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Square Enix Reveals Overhaul, “New Direction” For FFXIV

Yes, we know Final Fantasy XIV is only available on the PC, but it's supposed to come to the PlayStation 3 at some point. Remember?

It's easy to forget after the disastrous PC launch. But to their credit, Square Enix has remained committed to making FFXIV a top-quality MMORPG experience, and they've just taken another step.

In an official statement to the community, game producer/director Naoki Yoshida has confirmed that the free period will end in "either late November or early December" (that's like, now), and the auto-renew option will be disabled. And Square Enix president Yoichi Wada revealed the game's "new direction" and the drastic overhaul. This includes changes to the user interface, AI behavior, battle style, locations, items and even the main campaign. Said Wada:

" In the ten months since the Final Fantasy XIV team's restructuring, we have put forth the utmost effort into not only improving the game's existing features, but also creating a concrete plan to outline the game's new direction. Today, I am pleased to announce we can confidently present that plan to our customers. "

Well, they've had enough time to fix everything, so maybe we should be optimistic. Also, if this "re-launch" of sorts goes well, perhaps PS3 owners will start to get excited for the PS3 version…if that ever materializes.

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XIV

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12 years ago

"changes to the user interface, AI behavior, battle style, locations, items and even the main campaign"

Changes to the user interface and battle style huh? So, it's to become an MMO Action RPG now? That's kind of the way this reads to me.

12 years ago

Same here. Oh well though, I don't play MMO's so no skin off my back.

12 years ago

Remember the Last Remnant? Remember how that didn't come to PS3?

12 years ago

Nobody cares though.

12 years ago

Surely they knew they were releasing a game that was at least a year away from being finished?

12 years ago

If I had things my way I'd see FF's mmorpg efforts shut down. And instead return to releasing 3 quality tradtional ff experiences every console cycle. Like the old days. THe days when apologies and restructuring didn't have to happen. THe days before the ire of fans populated message boards. Before the rebellion. Before the Empire. Now the Jedi are all but extinct… oh wait never mind =p

12 years ago

the best I can do is being suspicious, but how much do I really care about anything from Squeeeenix now…

12 years ago

The game is fun, I already got two Lv50 classes in it. I'm looking forward to FF14 v2.0 on pc and ps3

12 years ago

Does anyone actually take these clowns seriously anymore?

12 years ago

Apparently, I still do. Why? Simply for the sake of wanting closure from this company. Either they fail and fail HARD or… They get their heads out of their arses and produce something the fans want. A new direction generally sparks my interest. Perhaps this was one hell of a scolding and the long overdue direction change more of us would appreciate.

Who knows? Worst case? We won't buy it and the company will fail to remain in business, let alone relevant.

12 years ago

Has anyone else read the "Roadmap" they have scheduled for the reboot (version 2.0 as they call it) of the game? At the very bottom of the PDF file named "New FINAL FANTASY XIV Outline [1.4MB]", they state the Beta PS3 version will close in Oct/Nov 2012. Directly below that is the official reboot, stating "・Post-January 2013 – Version 2.0 client (PC and PlayStation®3 system) goes on sale – Free trial period ends".

I think I'll be too busy trying to figure out how to manuver my newly purchased flying personal vehicle by then.

On a side note, the requirements for graphical achievements they mention for the PC version of "FINAL FANTASY XIV boasts some of the highest quality graphics amongst all
current-generation MMORPGs. Unfortunately, extremely high-end PCs are required
in order to experience those graphics."

If it takes an extremely high-end PC for this, I can only imagine what this would mean for the PS3 group. Additionally, this "Roadmap" might be old. I simply followed the link from Ben's write-up and found this. It is dated Oct 14th of 2011. I find it hard to believe the very company that released a failed "finished" product can reboot the game, it's engine and the very direction it follows in less than a year.

That said, assuming their roadmap is running a year ahead of plans, we can possibly expect the PS3 version in Late Jan/Feb? Skeptical. That is all. To be totally clear, I merely "skimmed" through their information from the page and the PDF. Feel free to correct me if I am incorrect with what I'm collecting from all of this.

Last edited by DemonNeno on 11/26/2011 4:31:22 AM

12 years ago

why new direction?
what has to happen till they get it in their thick heads we dont want new directions?
thats what i hate about this gen, developers have it stuck in there heads that sequels have to be different.
journalists are to blame, i mean how many reviews have complained that revelations is nothing new?
and thats a bad thing how?
if i wanted a different game, then why the ^%$# would i be buying assassins creed?
sequels are suppose to be the same, want to change it then make a new IP!
or a spin off, just dont slap a sequel title on it!

12 years ago

I'll play it… Just 'cause.

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