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Analyst: Uncharted May Be “An Evergreen For PS3”

When you have a franchise like Uncharted , everyone and everything involved tends to benefit, including the hardware that plays the game.

This is a very important series, and the latest entry, Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception , might be critical to further PlayStation 3 sales success.

According to what Sony and various analysts told IndustryGamers , the game's importance really can't be understated. M2 Research analyst Billy Pidgeon said Uncharted 3 is "tremendously important to Sony," and has a good chance at keeping "millions of PS3s active."

"As an exclusive, Uncharted 3 has system selling potential and will keep millions of PS3s active. The franchise has improved consistently with each iteration, and the game is one of the most positive examples of blending cinematic and game development disciplines. Uncharted 3, like its predecessors, has the potential to reach a wider audience due to the integration of classic action film plot elements with strong characters."

However, it's not all roses. Pidgeon adds that casual gamers may not be able to appreciate the game, as "the gameplay is more hardcore than casual." Certain sections of the game can be trying, but we believe it remains accessible to the majority of gamers out there…the casuals can play something else. 😉

But the future of Uncharted looks bright, as yet another highly anticipated installment, Uncharted: Golden Abyss , will be a huge launch title for the PlayStation Vita. Yes, Sony should definitely thank Naughty Dog.

Related Game(s): Uncharted 3

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12 years ago

What on earth does THAT mean? Uncharted 3 is going to keep millions of PS3's active?

But yeah, it's a damn good thing this series showed up. PS3 has lots of awesome exclusives but the dumbsh*ts of the world don't bother with many of them because it doesn't fit with the typical blockbuster audience taste this gen which far exceeds in sales what it gives in quality.

12 years ago

Ya, it's ridiculous how poorly Infamous2 did in terms of sales.

12 years ago

Such a shame. I just hope Sony and Sucker Punch realize there are people who support inFamous. It's one of the best games this gen. Especially for a new IP.

Last edited by Jawknee on 12/5/2011 11:02:13 PM

12 years ago

A travesty indeed, inFamous is my favorite new franchise this gen.

12 years ago

I just never saw the appeal of this series. After finishing the first one I wasn't really craving another entry in the series. I have UC2 but it's still sealed in the original wrapper. Not sure when, or if, I'll ever open it up. Most likely I'll just sell it.

12 years ago

That's pretty short sighted given the second game is the one that made the series explode and grabbed all those game of the year awards.

12 years ago

Really fun adventure, keeps you wanting to play so you can continue the story. It also has great gun battles in it. You can get through Uncharted2 in under 12hrs so I strongly suggest you spend a couple days on the game. Come on!

12 years ago

Yea, 2 is way better than 1. 1 left me feeling like "okay that was cool, back to MGS4". But 2 really put the series in my top 10.

12 years ago


"back to MGS4" can you really blame MGS4 for being amazing? a new ip against mgs4, its really no contest there.

Gamer Girl Gemo
Gamer Girl Gemo
12 years ago

That honestly seems like a waste of money… Definitely try it. You'll most likely be hooked.

12 years ago

U better don't open it man, because u will be like "OMG!!! WTF!!!, why in the blue hell I did this???"

Last edited by TrophyHunter on 12/6/2011 8:55:33 AM

12 years ago

I'm glad this franchise exist!

But its not just this game that adds to the ps3.

This year alone, 9 exclusives for the ps3, 2 for the 360!

12 years ago

I want Uncharted and God of War to do for Sony what Zelda and Mario have done for Nintendo. Uncharted 3 was stellar but it should have been longer. 9 hours just isn't enough for an adventure game. I'm 55 hours into Zelda and its made me realize how short even PS3 games have been this gen. I don't think there is a single game on the PS3 besides Final Fantasy XIII that I have spent that many hours on my first playthrough and that game sucked so that's a fail.

I think for the next Uncharted game, ND should maybe add some side quests or something. I don't know. Just feel that with Uncharted, I'm constantly awaiting the next huge graphical mind blowing set piece, with Zelda, I can't wait for the next Temple, the next boss, the next side quest, the next mini game etc. I know their different types of games but I would still say they fall within that adventure genre.

12 years ago

I know I'll be hanged for his, but to my mind Zelda is an RPG so that's part of the length.

12 years ago

I'll bring the rope. Lol, I have never considered it an RPG but maybe that's because I never really played RPG's until Final Fantasy. I started playing Zelda before I even new what an RPG video game was. So when I got into Final Fantasy I was like "oh, this is an RPG?"

Last edited by Jawknee on 12/5/2011 11:15:23 PM

12 years ago

back on NES it was considered one amongst us kids and it stuck for me. You level up by growing your health, learning new attacks, and magic, there's item collection and puzzles and long hours of play in the role of Link in his fantasy atmosphere that was, at the time, reserved mainly for RPGs.

I know these things have been added to action games since those days, but at the time action adventure games were very simplistic and never as intricate as zelda.

12 years ago

I've never heard any of the Zelda games referred to as a "RPG" until the last year or so. Don't know why it's started to happen but I still don't see it as one. I think it maybe due to the lack of RPG's this gen so people are reaching out for games that have RPG elements.

"You level up by growing your health, learning new attacks, and magic, there's item collection and puzzles.."

That pretty much describes any action/adventure game if you think about it. God of War, Metal Gear, just to name a few, share the same elements. You're just acquiring new weapons instead of magic in those cases. Though if you technically want to get into it, you can call every game a RPG since you are stepping into some characters shoes and living through them in the game world.

12 years ago

zelda is more rpgish right now. before it was straight adventure. now you have to think about stamina, shield health, inventory slots, item/weapon upgrades. ohh and i just gotta say, the goddess harp is just plain stupid. you just hold a and start strumming. i wanted the ocarina and be able to play different songs.

so far i just finished the first 3 temples, the one from the 3 tablets. i think i'm around 20 hours. i kinda dont like the fact that theres basically only 3 areas in the game, four counting skyloft. oh, and damn those tumbleweeds. everytime i get my bug net out it hit something and breaks. movement should be stopped while picking weapons.

Last edited by johnld on 12/6/2011 12:41:00 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Zelda is not an RPG and never has been.

If it is, than everything from Devil May Cry to inFamous are RPGs.

12 years ago

Uncharted with side quests is like Zelda with voice acting…it doesn't fit.

(Yes, I am using Jawknee's own argument against him.)

For extra adventure, play the co-op missions.

12 years ago

I'm just saying they need to extend Uncharted's play time. Doesn't necessarily have to be side quests. The main campaign is too short. 9 hours for such a good game is weak sauce.

John, the layout of the surface world makes sense in the whole scheme of things since Skyward Sword does take place before all the other Zelda games in the theoretical timeline. This game takes place even before Ocarina of Time which was said to be the first game in the timeline. I honestly don't mind it. Reminds me of Metroid. It's cool when new areas you didn't realize we're there start to open up.

And the tumble weeds are easy to catch once you upgrade your bug net.

Last edited by Jawknee on 12/6/2011 3:44:48 AM

12 years ago

I'm going to agree with Jawknee on the length thing. It was totally an awesome game, and I loved it. But when I finished it, I started getting completion trophies and I could hardly believe it! After UC2's boss battle, I couldn't believe I had just finished UC3.

Definitely wanted more length, but that's my only complaint. The rest of it was in-freaking-credible.

Overall, i definitely miss the 40 hour + experiences.

12 years ago

The Uncharted campaigns have been nothing short of magnificant – but like Gears Of War – the multiplayer just hasn't been my thing.

I agree sales of Infamous 2 are bemusing given how good the game was.

Resistance 3 sales were another shocker – it was the best Resistance game yet – maybe not the best time of year to release it given the competition.

Sony needs these top notch exclusives because to often multi platform games have not been as well made for the PS3 as for the Xbox (Skyrim, BF3, BLOPS etc).

12 years ago

I think a big part of that problem with all these great games having low sales so far, is the very success of all the PS3 exclusive games that are out, & also the games that are known to be coming out shortly.

There's so many games that people just don't have the money to buy them all even if they want to, so most gamers have to take a "pick & choose" priority for getting games now.

I mean for the PS3, it's not like there's only a 2-3 good games coming out yearly so that buying all of them is affordable.

And another big problem I see because of that same success, is that there's been numerous genres to choose from too, so that very fact alone also becomes a huge secondary "pick & choose" priority for us during this failed economy too.

It's not like the Wii & the 360 where there's only a few great exclusives coming out yearly so everyone got the money for all of them.
Ans since there's not that many genres that come out to really choose from, of course their game's sales are going to look phenomenal compared to the PS3's.

Just one man's opinion…..

Last edited by BikerSaint on 12/6/2011 3:28:19 PM

Gamer Girl Gemo
Gamer Girl Gemo
12 years ago

Anyone who's been on this community long enough knows that I'm a humongous Uncharted fan. Been one since the very beginning. With Naughty Dog's amazing ability to integrate narrative with gameplay seamlessly, along with great character development and detailed environment, and, of course, Drake's witty remarks (and good looks ;)), who wouldn't fall in love with such an innovative series? Sure, the concept isn't too original, Indiana Jones nabbed that spot long ago. But, Naughty Dog put such a modern, new light onto the whole idea that it just exploded into an adventure that I, personally, couldn't walk away from.

As an aspiring 3D animator and fictional writer, this game does much more for me than just give me a thrill. Although it does one heck of a job providing the thrills, it does one heap load of a job providing inspiration from an artistic standpoint. With Uncharted 3, sure the idea of constant gunfire at Nathan, near-death experiences didn't seem like much of a feat by the third iteration. However, there was just something about it that made it easily stand out in this generation. Whether it was the continual amazing voice acting from Nolan, Emily, and company, or the edge-of-your-seat cruise ship chapter, I'm not quite sure. But Naughty Dog must have thrown some kind of magic, or, as previously speculated with UC2, cocaine lol, into the development process to make me, and thousands, if not millions, of others fall in love with this series.

Uncharted will forever remain amazing and, from many standpoints, an accomplishment that ND can be proud of for so many years to come. Oh, and by the way, UC3 obviously gets my vote for GOTY 🙂

Last edited by Gamer Girl Gemo on 12/6/2011 12:49:01 AM

12 years ago

i dunno about that.
i mean if all the games did not make you buy one, then hows 1 extra going to make that much of a difference?
only thing that will bring people over now, especially after such a long time on the market, is price.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

Advertising can sell anything. It's a good thing, then, that Uncharted 3 deserves all of the advertising that it got, and continues to get. Uncharted should definitely become a flagship franchise for Sony, with at least one iteration of the series being launched on every future platform. It is simply brilliant, though I do feel that one blockbuster mid-cycle would be enough to quiet the ravenous fans. Let ND expand!

12 years ago

Speaking of Uncharted I was channel jumping between 4 channels and landed on X-Play and they were naming the finalist for their GOTY award these are the games that made the final cut:
1.Gears of War 3
2.L.A. Noire
4.Portal 2
5.Super Mario 3Dland
6.Saints Row the Third
7.Batman Arkham City

According to Adam,Morgan and the X-Play staff Gears of War 3 and Super Mario 3Dland is better than Uncharted 3. People are entitled to their own opinion but I say this X-Play is no longer allowed to mock the VGAs on Spike tv.

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