, you would not start new studio, train people up for current systems to release one game then move on to a new system.
just makes no financial sense!
or maybe ND are working on 2 new IPs………..

12 years ago

I believe Ubisoft is smart and created an engine that not only runs on the hardware of today but is capable of running on the hardware of tomorrow.

12 years ago

capable but it would never be taking advantage of it so we would be getting slightly upped versions of current games so theres really no point.
scaling engines never have and never will work!
hell, look at BF3.
DICE promised so many times the PC was the lead platform, then it finally comes out and even crysis 2 looks better!
or RAGE, has such bad scaling issues if you have a 2GB video card you still dont get the higher res textures they wont unlock due to a bug.
you either make a new engine for current consoles for many games, or you create a new engine for new consoles.
ubisoft would of spent a arm and a leg retooling the AC engine for rainbow 6 patriots, no freaking way thats the only game that will be using it!
you dont go spend millions on the worlds best lawn mower, mow your lawn once then let it sit in the shed.

12 years ago

I'm not sure what ND's time-frame is going to be, but for myself, I'd like to see uncharted 4 as a PS4 launch title & LoU as a PS3 title.

As for ND, there's an article that they just did on the PS Blog…..

Naughty Dog Talks Jak and Daxter Legacy
Posted December 12, 2011 6:00 am

The Jak and Daxter Collection marks ten years since the franchise launched with Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy. Developer Naughty Dog has long since moved onto the Uncharted franchise, but that didn't stop Naughty Dog Co-President Evan Wells from reminiscing.

“We are delighted at the place the franchise has found amongst the gaming community and the mark it has left on the platformer genre in particular,” said Wells. “Given that we’re so close to the 10th anniversary, looking back at some of the work that went into making those awesome games seems to be in order. It’s amazing to recall just how the development of the Jak and Daxter franchise has progressed and just how far we’ve come.”

“With each outing in the Jak and Daxter series, we set out to create a game that offered the player a new experience that built on the previous game,” he added. “As you go from Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy to Jak 3, the story will connect across the titles as the gameplay and technical aspects of the games and the tools used to create them evolved. From being on foot in Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy to the hoverboard and morph gun in Jak II to the dune buggies in Jak 3, new gameplay ideas were always in play and being fleshed out and amped up. On the technical side, for instance, Jak 3 featured a new terrain renderer that included bump-mapping, which is now a commonplace element in rendering terrain. Cloth dynamics and rag-doll physics, also standard features in many modern games, were new developments by the time that Jak 3 was released in 2004.”

Source: PlayStation Blog

12 years ago

"Will Uncharted 4 Be On The PS4?" That I have no idea, it could be possible though. But we will have to wait and see I guess.

12 years ago

amazon is all video game gold box today. assasins creed revelations 34.99

12 years ago

It will be on PS3 and PS4.

12 years ago

I think the PS3 has seen the last of Drake. New consoles are literally 2 years or less away. Sony to correct their mistake with the PS3 they'll need to come out at the same time or a few months after the next Xbox. They'll need stellar launch titles which would be perfect to launch with Uncharted.

I honestly expect a new Uncharted and Killzone to be launch titles. With that said..time to save some money in advance…

12 years ago

Uncharted 4 = Unkarted, a racing game featuring all the characters racing with kickbacks from UC3 served as powerups. The game will have it's own designated driver and passenger, the passenger will help deliver the kickbacks and traps on other cars, while the driver will be worrying about maneuvering around them and staying ahead. It will be on PS3, but playable on PS4 due to backwards compatibility… At least I hope so.

12 years ago

I wrote it yesterday at the other article and if I would have anything to say at Sony Uncharted 4 would be the launch title. It would sell a bunch of systems no questions asked.

I would want ND make the biggest and boldest Uncharted ever and advertise the shit out of it.

But I also would launch Little Big Planet 3 and God of War 4 …

That would be a dream launch and would give Nintendo and Microsoft a nearly impossible task to top.

12 years ago

i've already decided to wait a couple years before getting the ps4. i can still have so much fun with my ps3. of course this will change if uncharted becomes a launch game. next reason is if they take out backwards compatibility. i'll wait for the price drop when they clear out the backwards compatibility systems. i'll still buy games without ps4 though, i really dont want those damn red boxes. i'll buy ps4 games right before it becomes a greatest hit, build myself a backlog before i get a system.

12 years ago

I think they are finished with UC but you never know what they have up their sleeves they may continue it.

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