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Why Did Metal Gear Solid: Rising Get A New Producer?

It'll be interesting to see how the fans interpret this news.

According to a Twitter update from Kojima Productions producer Kenichiro Imaizumi (as translated at Andriasang ), the team has replaced the producer for Metal Gear Solid: Rising . It had been Shigenobu Matsuyama but now, Yuji Korekado has taken his place.

Why? We have no idea. All we know is that Matsuyama has "moved to a different division." Kojima recently referred to Korekado as "the person in charge of Rising ," which was a little confusing at the time, but now we understand the comment. Kojima also said he'd be revealing "the truth" about Metal Gear Solid: Rising at the Spike TV Video Game Awards on December 10. If you add all this together, it may appear as if the game is facing some design or production changes…

Replacing a producer isn't exactly unprecedented, but it's definitely worth noting.  Could mean something, could mean nothing.

Related Game(s): Metal Gear Solid: Rising

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Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

My guess is that Rising is being redeveloped as a more traditional MGS game. Maybe it will give the player different gameplay options like MGS4 did.

Last i heard Rising was going to be put on the Fox engine, and is going to be released on the Vita as well as the PS3 & 360.

12 years ago

I hope you're right. The thought of playing the game with variable motion slicing gets old pretty quick.

I fully expect them to implement Move/Kinect support for the slicing, but still…the game needs more substance than a neat slicing mechanic.

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

Yeah, i'm hoping they add guns. As you said slicing everything will get old after a while.

At the very least i hope there is a tranquilizer gun, it just ain't MGS if i can't put the enemies to sleep 🙂

12 years ago

The truth is it's vaporware

12 years ago

I've been starting to think the same

12 years ago

The truth is that they realized MGS was too awesome for the 360. It's once again an exclusive and it now stars Snake rather than sissy boy.

12 years ago

My guess is that Kojima San may have found that this development was not up to standard. He did not seem completely confident with this project in the first place. Maybe he had to lay down the law! I will wait for the "TRUTH" before I speculate further.

12 years ago

Price drop for me.

12 years ago

wonder if they're going to go a more dmc route where mass amounts of enemies come out at once. MGS:Rising looked a little more one on one-ish (if thats a good description). I think it would be cool if it did take on a more dmc type of gameplay but like zoom in whenever you go to do the controllable sword swipe (again, if thats description) LOL. Hope it turns out well either way.

12 years ago

I wish they never put the phrase "Metal Gear" in it at all.

12 years ago

Agreed. But it's the "Solid" part which is the worst offender. They could have just labeled it as Metal Gear or Metal Gear Rising.

12 years ago

You know, I agree with you. Metal Gear Rising doesn't sound bad considering this game is in the Metal Gear universe.

12 years ago

Was thinking that too, have Metal Gear Rising be about Raiden and Metal Gear Solid on the Snakes.

12 years ago

Maybe it has to do with the metal gear solid 5 announcement that was just released through gameinformer.Here's the link:

Grandma Pantyho
Grandma Pantyho
12 years ago

MGS5 CONFIRMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12 years ago

not exactly a good sign when games switch producers.
i really want to be excited for this, but the lack of info and secrecy shrouding the game, and now this is making it very hard for me to do so.

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