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After Rocky Start, Call Of Duty Elite Is Almost Ready

Technically, it launched alongside Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 . But as most fans know, it wasn't fully operational at the time.

Now, Activision says their subscription service, Call of Duty Elite, will be completely functional by December 1. That's good news for the millions who want to access all services in question.

Despite a long beta test, Beachhead Studios just couldn't handle the sudden influx of registrations that came flooding their way when MW3 launched. At first, they said less than 10% of registered users actually had access to the full Elite package. As Activision VP of production Daniel Suarez told G4TV :

"It was our fault that the service wasn't up and running the day [fans] put in their token or the day they bought it. They kind of have to bear with us while we bring this all back up, but for us it's literally 'Give us those couple weeks, we're giving those to you for free and come December 1 the goal is that we'll have everything up and running.'"

Elite also suffered various errors on both console and PC and unfortunately for the hardcore CoD followers, the Double XP and Founders entitlements weren't working. But Beachhead has been working hard to fix everything and hopefully, as of the first of December, Elite will be 100% ready.

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12 years ago

Nothing new there, every single online service falls apart at launch. Tells us just how much online stuff is really in its infancy.

12 years ago

Well it kinda works right now. But overall I would say that it still needs improvment.

12 years ago

I guess the "True" COD fanboys will be happy about this.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 11/19/2011 1:34:38 PM

12 years ago

I prefer to call them Drones. 😉

12 years ago

Like the Borg collective? 😀

(excuse me while I report to my queen)

12 years ago

"Drones" I don't follow?

12 years ago

@mousekiks: Yes, but far less cool.

@AlexanderTH3GR8: People who constantly purchase each and every Call Of Duty game and expansion pack, simply because they want the full experience, but don't quite understand what they're truly buying, and how much they're spending.

It seems I'm commenting once every 6 months now, lol. Glad to see Jawknee is still here. Same with Worlds.

(Drones may eventually turn into sheep, which is basically the same thing, but with fur, and far less cool due to the lack of a metal body part)

12 years ago

@wiiplay, in this case Droned brainwashed people who pay retail price for COD and their overpriced DLC right? Thumbs down for what?, just asking a question.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 11/20/2011 1:56:58 PM

12 years ago

@AlexanderTH3GR8: Yeah, that's pretty much correct.
They pay $60 for the game, and then an additional $60 for the four content packs throughout the year.
That;s $120 per Call Of Duty game.

12 years ago

Wonder how the developers of Elite would feel if they bought a shiny new car only to find out that said car has a sub par engine that keeps dying every other block. Call me cynical, I just don't see them making that deadline. Hell, they haven't even been able to figure out the PC issues.

12 years ago

i bought this purely for the map packs – not interested in any of the social crap etc – i buy the map packs – so this saves me money.

I really enjoy new maps (which is why im pretty content that each version COD is basically new maps).

If some people decide this makes me a drone – well lets just say I won't be crying myself to sleep for not being a gaming snob and part of the kool crowd.

12 years ago

It's spelled "cool".

12 years ago

i wouldnt know – im unkool

12 years ago

I'm also Canadian, a Monarchist, vote Conservative and an avid Glasgow Rangers fan – which probably makes me even more of an anathema – lol

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
12 years ago

A conservative? smh.

At least you're not liberal.

12 years ago

I actually ended up buying COD again because a couple friends that I just got back in touch with play it and it'll give me something to play with them. I'll sign up for Elite after it works just so I can say a little bit on the map packs.

I finished the campaign on veteran this morning and enjoyed it. I think MW2 was a little better but it was a good finish. I've been enjoying the MP but just have to mute a lot of the idiots. I do love the people. I told one guy his mic was messed up and he got pissed off at me. I guess he's just sensitive.

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