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Naughty Dog Talks Jak And Daxter After 10 Years

Naughty Dog is known for their vaunted Uncharted franchise, but veteran gamers will remember the talented studio for another great Sony series: Jak and Daxter .

Easily one of the most impressive and entertaining titles of the PS2 generation, the first Jak and Daxter remains a tremendous accomplishment and believe it or not, it is the game's 10th anniversary this month. Yeah, ten years…time flies.

To celebrate, Naughty Dog boss Evan Wells spoke about the creation process and the position J&D holds in gaming history; find his comments over at the PlayStation Blog . Remember, Daxter may have gone his own path (he had a PSP game) and Jak went solo in multiple entries, but the dynamic duo will always be remembered. Said Wells:

"It’s hard to believe it’s been ten years since Jak and Daxter found their way onto PlayStation 2 and into the gaming world. We are delighted at the place the franchise has found amongst the gaming community and the mark it has left on the platformer genre in particular. Given that we’re so close to the 10th anniversary, looking back at some of the work that went into making those awesome games seems to be in order. It’s amazing to recall just how the development of the Jak and Daxter franchise has progressed and just how far we’ve come."

The PS2 games utilized technology like bump-mapping and cloth dynamics to make the Jak adventures shine and as you know, the Jak and Daxter Collection has been confirmed. Featuring brilliant new high-definition, it will launch in February 2012 and features the first three titles in the series: Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy , Jak II , and Jak III . The Collection will also include stereoscopic 3D support and and Trophies.

It's great to see this franchise get the recognition it so richly deserves!

Related Game(s): Jak and Daxter Collection

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12 years ago

I cannot believe it's been 10 years o_o. I was NINE when this came out??? Mind = Blown. I can't wait for the collection, even though I was never a big fan of Jak 2, I LOVED the first one and had my share of fun in Jak 3.

12 years ago

Damn, I was just a very young tender piss-ant age of 49 when the first J&D came out.

So congratulations to the 2 of us on both of our on-going 10 year anniversaries, LOL.

12 years ago

I rented it when it came out and while I could appreciate it I remember that being the day I decided cartoon platformers weren't for me any more.

12 years ago

So your a no go go gadget on Ratchet then?

12 years ago

Not for me, but I understand the plight of the fans who want to see great franchises return.

12 years ago

I can't wait for the collection. I never played a lot of ps2 games because I only had one for six months so I really love these collections. I remember always seeing commercials for this and the R&C and being really jealous I couldn't play them.

12 years ago

Dang its really been that long?!

12 years ago

no, they will forever be remembered for the crash bandicoot series.
i still remember the day it came out, and i bought my ps1 and rushed home and spent all day and night and morning play it!
hard to believe ive never played the J&D series though, so the collection should be interesting.
really need to go get the sly collection again, never got to finish it.
dam you skyward sword, taken up 39 hours of my time and im not even half way through!

12 years ago

(sigh!) yea…10 years. God, do I wish I can turn the clock back 10 years…because seriously those emotions running through me while playing Jak & Daxter for the first time were something else.

That game…was just magical. Jak & Daxter, Jak 2, & Jak 3. I love it…10x more than Uncharted and that's saying a lot. I guess it was just one of those games.

Then of course, there were other games MGS, FF, KH, GTA, and Yakuza. Those were great fun too.

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