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Skyrim A Hit, Sells 3.4 Million Worldwide In Two Days

It's always great to see great games selling great. …I'll stop saying "great" now.

After Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 sold 6.5 million and Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception sold 3.8 million on their first day of availability, yet another hotly anticipated and critically acclaimed title has flown off shelves in the first 48 hours.

According to preliminary numbers from VGChartz , The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim sold over 3.4 million copies in its first two days at retail. That's way up over the last entry, Oblivion , which only sold 490,000 across the PS3 and Xbox 360 in its first couple of days. By the way, it was mostly 360 copies of Skyrim that were sold; 59% of all copies were for Microsoft's system; only 27% were for the PS3, while 14% were for the PC.

Well, everybody loves the awesome games, right? Maybe this week we'll see more million sales from Assassin's Creed: Revelations and Saints Row: The Third .

Related Game(s): The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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12 years ago

My personal contribution was affected by Uncharted 3. I will get Skyrim at my earliest convenience. (Sometime before Christmas, likely) I added one tick mark to UC3 sales. Wonder how many others besides me opted for UC3 instead of Skyrim for now?

Could be negligible, I suppose.

Norrin Radd
Norrin Radd
12 years ago

I did! Yeah, UC3 I needed NOW. Skyrim, I'm excited for but won't have the time to commit to it, like I want to, until after the holidays. I just want some good quality holed up in the middle of winter don't want to go outside time for Skyrim. It's the perfect bitter cold winter game, IMO.

12 years ago

Thankfully! This is just SO well deserved. I wish Bethesda everything good with this masterpiece. This is the *obvious* GOTY in my book.

12 years ago

Yes, I have to agree with you 100% BB!



12 years ago

How did uncharted 3 sell more in one day than this sold in two?

12 years ago

greatness knows no multiplat status… okay that's not true Skyrim is great but you get the point.

12 years ago

no, those numbers were shipped.
not even $ony telling people will get it into their thick heads, shish!
if your not going to listen to the horse, then who do you listen to?

12 years ago

…. Sony has made it quite clear… even before the days they were involved in gaming… they report to their shareholders a sold to consumer number.

When's that going to get through _____'s thick skull?

12 years ago

exactly thats NOT a sold to consumers number, thats a stock number!
who cares how many copies have been shipped?
for all we know 80% of those could be sitting in store shelves, how does that help us?
only sold to customers numbers are relevant, because there being used!
there getting played, and at least that way word of mouth will get out and encourage others to buy it.
they will buy DLC.
they will buy a guide, or buy others in the series.
sitting on the store shelf does bugger all!

12 years ago

Even if it's a shipped number, as in sold to retailers, as long as the pace of the shipments continues to rise at a consistent rate (like they have) then you can rely on those numbers being relevant. They don't start to become jaded until the numbers shipped begins to dip.

If they consistently ship, for argument's sake say, 5 million units every quarter, and it constantly stays like that or even rises, then you know that there's an end user gobbling up systems. Otherwise, if demand beings to diminish, then supply will diminish. In other words, that shipped number will start to drop. Even if you're right about it being shipped, it makes no difference so long as those numbers remain consistent.

Additionally, they can measure internet connectivity. And over 80% of PS3 systems (not accounts) are active on PSN connectivity. That's pretty huge. Compare that to XBOX and see what you get…. its double digits smaller!!

12 years ago

Nice to see gamers buying games in such large numbers.

It goes to show if you create quality software, you will get quality results.

12 years ago

Still low on cash, but I'll have it soon enough. I'm getting tired of hearing everyone say how great the game is, while I still play Oblivion lol. This is much deserved for Bethesda though.

12 years ago

Wow those are some shiny numbers, and everywhere I go people are talking about this game too. I wanna play it now but I'm not at home, real life is so bland.

12 years ago

I really hope the low ps3 sales (relatively speaking) is only cause of U3 and that it will even out over time.

12 years ago

Agreed, what a strange number. It's probably due to all the PS3 exclusive goodness that maybe PS3 gamers don't have the money right now. I financially barely made it through October and November 2011. I bet the numbers level out over the next couple of months. There just isn't anything available outside Gears 3 and Halo on the X360 so they are starving for something to play.

12 years ago

All? There's only been two notable ps3 exclusives this autumn? And since no-one bought Resistance 3 (sadly) that leaves only one giant. The rest of the cream this autumn is multiplat so the explanation must be found elsewhere…

12 years ago

Huh. I'm really surprised that pc sales accounted for so little of Skyrim's totals. I always counted TES and Bethesda as being pc crntric I guess pc gamers really are a dying breed. *sad boosh*

12 years ago

Congratulations Bethesda, you deserve it! Oblivion was fantastic and I cannot wait to play Skyrim. I promise that I will finally get around to playing Fallout 3, I promise. Own Fallout 3 and New Vegas but haven't had the chance to play them yet. I wonder what's next for Bethesda?

12 years ago

hmm, you are in a predicament. I kind of wish I had played New Vegas first because Fallout 3 was so much better.

12 years ago

Fallout 3 was excellent. And that goes for the DLC too.

12 years ago

My wife told me I have to wait till Christmas for this. November is looking like a great month for gaming sales, that's for sure.

Last edited by maxpontiac on 11/14/2011 3:50:20 PM

12 years ago

Hmmm, how do I spell the sound a whip makes? 😉

12 years ago

LOL. Go watch a Indiana Jones movie, it sounds just like his.

12 years ago

That's the thing with marriage. The money is both of yours, now. lol

12 years ago

It's good to see the game doing well. I took a friend to pick up a copy friday and just couldn't wait until later to get mine, so I bought one too.
The game is so much better than Oblivion.

12 years ago

Makes oblivion look like a cartoon

12 years ago

I've played Uncharted 3, MW3, BF3 and Skyrim. Skyrim is the best and the well deserved GOTY, deserves far, far more copies to be shifted.

12 years ago

Finished Modern Warfare 3 twice, once on Normal, again on Veteran. Got all Enemy Intel too!! 590 / 1000 Gamerscore, 31 / 50 achievements after just 5 days of playing.

Returned it, got my money back, will most likely put the cash towards Skyrim, Halo Anniversary, Assassin's Creed Revelations or Saints Row The Third. Or Mario Kart 7.

Decisions, decisions…. What will have to wait until next year?

12 years ago

Indeed. Everyone does love the awesome games. I'd say this year is by far an exceptional year for game releases. Unprecedented in fact. It's been a while since we've had a year like this.

12 years ago

unprecedented indeed. It's unbelievable. And if that's not enough it seems to only continue into 2012.

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/15/2011 11:03:25 AM

12 years ago

Skyrim is soooooo damn epic. Omg…. reallllyy.. This is the best game i've ever played on my ps3.#2 heavy rain

12 years ago

shipped, not sold stop spreading false information!
as for skyrim, nice to see it doing well!
hopefully this will prove to publishers not only mindless war games can bring in the big bucks!
now all we need is someone with some balls to give us a proper survival horror game!
though, im not holding my breath…….

12 years ago

I've been playing this on PC. Loving this game! Ben, saw your youtube video commentary. Was that on 360 or PC? If 360, looks pretty good!

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