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Rockstar: Bully Follow-Up Is Possible

Rockstar has kept many of its fantastic franchises going strong, including Grand Theft Auto and Max Payne .

But a great new IP debuted back on the PS2 and it never earned a follow-up effort. Fans of Bully were definitely hoping for a sequel but sadly, it just never materialized.

However, according to what Rockstar Games boss Dan Houser told Gamasutra , the developer may want to revisit the critically acclaimed Bully after Max Payne 3 releases next year. Rockstar Vancouver is the team currently working on Max's gritty new adventure, and they're also the studio that handled Bully . Houser did provide an explanation as to why the PS2 title never got a sequel:

"So we knew that we didn't want to start doing the Bully sequel instantly at that second with those guys–even though it is a property that, like Max, we adore and might come back to in the future. There was just no impetus to do that then. So we said, 'You can do Max, and then we will see what we can do with Bully.'"

So who remembers the game in question? Did you enjoy it? Or would you rather have Rockstar just focus on the next Red Dead title? Whatever you think, and whatever Rockstar decides, we do appreciate – and agree with – the company's motto when it comes to sequels: "With any property or new property, it takes as long as it takes. You have to make the right game before you release it."

Damn straight.

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Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

A Bully 2 would be cool. I really liked the original on the PS2.

Last edited by Fox hounder on 11/18/2011 9:56:48 PM

12 years ago

ohh hell yes! i loved bully i still play it to this day easily one of my all time favorites. it was like GTA junior. i also get a sense of pride with it being canadian and all haha. c'mon R* make it happen.

Last edited by TheCanadianGuy on 11/18/2011 10:03:03 PM

12 years ago

Bully is one of the games that's still in my PS2 backlog and unfortunately, my PS2 backlog is about 7 times even bigger than my PS3 backlog.

But……I plan on whittling them all down, bit by bit, game by game……

(Damn, at this rate, I better live to at least 172 & a 1/2)

12 years ago

Forget that I want my spiritual successor to "The Warriors" from Rockstar.

12 years ago

The Warriors is hands down one of the best movie games I ever played I am definitely down for another one.

12 years ago

I say work on this to the exclusion of all else. I loved Bully, it was so creative and nostalgic. One issue is that it would be even more controversial now with bullying and suicides at an all time high. Though intelligent people would note the game is about standing up to bullies versus being one yourself.

12 years ago

i remember when bully was announced the media *cough cough Jack thompson* having a fieldday with it. then it came out and all the reviews talked about how its about standing up to them bullys and defending other kids. sure shut them up in a hurry. that was a real win for the industry. i respect R* for having the balls to go places like this.

Last edited by TheCanadianGuy on 11/19/2011 12:01:15 AM

12 years ago

Yes!!! I would love it if they port the 360 version to ps3 so it could have trophies. For those about to ask about agent, they show a screen shot of the game a while back.

12 years ago

The original Bully was awesome. One of my fav Rockstar games. Would love to see a sequel.

12 years ago

It's one of my most fav games of alltime, and tbh rockstar never fails
So, yeah, a day1 buy for me if it comes out
anyone here bought oblivion annivrsry? Does it come with both the expnsion packs?

Last edited by 5TAY3R on 11/19/2011 12:33:08 AM

12 years ago

I loved Bully(or rather Canis Canem Edit as it was called in PAL territories.)

Who knew Rockstar or any dev for that matter ,could make an action game that did not contain any killing?

Last edited by Cole on 11/19/2011 12:38:18 AM

12 years ago

oh god no!
id much rather see a new midnight club, or RD, then this.
or maybe a new manhunt?
nah, R* would never do that with this day and age!
got banned almost everywhere back then, the ratings board and media would have a field day with it now!
spent the last few days trying to find it on wii, to be honest it would be easier to find the lost city of atlantis!

12 years ago

id kill to see a midnight club game, with the car features of test drive unlimited 2 ( you know the full interior design, being able to turn the ignition key, put a convertibles roof up, play around with the switches.) set in the open world like driver san francisco.
that was so much fun because of the hilly citty.
so much fun getting to the top of a hill, then flying down, launching in the air, landing, launching, landing, launching, landing, launching, landing.
all games need to have the ramp trucks driver had too, they were so much fun!
they would be the perfect addition to saints row 3!
come to think of it, that would make the perfect burnout game!
get cracking criterion!
i hope the rumours of them working on a new NFS title are not true.
ill be so pissed off if they are, burnout is such a better franchise why are they wasting there talent on that dead POS!?

Last edited by ___________ on 11/19/2011 8:22:39 AM

12 years ago

I want to see them come with gta 3 vice city, and San Andreas hd remake.

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

That is a good idea, or if Rockstar ever does do a bully sequel they could include a HD remastered version of the original as PS3 exclusive content.

12 years ago

I liked Bully, it had a perfect balance of puzzles, variety of missions and characters Jimmy could interact with.

12 years ago

…ok come on now…how can anyone not LOVE A ROCKSTAR GAME?! Unless they are the kind of super super moral religious person or someone of that sort…I don't see them hating any Rockstar game. They're just full of fun. And BULLY…is amazing.

Would be quite happy to see a Bully 2.

12 years ago

Bring on Bully 2. I can't thing any sandbox games that let you cause havoc that you wish you could have done in school.

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