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Skyrim Video Commentary: Charging Mammoths Suck

We've given you the full review . But now it's time to take a look at the game in our latest video commentary .

It's more commentary than video review; everybody does video reviews and I've said everything I want to say in the text review. This is merely talking about the amazing game in question; my brother and I talk about Skyrim while checking out everything from the towns to the combat to the immense depth. It's interesting because I was not a fan of the franchise going in, and he has never played an entry, either. So rather than two hardcore fans criticizing some tiny flaw and going, "that's not the way it was in Morrorwind or Oblivion," there's more of a simple gut reaction from two gamers.

As I said before, we would've done one for Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception but Sony sent it to Arnold and by the time I got it, it was already launch day. I had Skyrim about ten days in advance so we could do the commentary and get it ready and everything. For all those who aren't quite familiar with The Elder Scrolls and want opinions and reactions from two people just like you, definitely check out the video commentary at our YouTube Channel.

P.S. Video commentary was filmed after about 8 hours of gameplay. I wanted to get far enough in so I could show enough stuff, but I know how much people hate spoilers, so… 😉

Related Game(s): The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

By the way, when I say "no spoilers," I know people are going to respond with, "but there isn't much of a story and who cares about it, anyway?"

Well, I've learned that big Elder Scrolls fans want to know NOTHING about the game before playing. Even if you tell them about some small random side quest, they plug their ears and sing the Star Spangled Banner. 🙂

12 years ago

/raise hand
I just wanna say that there *is* a story for those who do care. 🙂
That doesn't mean that everyone cares of course, if you want to be a low-life thief the rest of your ingame life instead then nothing is stopping you.

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/14/2011 3:26:27 PM

12 years ago

Beam I think it's that the narrative isn't particularly focused. Since you aren't guided through a very specialized plot like an Uncharted game might do, the story is kind of loose. Yes there's a point to what you are doing in the main quest, but it isn't going to take anybody's breath away. There is a huge background history of course, but it isn't a plot really.

12 years ago

Yeah, that is how it is meant. It's just… I think it is the other way around: It's not that there is no story, the thing is that there is so much *more* than just one story. Nothing is missing, stuff is just added.
That's how I like to see it, anyway. 🙂

12 years ago

Yes, I agree with you Ben! I am the same way with every game I am planning on buying. I am glad Skyrim is doing great! I have read some of the reviews from gamers on Metacritic that rated it 0 and hated it. I honestly wonder if they are actually playing Skyrim! Cannot wait for this! 🙂

12 years ago

Dude, I'd just ignore the user ratings at that site. It's pure noise. A channel for haters and fanboys.

12 years ago

I agree with you, it was just curiosity because I know this is going to be up for RPG GOTY. Giving a 0 seems weird and I just wanted to see what their reasons were. I am browsing the PS3 hate reviews and almost all are PC related.

12 years ago

Best game of the year period.

I'm at work right now but can't seem to get Skyrim out of my mind, (seriously thinking about faking an injury) but since the holidays are around the corner it's probably not a good decision.
On a different note, I attacked a mammoth and let me tell you it wasn't the brightest idea, them suckers are relentless.

12 years ago

Ben looking this video reminded me a lot to Fallout franchise, it has a lot of elements like that game. For example fast travel, lock-picking, the really big map, side quests, the waiting of time if you want to fast-advance in in-game time and other stuff. It's Bethesda at it's best. And one of my favorite games of all time is Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Am I mistaken or is it as I say, that it has a lot of cool elements from Fallout? because the more it has from them the more that I'll like it. Besides it's RPG, although is western, don't matter.

12 years ago

There is a *lot* you will recognize from Fallout. Everything (from a technical point of view) is just better. The NPCs converse better amongst themselves, the graphics are waaaaaay better, the dungeons can't even be compared how much better they are, even the ingame menu will remind you of Fallout, you use the cirular button to bring up the game menus (only, of course, you do not see a pip-boy, but the rest is there, inventory, map, stats etc).

But yeah, as you say the lockpicking is the same (love that!), you will recognize a lot of stuff like that.

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/14/2011 2:54:26 PM

12 years ago

Thanks Beamboom, I'll pick this game this week or the next one at least.

12 years ago

Ben I saw you say once that it was a solo quest but I've already brought a bard along (till he died) and now I have a hottie Housecarl. There are some interesting commands you should toy with, the first thing I did, of course, was force her to sleep in my bed. Couldn't get in there with her though, lol.

12 years ago

You can also equip your companions. If they like what you give them there is a chance they will start using it (armor and weapons).

12 years ago

Yup, I strapped some great gear onto that Bard, then he went and died in a cave and I couldn't carry it all out myself. At least my new girl doesn't die.

12 years ago

That's no way for a bard to end his life!

But you already got a house? Can you tell me how you got that without spoiling anything of importance? (for example, if it is a part of a quest just say it is, not what quest, if you know what I mean. I just want a pointer)
The emperor in that first real city told me he now granted me to buy real estate in his town, but I never really understood *how*.

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/14/2011 3:53:17 PM

12 years ago

Okay Beam, you are now in the market for the same house I bought. All you have to do is go speak to the Jarl's chief adviser about the property. He will be in the same mansion. That spoiler free enough?

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 11/14/2011 4:15:17 PM

12 years ago

Wow that was… Well… That was very detailed.
It would be enough to say "someone close to the jarl, but not on the same level" or something cryptic like that. 😉

But thanks! I had a feeling I had to just speak to the right person.

12 years ago

That's just one of a few houses you can own. I own one in Riften and in Whiterun.

12 years ago

Well, the thing is, he already told you who to talk to so I didn't think it was particularly detailed, merely that you missed an important point.

12 years ago

Yeah this was before I turned on the subtexts in the game. You didn't spoil anything.Thanks, World! 🙂

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/15/2011 4:44:28 AM

12 years ago

Here's a bit of horse on mountain physics humor that Skyrim fans shouldn't miss:

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 11/14/2011 1:56:59 PM

12 years ago

You know I'm going to have to try that now that I've seen those drawings.

12 years ago

You can walk your horse up just about any mountain if you keep at it.

12 years ago

I stole a horse from a bandit camp after killing them first. The bad thing is, their friends hunted me across the map and I couldn't take them down by myself. It quickly became apparent to me that I needed to enlist some help. My recruited buddy helped me out, but I decided to buy one from now on.

12 years ago

lol – these small tales from Skyrim are so much fun to read!

12 years ago

Haha. I loved doing that in Oblivion, kill a bandit and steal his horse.

12 years ago

I just remembered they were hired thugs or mercenaries and I assumed they were hired by the bandits, because the only other thing I stole was an Arcane Staff worth over 2,000 in gold.

I did take the contract from their lifeless bodies before moving on. Hopefully that's the end of it.

12 years ago

I had some bounty hunters ambush me at one point when I came out of a house. After dispatching the group I picked up the contract they were carrying as well. Once I saw the name on the paper, the owner of the inn in Riverwood, I paid him a visit. Needless to say, he won't be putting out any more contracts 😉

12 years ago

LOL. I didn't think to look for the name on the contract. I'm going to do that asap.

Mr Bubbles IGR
Mr Bubbles IGR
12 years ago

Thats why you dont allow a mammoth/giant to charge you. Once either gets close just run and jump up to some area that they cant get at then unleash arrows galore ^_^ then when they start to run away, jump off the rock and rinse and repeat.

I killed 2 giants and 3 mammoths this way in about 25 minutes.

Last edited by Mr Bubbles IGR on 11/14/2011 9:53:32 PM

12 years ago

thats one think i HATE about skyrim!
especially the giants, 1 f*cking hit and your dead how the %$#@ is that fair!?
especially frustrating when you spend 2 hours travelling to your next mission, get dropped in on by a dragon, kill him, continue to your mission, find another dragon, kill him but the dragon attracts a mamoth and 2 giants.
ok so killing 2 dragons was not enough, i have to now try and escape from 2 gi?
oops, did not even get to finish that sentence, im already dead!
so yay now lucky me has to backtrack the 2 hours, and re kill the 2 dragons i just killed!
god, how i love doing things i just did!
you would think since killing dragons and absorbing their souls is such a important task that you would get a checkpoint after doing so.
i mean come on, you travel half the f*cking world, wipe out its inhabitants and dont get a freaking checkpoint!?
but then walking from one room to another triggers a auto save.
when you dont need them theres one every 2 minutes, and when you do need them theres 1 every 12 hours!
yes, that was a over exaggeration.
so sue me!

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