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Kojima Will Dish On Everything Metal Gear Solid Soon

A few days ago, we received an intriguing hint from OPM UK.

And that hint has now been confirmed : Hideo Kojima will appear on the cover of the next issue of the magazine with the tagline, "The past, present and future of Metal Gear Solid ."

It's an awesome cover and it's even better because we know he'll be talking about Metal Gear Solid 5 . Furthermore, Kojima will be teasing "Project Ogre," which he has talked about before on his Twitter page, but never offered specific details. And while this is great news for MGS fans, Kojima will also speak about his desire to kill off Solid Snake…a desire that undoubtedly springs from the master's drive to try something new.

The timing is great because the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection just recently launched, and die-hard franchise followers are poised and ready for the MGS5 announcement. Whether or not it will use the oft-discussed Fox Engine is another point that may be clarified in the magazine's feature.

Metal Gear Solid forever!

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12 years ago

I'm sure it will be on Fox Engine. But great news, Ben. Looking forward to the announcement. Thanks for the heads up.

With the way Kojima ended MGS4, Snake rode off into the sunset like the hero he is. No reason for Snake to return even for him to die. Just noting left for him.

Hope MGS5 is made for the PS3 and is the final game of the Big Boss saga.

Also really interested in ogre project. Hope we get some hot info on that one. And for that matter, the devil project as well.

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

Can't wait. I hope MGS5 turns out to be a remake of Metal Gear & Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake.

Of course i'll happily welcome a sequel to PW since it didn't completely fill in the missing link between MGS3 & MG1.

Last edited by Fox hounder on 11/17/2011 9:31:47 PM

12 years ago

as much as I am a MGS fanboy, he should let it rest for a while and go out on a high note. MGS is 10 times more deep than say Halo and I just dont want to see it go down the same route of getting played out. Maybe give MGS a rest for a generation or 2 like Kojima did before.

My only concern is for Kojima to stay loyal to Sony. I know its asking much in this expensive HD development these days but he always goes with the best hardware for his more ambitious titles.

Im buying this mag for the interview. Kojima is the G.O.A.T.

Last edited by SoulController on 11/17/2011 9:37:44 PM

12 years ago

The last console MGS was in 2008. It's well over due for another one.

12 years ago

True. I cant wait to hear about these new projects

12 years ago

I really hope whatever it is it remains a PS3 exclusive. Started a new MGS4 game and for being a 2008 game it really has stood the test of time. It's more polished and refined than a lot of games that came out in 2011. I know Konami is trying to get some of that multiplat cheese but I really think Kojima should insist on not compromising his vision just so they can get a few more sales. If I recall correctly MGS4 sold over a million copies its first day and has got to be close to or over 5 million today. Kojima is also on record stating that the PS3 wasn't big enough to realize his full vision for MGS4. I just can't see anything short of a downgrade if MGS5 goes multiplat.

Last edited by Jawknee on 11/17/2011 9:38:41 PM

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
12 years ago

If it isn't exclusive, I will rob a bank & end up behind bars or 3 feet under. That way I don't have to suck it up and listen to Xbox fanboys about MGS5 on Xbox. Now… im not Ps3 fanboy… and I respect Xbox for what it is, but theres just something about Xbox fanboys's greasy hand touching a DVD with "Metal Gear Solid 5" on the DVD that I don't ever want to have to even think about.

Please, just keep it Ps3 exclusive master Kojima & fulfil your dreams as far as your mind limits you. Blu-Ray disks hold up to 50gb of data to help you out on your awesome MGS5 masterpiece.

12 years ago

Those idiots are the least of my worries. I just can't see him topping a masterpiece like MGS4 if he's forced to work within the constraints of such a dated piece of hardware. I mean c'mon! Disk swapping is soooooooooooo 1997.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
12 years ago

I just hope that Kojima gave us a message in Shadow Moses when Otacon called Snake telling him to swap the disk. Hopefuly, the message was, "This is never going on Xbox." Kojima, stay true.

12 years ago

You sir (Jawknee), just took the words out of keyboard.

12 years ago

Man, I need to get that MGS HD collection some way, some how.

12 years ago

Yes you do! 🙂 It's great though I wish they would have ported the Peace Walker controls over to MGS2 and 3. The old MGS controls are too archaic.

12 years ago

yea i just finished mgs2 the controls are a little dated but i managed. this collection is fantastic so much value for 50$ the ultimate MGS collection. though a voucher for MGS1 would have been the icing on the cake.

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

I haven't gotten the HD collection yet either, i'm hoping to get it for christmas this year.

Yeah it would've been great if they changed the controls in MGS2 & 3 to match PW. I hate having to use R1 to aim and square to shoot, its just weird.

It would have been cool if they could've added the over the shoulder aiming and crouch walking to MGS3 as well. I used over the shoulder aim alot more than the first person camera in MGS4.

12 years ago

MGS4 controls were a perfect change for the franchise. I should retract and say I wish they ported the MGS4 controls. I imagine the Peace Walker PS3 controls are similar though. I haven't started a PS3 Peace Walker play through yet so I can't speak to that. I just know from the PSP version that they were closer to 4's than the other games.

I actually use the FPS view quite a bit. It's nice to have the option and it's perfectly implemented.

Last edited by Jawknee on 11/17/2011 10:39:04 PM

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

From what i've heard out of the reviews the controls in PW are basically the same as MGS4, so i guess either comparison works 🙂

I also wish they could've added the ability to pause cut scenes, that was a great feature in MGS4.

Last edited by Fox hounder on 11/17/2011 10:50:10 PM

12 years ago

I tried to play MGS4 twice – but got bored an hour in both times.

I guess this just isnt for fast paced shooter fans

12 years ago

That's because it's not a fast paced shooter.

12 years ago

Fast paced shooter fans must be into fast paced reading. After all, it does print TACTICAL ESPIONAGE ACTION under the logo title =P.

12 years ago


12 years ago

Fox engine is multiplat, but this feature is in Playstation magazine. Just imagine what a killerapp it would be as an exclusive launch for PS4 though.

12 years ago

They should just use the MGS4 engine. It's a great engine. We should have seen more games from Kojima Pro with it. One game was just not enough.

12 years ago

I agree, I really hope its a launch title for the ps4. That would be amazing.

12 years ago

No doubt man, how can you just put ONE game on such an awesome engine?

12 years ago

I think he said he's using the fox engine to make games faster or something like that.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
12 years ago

Am I missing any games?
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid 2
Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of Patriots

I know theres a bunch more but im talking about the ones playable on PS1, Ps2 & PS3 only.

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

Metal Gear & Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake for the MSX, both of which are included in the HD collection.

12 years ago

There's also those "expansion packs"; MGS2: Substance, Document of MGS2, MGS: Integral, MGS3: Subsistence which included MG1 & 2.

12 years ago

And the AC!D games, plus the one on the iphone. LOL I didn't play any of these but they are MG I guess.

12 years ago

Was the engine used for MGS4, the only time used? I am just aware that a new engine was created at all :O

Is this Fox Engine an improved, modified engine of said engine used for MGS4 (sorry, I don't know the name)?

Many thanks for anyone who helps me out in clarifying this. 🙂

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

The engine used for MGS4 was the only time it was used unfortunately.

The Fox engine is a completely new engine designed for the PS3, 360, & the Vita. As someone else here said it is designed to make development cycles shorter.

As far as i know the Fox engine and the MGS4 engine are completely different.

12 years ago

Ok, thanks for the clarification! I wonder what happened to that "MGS4 Engine", so to speak.

It is true that the development cycle for MGS4 was lengthy (as long as GT5, last I remember), but it was certainly revolutionary.

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

Your welcome 🙂

Yeah its too bad development cycles where to long. As you said it was a revolutionary engine.

12 years ago


12 years ago

waiting for the genius to speak…..

Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 11/18/2011 12:05:58 AM

12 years ago

More like Metal Gear Soild overrated.
Sorry folks i could never really get into this series. MGS 4 was one of my first games i got with my first ps3. i've play it on again off again though out the years and it never really s**ked me in. I'll give the Metal Gear Soild series one more chance to s**k me in next week when i buy MGS HD Collection and buy the first MGS series off the PSN store. if it don't happen i hate to say it but i'll write off the series as not for me.

12 years ago

I don't really get your comment at all. You say it never s**nked me in..but you're going to buy the HD collection and the original off the PSN? Doesn't make sense..If you have never played any entry of the series then you're going to be lost..

12 years ago

Lol! No skin of our backs. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean it's over rated. Your opinion of the series isn't the end all, be all now is it? Try not to think so highly of yourself going forward. You'll make more friends that way.

12 years ago

It sounds like you haven't tried any other MGS game other than the 4th one. If that's the case, no wonder you didn't get into it, give the older games a chance. You definitely won't be disappointed.

12 years ago

It's not overrated, you just didn't like it.

Some say potato, others say modern warfare.

12 years ago

Ben, please review the MGS HD collection. Peace Walker has no review on this site, which strikes me as odd considering it's one of the better MGS games. I know you said they did not send you a copy but aren't you a big enough MGS fan to buy a copy for yourself?

You could even rent the game for review purposes. I'm sure MGS fans would be very grateful.

12 years ago

Never played any MGS apart from 4.

Im going to go ahead and assume I've missed something special.

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

Yes you did 😉

If you liked MGS4 then you should get the MGS HD collection, it includes everything you need to catch up on the story of the series, well everything except for MGS1 (which is available on the playstation store for $9.99).

12 years ago

Ive noticed a lot of people say they only played the 4th MGS and hated it. Of course you will not enjoy it, you won't have any idea of who's who and what is going on in the story. At all.

Give the other games a try you will not be disappointed 🙂

Last edited by JohnnyKey on 11/18/2011 9:04:17 PM

12 years ago

Lots of MGS fans on this site, cool to see all the MGS related avitars…I ought to switch mine over.

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