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Tony Hawk Pro Skater HD Prepped For Digital Release

Well, when things have gone wrong, return to that which went really, really well.

The ill-fated Tony Hawk: Ride kinda sidelined the legendary skateboarding star in the world of video games, but you can't keep a good guy down.

Just before the Spike TV Video Game Awards kicked off, Tony Hawk told Joystiq that Tony Hawk Pro Skater HD is on the way. It'll include "select levels" from the first two Pro Skater titles, make 'em all pretty with glossy high-definition, and deliver them in a digital package next summer. How much? Well, "under $20," as far as we know.

Classic levels like "School" and "Downhill" will be reimagined, and the fans will likely applaud that move. If you don't remember, the first Tony Hawk games were legitimate gems; in fact, the series was a big-time phenomenon. Hawk was in his prime, the X Games were huge, and the PlayStation was a great platform for the skating action. So, who wants to relive the good ol' days in HD? We've been doing that a lot this generation.

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12 years ago

You know they made an even worse game after Ride, right? Shred was god awful. I hope this is actually decent. They should have classic gameplay options and newer more realistic gameplay (like EA's Skate games)

12 years ago

I never thought I'd say this, but I'm actually excited for the new Tony Hawk game! As long as the gameplay is still the same, this is just what I want. Great to see the Hangar in the video.

mike rlz
mike rlz
12 years ago

It would be sweet to see a new Underground… the first one was cool but I didn't like the sequel

12 years ago

Classic Tony Hawk controls, solid gameplay, back to basics skating for a cheap price…

I'm in!!

Loved THPS 1 and 4 (Only ones I had).

Good to see the Hawk going back to his roots.

12 years ago

I haven't played since THP4 I'll be picking this up.

12 years ago

Oh wow. If I remember correctly, this was originally a PS1 game, right? Is this the start of something fantastic? Something everyone's been saying is too much work? Are PS1 HD remakes coming?

12 years ago

I remember playing THPS on Dreamcast. I really loved it. Then I played 2 and 3 on PS2, and had a great time. After that it was pretty much crap for Tony's games.

I'm looking foreward to picking this up, especially with that price point.

Oh crap, here comes Kokima, gotta watch TV, bye!!

12 years ago

and you said we wont be getting any ps1 HD collections!
its about time antivision figured out they will never top the originals, so they might as well re release them with a gloss of paint!
oh how i wish spyro and crash would get the same treatment!

12 years ago

Count me in if the price is right. I love skate games. The two Hawks for the PSP were amongst my handheld favourites.

12 years ago

I wound up getting the whole Ride & Shred bundles brand new for only $15 each for my collection.

Matter of fact, "Big Lots" is selling the Shred bundle right now for $15.
(for PS3, 360, & Wii).

12 years ago

i hope they do it with THPS4 its one of my all time favorites it was also my first tony hawk game i got so addicted to it i played so long it fried my PS2 xD

12 years ago

Sorry to hear it fried your PS2.

I hope when it went, it was at least "Sunny side up".

12 years ago

hahaha MGS4 reference love it!

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