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Skyrim Update: Patch For A Patch

Patches for patches. That's always fun.

After Bethesda released a patch for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim , which was designed to address a number of issues (including massive game lag on the PS3 version when the save file gets too big), the results were a mixed bag. Some gamers said the patch worked beautifully while others saw some…funny things.

Dragons flying backwards was actually kinda common if you check YouTube, and other strange maladies kicked in as well, such as foes getting pummeled across the map as if you were a giant. So, Bethesda has announced another update to hopefully erase this new host of admittedly comical issues. The patch will come to the PC first next week, and then the PS3 and Xbox 360 a little later.

The publisher promises continued vigilance; i.e., more updates in the coming months, along with the game's dev kit (yeah, mod tools) for the PC version. So unfortunately, those backwards-flying dragons will probably go away after this next patch…but maybe other things will pop up for the sake of comedy relief.

Related Game(s): The Elder Scrolls V: Skryim

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12 years ago

Hey, Bethesda. Quality Assurance much?

12 years ago

Indeed. The save bug should have never shipped like that since it's basically doing the same thing as the Fallout games.

However, playing the advocate here, the amount content in this game is staggering. Skyrim as a few bugs here and there, but overall, the game is highly polished.

12 years ago

Agree with Max here…Skyrim is f'n great. I haven't ran into any issues yet…Thank god

12 years ago

The game is to impressive for me to care. Well I'm sure I'd care if it was happening to me, but before and after the patch my playing time has never been hindered. But as Max said "the amount of content in this game is staggering", and that makes for quite an unparralled experience. The side quests are as long and detailed as (what I've played so far) the main stories quests! That's impressive!

In most games the side quests feel like chores or tacked on. In Skyrim they are an experience!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 12/2/2011 2:43:17 PM

12 years ago

I was referring to the concept of chucking a patch out without verifying it doesn't cause problems at least as, if not more glaring than before. I mean seriously, bugs are to be expected in big systems, although a save file bug is a pretty ridiculous category of bug to survive extensive play testing. That said, if you issue a patch to fix it, don't you do some pretty exhaustive testing to make sure it doesn't make things worse?

That is a Quality Assurance failure, that is a testing failure, and it's caused by rushing to market, and rushing a fix. They game could be absolutely sublime, and still be marred by this kind of thing. That's why QA is important.

12 years ago

Is Skyrim a good game? I never played any of the elder scrolls game, and I don't feel like trying Skyrim.

12 years ago

Of course it's a good game.

12 years ago

If you don't really feel like trying it then does it honestly matter?

To answer the question though, it is a great game if you enjoy WRPGs. It offers a massive open world, endless sidequests (yes, actually endless), unique caves and dungeons (not just copy pasted iterations over and over), an in-depth character creation and levelling system.

12 years ago

I's say it's the best rpg so far this gen. Utterly impressive. But you need to like the RPG genre, cause it's very rpg.

12 years ago

They are bargain bins, dont try it now they don't deserve your money.

12 years ago

If you're not really into Skyrim (or WRPGs in general) now, and you own a PS3, you definitely wouldn't be into it if you bought it. Its glitchy and laggy as all hell, as this article states. It'd end up frustrating you more than entertaining you.

12 years ago

I haven't been able to play since the broken patch but I wanna play later today, kinda sucks to have to download the broken one. I rather like my Nord resistance to ice and I'd hate to see it disappear even for a week. Oh well, what can ya do? Bethesda, GOD! Play your games once in awhile k? Jeez

12 years ago


really? i'll probably try it when I don't have any more choices the next time I buy a ps3 game.

12 years ago

9+ scores across the board, but you have to like open world games and RPGs of course.

12 years ago

Have this on PC and to be 100% honest, I didn't have issues before the patch and after the patch I haven't seen anything change. I honestly just don't think Bethesda are very good developers for the PS3. Either that or they just don't care about it too much.

Though, I have to admit I don't know how this plays on the 360, maybe the issues are equally as bad as the PS3 version, or maybe it runs as smooth as the PC version.

12 years ago

PC version's main problem is steam.

Make moving computer a pain in the *** and doesn't always work

Just the other day I tried to start skyrim and something like "steam servers are busy, please try again later"

So I had to disconnect from the internet just to play it…

12 years ago

To be honest I haven't ever had an issue with steam on any game. I also don't move PCs though. I have my game rig and don't worry about it.

12 years ago

Never had a problem with steam. And the only major glitch I've run into is during the main quest, involving esbern and his voice pack glitch.

12 years ago

What ever happening to finishing a game before it goes gold….

12 years ago

Why can't these damn dev kits come to consoles? I don't have the money to drop 5 grand on a new PC every 4 years! I wanna mod & I wanna download mods. F U Bethesda, F U Sony, & F this whole damn world!!! Ok……I feel better now.

12 years ago


You want the console version because you don't wanna get a modern PC but don't want the console version becasue theres no mods

I'm confused

12 years ago

5 grand every four years? Don't know what you're trying to buy, or where you're buying it, but it costs me just over a grand around every 5 years or so to build a top of the line system by hand.

12 years ago

Some of us don't have the know how or the patience to build computers by hand Geo. If you look at a top of the line system anywhere, it's usually around 2 to 3 grand w/o the monitor. They used 2 b more expensive back in the day when I gave up PC gaming. Think my last PC game was Quake 2 when it first came out & my 2 year old 'top of the line' machine wouldn't run it well at all. That's when I said bye bye. Firesoul, I HAVE the console version. I just wish that you could have a dev kit 4 it or at least be able to do mods on PC and import them like u could w Unreal Tournament III.

12 years ago

just get a XPS, there 720 would be able to play everything at max settings and there only 1500.
best thing about XPS is overclocking is covered under warranty as long as you use there software, and dont go tinkering with the BIOS.

12 years ago

I wish I had the money to build a computer, I desperately need one. :/

12 years ago

First of all I want to say this is a great game. The scope and scale of it is pretty amazing. The only thing that annoys me is the way Bethesda refused to send out the PS3 version for review. It's no secret that PS3 users have had the most problems and Bethesda not sending copies for reviews does not look good.

I have not applied to most recent patch. The game is playable for many, many hours without any problems as long as your save file is not too big. My file was close 9 mb before I had problems. After that the game seemed to have problems jumping around. The load times even seem longer. Trouble even pulling up the menu which totally bites. It's pretty obvious something is broken somewhere. But having said that this is a LONGPLAY issue. I think I was between 48-60 hrs before it got bad.

I have just restarted with autosave off. I'm going to give it another shot to see what happens. It's just so good I am willing to do that.

12 years ago

Im at 6.1gb…no problemz…40hrs….I love this game too much…hopefullu I wont be plagued by issues because I wasnt hindered while playing Obliviin, Fallout 3 or New Vegas…so maybe my streak will continue even though New Vegas froze alot…lol

12 years ago

New Vegas was barely playable for me. It wasn't developed by Bethesda game studios either. Obsidian handled it and that was obviously for the worst.

I havnt had any problems with Skyrim before or after the patch, my save file was about 9 mb before the patch and is around 6 after. I still think some people are over reacting but shame on Bethesda for letting the game go out the door before this was resolved.

O well the game is just awesome so… Thanks Bethesda, for taking up many more hours of my live, as you did by releasing Oblivion!

12 years ago

Right on bigtrailer…and yep, fallout 3 and new vegas endings all seem to have framerate problems, but New Vegas was an epic framerate fail. Love all these games though…Oblivion was a mess too when everyone came out the last obliviin gate

12 years ago

I personally had no problems before the patch, I was 45 hours in and was playing with a 9000 mb save file. I took off all auto save features after I read that people were having problems and never had a problem.

20 minutes into playing with the patch and my Ps3 froze… my dragons fly backwards, my actual face and body disappeared, I was just a robe and hood walking around. Books I collected in my house up and disappeared as well.

This game is great, there is not aurguement there. But playing a game that is this buggy only brings my spirits down when I'm playing. Im always worried that my file will grow to be so big that the game begins to be unplayable. So much so, I've stopped picking up everything I see cause it only seems to make my file bigger, and my frame rate drop.

I like Bethesda, but damn I feel like they just took advantage of my loyalty and gave me a broken product.

Fix this issue Bethesda or you'll be down a buyer come the next product you put out.

12 years ago

So much for quality control on their Brand. New. Engine.

This is why I will never buy Bethesda games at launch. Chances are it's broken. Then they fix it, and it's more broken.

I have a feeling their "keep it if it's funny" line is just an excuse for slacking off. Bethesda: "Yeah! You just fell out of the game world…. because it's funny. We totally did that on purpose!"

12 years ago

As much as the whole resistance and dragons flying backwards needs fixing, i just want the dang frame-rate issue fixed. Out of all Bethesda games I've played I've never had such bad frame-rate issue like skyrim. Quest's need fixing too almost as bad as the frame-rate issues. Having quest that are broken especially when their part of the main story really hurts the game.

Gamer Girl Gemo
Gamer Girl Gemo
12 years ago

I adored the dragons flying backwards. Kinda made my day 😀

12 years ago

I wish I was seeing backwards flying dragons! Not gonna lie, kind of jealous!

12 years ago

That is actually pretty funny. Wish I could have seen it, but I can't play the damn game because of all the lag.

I don't care how much content is in this game, if they can't make it work, then I don't want it. I'm truly liking it when I can play it, but if they can't make my game actually work with the next two or three patches then I'm gonna sell it.

12 years ago

patch for a patch for a patch for a patch.
yea, no thanks bugthesda!
glad i returned this in for skyward sword, 39 hours of pure bliss and not one single bug!

Last edited by ___________ on 12/3/2011 1:34:30 AM

12 years ago

That is definitely the benefit to playing a game on ancient technology

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