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Naughty Dog Hasn’t Decided On Their Next Project Yet

Is Uncharted a trilogy? Should Naughty Dog just be happy and content with three of the most popular and critically acclaimed games of all time?

Of course not. In fact, the developers never intended for Drake's adventures to wrap up after only three installments, which is fantastic news for the millions of fans out there.

During a recent VentureBeat interview , Naughty Dog game director Justin Richmond said they never settled on an exact number of entries. If gamers want more, they'll make more. Simple. Said Richmond:

"We have always said that if we think that we can make something new and interesting, if the fans still want them, then we can make another one. But we never said how many of these things there will be. There are plenty more stories in the universe. It is just a question of what's the company interested in doing next. We really don't know at this moment."

Well, you can bet Sony will be asking for a new Uncharted , but do you think Naughty Dog should try something new? Spread their wings a little? They've conquered the interactive entertainment world in terms of overall quality; wouldn't it be nice to see a brand new IP from such a talented group? Variety is the spice of life, yes?

…of course, we're still gonna want that fourth Uncharted at some point, guys. Richmond added that the team will "make a decision" about their next project "maybe this month."

Related Game(s): Uncharted 3

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12 years ago

I hope they take 3-4 years for their next masterpiece, because there are way too many games that came out this year to last us until then.

All good and amazing games too!!!!

12 years ago

Call me Mr. Greedy but I want both, a brand new IP, and Uncharted 4!!!!!!!!!!!!

12 years ago

New IP on PS3…U4 on PS4.

12 years ago

Am I the only person who loved the original Jak and Daxter? It is seriously one of my favourite platforming games. I would hope that they make another Jak and Daxter game. I like the uncharted games but I want my platforming skills to be challeneged and I know ND is the company that can do that.

12 years ago

I loved it too, the vastness of it's world's was amazing. The only game that had a larger scope in my mind was GTA3.

12 years ago

I kinda want a break from Uncharted but only for a little bit. I wanna what other ideas they have. I think they could make on of the best open world games of all time if they chose to.

12 years ago

Hells yeah we need Uncharted 4!!! I just finished UC 3 and freakin' loved it!!! I WANT MORE NATHAN DRAKE!!! But I agree, they need to make a new Jax and Daxter too. Naughty Dog is my favorite developer. Anything they do is GOLDEN!!! Sorry for the yelling.

12 years ago

Sorry, Jak and Daxter. Lol

12 years ago

Jak and Daxter!

Last edited by SnipeySnake on 12/1/2011 10:13:35 PM

12 years ago

Following their tradition (Crash Bandicoot/ Jak and Daxter) they now should do an Uncharted racing game.

Unkarted =)

12 years ago

I want new ip from nd. Maybe stealth game like mgs?

12 years ago

I say start a small team on Uncharted 4 as a title for PS4 and have the rest of the team make something new for the end of the PS3 days. Then put everybody on Uncharted 4 and have it ready at, or shortly after, the PS4 launch.

12 years ago

@World, i say that wud be awesome, new IP from ND and Uncharted 4 as one of the launch title for PS4

Last edited by AshT on 12/2/2011 1:49:17 AM

12 years ago

I see World beat me to it.

12 years ago

Anything but Uncharted. They've given me three great games in the series put it on the back burner for a while.

Gamer Girl Gemo
Gamer Girl Gemo
12 years ago

Having been a ND fan from the beginning with Crash Bandicoot, I'll support anything ND decides to do. Whether they decide to take Drake on many more adventures, or take an entire new direction in a new IP, I'll fully support them. It really does seem they can do no wrong, and that they're those rare developers out there who are down-to-earth and seem to know just where they're headed. I believe they're, also, one of the few developers that have gotten a complete handle on this gen's most powerful console.

This also confirms that that "secret PS3 exclusive" won't be from ND. Especially after a comment like this. So, it seems like we won't have to worry about ND annualizing their products. That really isn't ND style, and I'm sure they'd rather stop making games than ever begin to rush out games. They let their games develop and age like fine wine before ever letting anyone get a taste of what they've produced.

So, go on ND. You've got my complete and full support on what you'll do in the future. You continue to make us proud to be Playstation owners.

Last edited by Gamer Girl Gemo on 12/2/2011 12:02:22 AM

12 years ago

THese guys can do no wrong. I actually participated on the MP portion testing of UC3. If you guys like it, you're welcome 🙂 THere's nothing quite like getting paid to do something you love ^_^

12 years ago

no crash bandicoot love?
oh the things i would do to see ND back with their baby!
why oh why $ony, why did you sell the best franchise ever made to the devil!?
eh, whatever, im really sick of uncharted id like to see them either do a new J&D game or a totally new IP.
probably a totally new IP, and since ps4 is suppose to be out soon i cant see them doing another game for the ps3.
and considering every new console we get, they do a new IP, so id put my money on a new IP being their next game.

12 years ago

I love how you're "sick" of a series after three games in 4 to 5 years. And judging by comments you've made about Uncharted in the past, its not like you love it. So how could you play it enough to be "sick" of it?

12 years ago

when you finish each game several times, and put enough time to plat each of them within the space of 4 years yea you get sick of them very quickly!

12 years ago

I think they should end soon, they don't really want a franchise to go down the gutter, **final fantasy**
A lot of people here will disagree

12 years ago

The should port golden abyss

Last edited by killerbee12 on 12/2/2011 5:09:55 AM

12 years ago

I say they hire a few more people and put together a new Jak & Daxter and then the others can work on Uncharted 4 as a launch title for the PS4.

12 years ago

My advise :
* buy back the IP on Crash Bandicoot and reboot the serie (HD collection anyone?)
* a new Jak & Daxter, but more like the first one
* create a new IP, leave Uncharted for PS4 launch

12 years ago

Crash 1, 2, 3, kart racing game!
Jak&Daxter 1, 2, 3 kart racing game!!!
Uncharted 1, 2, 3 …..


kart racing game??????

12 years ago

I'd laugh if Naughty Dog started a new IP, it receives wide-spread success critically and commercially but then by the third game, Naughty Dog says, "We receive plenty of mail asking us to make Uncharted 4. We'd like to do it but we're a one franchise per console developer." It would be a never-ending cycle.

I think what Naughty Dog needs to do is:

– Find their own Sanzaru Games (a developer that's really enthusiastic and competent about developing a new Jak and Daxter game)

– Experiment with the idea of a new IP ("From the creators of the critically acclaimed Uncharted series" would grab anyone's attention)

– Leave Uncharted 4 as a PS4 title (I'm curious to see what Naughty Dog could do with that technology).

But that's my two cents.

Last edited by DrRockso87 on 12/2/2011 11:50:37 AM

12 years ago

They could probably leave Uncharted as a trilogy to the PS4 after that great ending, and work on a new IP for the end of this gen. Squeeze the last ounce of power you can get out of the PS3 with a new creative venture, then go guns blazing into the next gen with a classic series.

Of course, whatever they do, I'll be interested in it from day one. Hell, I even support a new Jak and Daxter if they're up for it.

12 years ago

It better be an Uncharted kart racer!
That's ND's MO; Trilogy then a kart racer.
Keep the tradition alive, ND!

12 years ago

I'd actually like to see something different. Maybe a new series, whole new genre even. just as long as it has what everyone loves about ND.
Characters you connect with

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