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Levine: “No Burning Desire” To Make A Bioshock Movie

It seems like Hollywood wants all popular video games to be made into feature films.

And for a while, it seemed like the critically acclaimed Bioshock would follow suit. The film adaptation appeared to be in the works for a while but has since fallen off the radar.

Franchise creator and Irrational Games boss Ken Levine recently addressed this topic; in speaking to Industry Gamers , Levine said that although the movie is "definitely still in the conversation," they don't feel pressured to produce it just for the sake of making a film. Said Levine:

"We got very close to having it get made – we had a deal in place and a director. But for us there's no burning [desire] to have a movie made just to get it made. For us and for Take-Two, it's really got to be something that will a) give the fans something that they want, and b) for those who don't know BioShock, really introduce them to something that is consistent with the game, and is it going to be a good representation of the game."

Well, good luck with that. Give the fans something they want and introduce movie-goers to the award-winning series at the same time? Ambitious. Levine added that the film would need to "draw from the same DNA in terms of the world and the story beats." Let's not forget that Levine started out writing screenplays so if a director would let him write the script, the end result could be something pretty special…

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12 years ago

Uh…..get the team behind the Michael commercial to do any and every videogame movie from here to infinity.

12 years ago

Uwe Boll or bust!

12 years ago

Done correctly it would make the greatest creepy steampunk film of all time, but Hollywood can't do things correctly so I'm not psyched for it either.

I think game makers need to circumvent the natural routes that movie making takes and do it their own way since they tell the best stories in the best ways.

I always come back to the series on AMC like Mad Men, The Killing, The Walking Dead, etc. They are fantastic because they treat their viewers like adults instead of pandering to the lowest common viewer in an effort to gain the attention of the idiot masses.

12 years ago

Get the game director to team up with a good film director, get the writers of the video games to make a story for the film and sign up actors who look and play the part well, not just any A list actor with a famous name.

Don't base the movie on one of the games already made. Have the movie be a sequel or prequel that leads up to the game or shows what happens after the game.

Or, Hollywood should try and get their act together and make a totally original film!!! GASP!! Not a remake?!? Not based on an older film or TV show? Not based on a book or graphic novel?!? NO!! It can't be done!!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

I get the feeling by his statements that it would somewhat reminiscent of Infinite and the Vita game, in that it would be an entirely disparate project from the other games, set in its own world and chronology, but sharing the overall feeling and themes of the games.

That's what should be done, but I think that we'd be cool without any Bioshock film.

12 years ago

this is one of the very few games that would transition into a movie really nicely.
id be nice to see a bioshock movie, as long as it does not turn out as your usual game to movie does.

12 years ago

I were watching an absolutely stunning movie last night, and while watching it I was thinking, "there's simply no WAY a game could have depicted this kind of content. It's not possible. It's not meant to do so.".

Movie and games are two completely different media. I love BioShock with my whole heart and therefore I sincerely hope that I will never, ever see a BioShock movie.
I want my movies to be awesome and I want my games to be awesome. Therefore, I want to keep them separated.

12 years ago

what movie?

12 years ago

It was an action movie even (else I'd not even think about gaming): Inception!

Seen it? It's very action based, but even so I can't in my wildest imagination picture how this scenario (I so loved this setting) could be recreated in a game. The individual scenes, sure, but they would be uninteresting if it wasnt for the levels here: To travel in dreams within dreams. There are several layers of dreams that all had an effect on each other, and timing were crucial.
It was such an awesome thought experiment, I sat on the edge of my chair the entire time.

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/16/2011 10:40:45 AM

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