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Is BioWare’s Mystery Game A New Command & Conquer?

Remember this screenshot? It's one of the few hints we have concerning BioWare's mysterious new project.

Well, maybe we have another hint: according to Superannuation , a LinkedIn resume (which has been edited now) indicated that studio Victory Games was part of the BioWare family.

Victory Games is the new "strategy studio" EA revealed earlier this year; it's like Danger Close and Visceral Games (i.e., rebrandings of current teams) and Victory was supposed to handle the dormant Command & Conquer franchise. As for the mystery game in question, the only teaser we saw promised a "new direction" from BioWare, which may indicate a fresh take on the legendary C&C strategy series. The good news is that we won't have long to wait, as BioWare will unveil this game at the Spike TV Video Game Awards on December 10.

Personally, I've never been a fan of RTS so I wouldn't mind a "new direction" for Command & Conquer . On the other hand, I imagine the long-time fans will be a little upset if this is true…

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12 years ago

Ow… I hope it's something else. Not that I have anything against RTS, it just doesn't work well on consoles at all.

12 years ago

Have you ever played Red Alert 3 for the PS3? The CommandStick 2 interface is incredible.

12 years ago

Yeah I got RA3 for the ps3. But of all genres better suited for the mouse, RTS is *the* most mouse-dependent of them all.

Personally I think RUSE so far is the best rts on the ps3 from an interface point of view. They really worked their ass off to make it work on a console. The genre is just simply unsuited for gamepads.

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/24/2011 5:15:17 AM

12 years ago

I wouldn't say C&C is dormant seeing as how the latest title came out last year, though it was arguably the worst one of the series in my opinion, and five have come out in the last 3-4 years or so. Red Alert 3 was actually really fun. The series has gone downhill for the most part since EA took over. If this turns out to be a C&C title, then Bioware will have it's hands full trying to equal the quality of the Westwood titles back in the day.

12 years ago

On a side note, since EA took over the old Westwood division, if there's one title I'd love to see Bioware make would be a follow-up to the Blade Runner game that Westwood made. That was one of the best games to use a movie license ever.

12 years ago

+1 about Blade Runner! Fantastic game!

12 years ago

With all due respect Ben, they already tried to take a new direction with command & conquer, with C&C4. The game was nothing like ANY previous installment and was a failure.

C&C is an RTS, it is a representative of that genre, when most people think of RTS from the last 15 years its hard NOT to think about C&C. They should NEVER change the core gameplay.

All the good RTS companies tried to change things about now I don't think RTS games are as good anymore.

C&C3 and SC2 are perfect examples of what an RTS should be.

12 years ago

"All the good RTS companies tried to change things about now I don't think RTS games are as good anymore."

Dawn of War; Company of Heroes; Supreme Commander; Starcraft; World in Conflict; Sins of a Solar Empire; Star Wars Empire at War; among others, are all some of the best RTS games ever created and all within the last five years. And, in my opinion, show just how much progress has been made in the RTS genre compared to the old days. Though a classic game of C&C Red Alert, and Warcraft 2 can still rival some of those titles. Though in terms of popularity, no RTS can compete with League of Legends with over 32 million players, that's 20 million more than WoW. Though technically it's not a true RTS by definition.

12 years ago

So long as someone keeps making Command & Conquer games I'll be happy. My favorites like most are amongst the Westwood Studios creations but the more recent ones made by EA have been fun as well. Just make sure there is a PS3 version I don't bother with PC games. I really would like to see what Bioware could offer to the series.

Last edited by Rogueagent01 on 11/23/2011 6:34:00 PM

12 years ago

I hope that this is C&C Generals 2, the first one is still my favorite RTS ever made. And if Bioware is working their magic on it, it should turn out incredible. Unless they screw it up like they did with dragon age 2

12 years ago

oh god no!
this is EXACTLY why i LOATH teasers!
end up getting you so excited expecting something amazing, then ends up being a massive disappointment.
id much rather see them do a new IP!
thats all they have done this gen, and its been pretty dam successful for them!
so why change?

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